
True Longinus Issei

What if Issei had the true Longinus instead of the Boosted Gear? What if Issei unlocks it while he is a kid? What would happen then? Would he strive to become stronger to protect his loved ones or would he turn out like Cao Cao?

Daniel_Ivanov_0376 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs



We see an 8-year-old Issei running through the forest.

Issei: Why did it have to happen to us? Why does it always have to be us that get the short end of the stick?


It was just after the sunset. As the last rays of the sun hit the Hyoudou household. Issei was just relaxing watching TV while his parents were cooking dinner.

Issei: This is so stupid why doesn't Tom just catch Jerry?

Issei: If I was him I would catch that mouse without a sweat.


Suddenly there was an explosion somewhere in the house...

Issei: What was that!?

Issei:Wait didn't that come from the kitchen???!

As Issei rushed into the kitchen he was greeted by a gruesome sight.

His mother was gripped by the throat by a 4 winged creature??

While his father was trying to get back up from what looked like a strike to his gut.

Gorou hyoudou: What are you doing here you foul creature?!

Unknown: I was sent here by one of my superiors to eliminate you exorcist since you have been messing with our plans. Now be a good human and die.

Issei watched as his father was pierced by a spear made of light.

His mother seeing this yelled.

Miki hyoudou : Gorou!!! You foul criture will pay for this!!

As she took out what looked to be a sword

While charging at the creature she yelled for Issei to run and not to look back no matter what he hears

Issei is reluctant but after seeing his father get killed he ran.

Flashback end.

Pov Issei:

As I was running I heard an explosion followed by a stinging sensation on my back.

As I was propelled forward I landed on my face...

As I got up I looked back to see what happened but what I saw shocked me...

I saw my house on fire and that creature flying leisurely towards me as it neared I heard it speak.

Unknown: Now child it's your turn to meet your parents in the afterlife.

Issei: What are you?!

Unknown: me? I'm what you humans call a fallen angel.

Issei:a fallen angel? Impossible! Those things are just myths.

The creature now known as a fallen angel answered

Fallen angel: You are wrong child I could explain it to you but that would be going through too much trouble for someone that's going to die anyway.

Issei:What did you do to my mother and father!?

Fallen angel: Well you see... people die when they are killed...

Issei: ( ̄^ ̄)

Fallen angel : anyways time to die!

As the fallen angel made a spear of light and trew it at issei time seemed to slow down...

Issei: Is this it? Is this how it's going to end?

Issei: I don't want it to end like this.I want revenge for my parents!...

As the spear neared issei he felt an extreme heat coming from where his heart should be.

A moment later a spear appeared.

This was the true Longinus...

Awakened due to issei's intense emotions and want to be stronger to get revenge onto only to thw guy that killed his parents but also that superior that ordered they be killed.

As the spear cam closer and closer issei grabbed the spear and dodged the light spear (Due to plot tbh).

As the fallen angel was stunned due to the appearance of the spear out of nowhere

Issei extended the spear towards the fallen and in that moment the spear elongated and pierced the fallen in his torso. Puncturing one of his lungs and coming out of his back.

Issei seeing this was stuned and dropped the spear as the spear fell it retracted.

The fallen fell and started spewing blood from his mouth and due to its punctured lung started drowning in its own blood.

Issei seeing this looked at his arms in shock

Unknown : Well Well Well what do we have here?

As issei turned back after picking the spear up clumsily he saw....

Chapter end.

Well what do you think ?

Ik it was bad but hey its my first time writing a fanfic and a book in General.

Well you guys need to decide which faction issei should join

And which the love intrest/s will be

You guys can decide either in the comments or here.

I would like any feedback on what I need to work on to improve my writing skills... which are abysmal. I have a new found respect for people that write long chapters... I'm sorry about this short chapter.