

1758. In a small village near a forest, peace is kept. Children playing all-day long. The adults work with harmomy and cooperation that there was no major feud as far as anyone in the village can remember. It has been like this for more than a century and the people intend to keep it that way.

The villagers here are poor, but happy. One of those villagers is Joseph. He's known to be a kind-hearted lad. At the age of 17 he is still not interested in the girls and women in his village. He shows respect to women but shows no intention to court them whatsoever. Everyone suspected he's gay. Everyone. His friends and family. He is quite aware of the rumors but pays no attention to them.

One day, Joseph thought about trekking deep in the forest. Maybe explore it for a few days. So he prepared food, water and necessities amd went on his way.

As he was trekking the forest, he saw smoke not far from where he was. So he took the path to the smoke but got hungry on the way. He stopped and ate only a few minutes and went on his way. When he got to the origin of the smoke, he saw a small house made poorly out of wood. He figured someone is inside because of the smoke, but saw no one.

Inside the house he saw many things like toad's feet, eyes of many sizes, chicken beaks, toenails, and a few weird things, all of which is either in its own basket or jars. And it produced the most horrid smell he had ever smelt. Also there was a big pot and a fire lit below it. Someone had been cooking here. But who cooks for hours? He was about to get out but a girl was already at the doorstep. He didn't know what to do. He felt disturbed.

"H-hello. Apologies for intruding in your... house without your consent. You see, I did not see any-...", before he could finish, the girl held his hand up which caused him to close his mouth.

The girl spoke in a sweet voice, "That's alright, mister. May I ask what you're doing in this part of the forest?", she asked nicely.

It took him a few moments to register what the girl said, but finally he replied, "Aherm. Um, I am just exploring, young maiden. Amidst my journey, I saw smoke and followed the path which led me here.", he explained. "What is your name?", he asked.

"I am Millicent. Millicent Sleeth. What's yours?", she asked with her sweet little girl's voice.

"Joseph Oliver.I came from a village not so far from here. May I ask where your parents are?", he asked. As he mentioned the word 'parents', he noticed that the girl frowned and immediately apologized. "Oh, I am sorry to ask. I just thought that--...".

She cut him off and said, "No. It's okay. My parents died a few years ago. I've been living alone since then.", she said looking down and still frowning.

"Again, I am very sorry. Would you mind if I spend the night here? Its getting dark and I don't really have anywhere else to go.", he explained.

"Okay. I'm making my own dinner, but since you arrived, I may have to cook some for you. Unless you have any food with you?", she aske

"No. That's okay. I have my own food, thank you.", he smiled and went on to get his food in his bag.

After they ate, they talked and got ready for bed. There was only one bed so they didn't really have any choice left. So they shared the bed. Later that night, Millicent could not sleep. Neither can Joseph. He noticed this and spoke,"Are you still awake?", he asked.

"Yes. I can't sleep well. I don't know why.", she replied.

Millicent was staring at the ceiling when Joseph decided to take a look at her. She's beautiful, he thought. I should ask her. No. Why not? She might like me, right? We don't know that, he kept debating in his head but finally asked, "Have you ever planned on having a family?", he asked. Weird question!

"I don't know. I don't even know anyone who wants to put his seed and bear a child with me. I'll just die alone.", she said, still staring at the ceiling.

Joseph took this opportunity and kissed her. He was surprised when she didn't resist and she actually went with it, though both of them still don't know how to kiss. And that night, something happened between the two of them.

A year passed and Millicent did bear a child. He was named after his father, Joseph. By that time, they lived happily. At least they thought so. Until one day, Joseph decided to visit his parents. Millicent was unable to travel because of the baby, so she decided to stay. Joseph promised to come back. But he didn't. But Millicent was patient. She waited more but lost hope after a few more years. She was so angry and sad at the same time that she cursed her child's father.

He was cursed with unhealthy family. Even the children of his children would be sick. And his grandchildren's children. Until the end of the generations came. The curse will be lifted when he only.comes back.

He didn't. Until they both died and at that time, their child was already 17.