
Truth Be Told I...

Eric Blake a high school graduate that is on his way to college with his childhood friends. He has a crush on his friend since they were little but she doesn't like him. Megan Reed, Eric's crush, likes their other childhood friend, Ray Michaelson. Ray on the other hand doesn't swing that way. He has a crush on Eric. what will happen in this love triangle? Read to find out! It also switches between each character as the story continues. I will try to update every other day! There maybe some inappropriate language in the story and although I will sensor it, I ask that you read at your own discretion.

Honeybee5347 · สมจริง
9 Chs

Chapter 6- All That Neon and Manicured Nails -Ray's point of view-

The soft murmur of people chat echoed in the hallway. 'The theater should be somewhere around here...' Ray turned the corner to go to his class. As he walked in a high pitched laugh attacked his eardrums. "Your a dumba** you know that right Toby?" A short girl says sarcastically. "How am I a dumba**?! All I said was that I wore my neon blue jeggings with my neon yellow with green skull shirt?! It was for a date and they said that I looked nice." Toby said waving his hand around. "That's why I called you that. Why the f*** would you wear neon on top of neon to a date?!" she screeched at him. "You are so out of date with where style is at right not Mika. How about we ask someone what they think?" Toby pointed his manicured finger towards Ray, who was still at the door. "What do you think?" Mika asked with a hint of attitude to her voice. "Personally I don't give two s**** what you wear but many people would think that it is excessive." Ray says nonchalantly. "... I guess that we both right." Toby says with a shrug. "I have to be honest though, you really cute..."Toby said while bopping Ray nose with his finger. 'Well this was unexpected...' Ray thought dumbfounded by what Toby just did. 'This will be a fun class.' Ray thought as he took a large step away him.

"Toby do you after anything with a d***?!" Mika said while playfully pushing Toby. "Not everyone but this one for sure." Toby said, obviously flirting with Ray. "My name is Mika and this dips*** is Toby." she says hand out for Ray to shake. He takes her hand and simply says, "I'm Ray, it's really nice to meet you both." He smiled at them, trying to hide how awkward he feels. "Everyone take a seat." The professor said in a dry tone. 'Gladly!' he thought while he took at seat in the back of the class.

I'm SO sorry that I haven't been updating as often as I hoped. I have been busy lately and I have been working on another story that I plan on putting up on this app. I plan on getting a couple more chapters up and a few of Irises up as well today but I don't know how well that will turn out though. Just know that I am trying my best to get these out to you guys and I hope that you guys like this story and my other as well.

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