
Truth Be Told I...

Eric Blake a high school graduate that is on his way to college with his childhood friends. He has a crush on his friend since they were little but she doesn't like him. Megan Reed, Eric's crush, likes their other childhood friend, Ray Michaelson. Ray on the other hand doesn't swing that way. He has a crush on Eric. what will happen in this love triangle? Read to find out! It also switches between each character as the story continues. I will try to update every other day! There maybe some inappropriate language in the story and although I will sensor it, I ask that you read at your own discretion.

Honeybee5347 · สมจริง
9 Chs

Chapter 3- All The Possibilities Ray's point of view

The slight hum of the car could barely be heard over the blaring country music. As Ray's thoughts drifted from one thing to another. 'What was this going to be like? Was it like in all those movies? Is something unexpected going to happen?' He thought while subconsciously turning on his right signal to turn off of the highway.

"It's going to be so different now that we're in college now." Ray says out loud wondering what called happen. There could be so many things, so many possibilities. He actually liked coming up all the different possibilities, but it also kept him from doing something he so dearly wanted to tell Eric. For so many years but the possibility that he would turn him down, or worst, were far to great for Ray to bear. Not only that but he had to find a way to tell Megan he doesn't feel the same way.

Thinking this, he starts to pull onto the college campus. Unsure of what the future holds, he continued on, wanting to know what will happen and what will change.

Sorry for the short chapter. I have been having a little trouble writing this chapter.

I will try and to write a little longer chapter next time to make up for it!

By the way thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy the story!

- Author

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