
True Fate

luciel707 · อื่นๆ
1 Chs


Waking up in the morning, doing my daily and usual routines, wearing mg school uniform, going out my room, being greeted by our maids and butlers, and being fetched by our family car. I have everything in this world anyone would wish for.

As I came to school, everyone was bowing down before me, everyone was greeting me with full respect and admiration.

"She looks so georgeous as always"

"OMG! It would be a fulfillment in my life if she talk to me"

"How I wish she would look at us for once"

"Even her walk looks so stunning"

Everyone was raining me with compliments, well, it wasn't new for me.

After all, I am rich, we own the school, beautiful, I excel in my academics, athletic, and I'm loved by everyone. But it has always been boring for me. Like this, it has always been this way since the first.

Being so perfect wasn't good at all.

"Do you want to change your life?" huh? I was walking in the hallway going to my class when I heard an unfamiliar voice.

I look around to see where the voice was coming. But I only see a white, glowing uknown creature that almost looks like a rabbit, it's weird, we never keep something like that here.

Thinking it was weird for that creature to talk, I continue to walk and ignore it.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I heard it again and face that way only to find out it was already near my feet

"Are you... the one talking?" I asked the creature. And it nods.

"Your life seems perfect, how come you hate it?" I look at it with full surprise, how did this thing knew?

"Well, I can't answer you for now if you're asking how did I know what you feel." I gasped with what he said, he really can see through my mind.

"What are you and how can you read my mind?" I asked.

"I will answer it when the right time comes, but I can assure you two things, first, I am not dangerous, and second, I can change your fate."

"How? Well, it's true that I don't like my life as of now, but I won't take an apple to a stranger I just met, who knows you're upto something." I walk again.

"There's nothing wrong about trying whether if the apple is really poisonous or what. Do you still want to keep your life like that? You'll never know, maybe by taking this chance, you will see a better side of life." well, he does have a point, but is this really worth risking for?

"You're a good talker, show me how will you change my life just as you said."

"Heh, you won't regret this" I can feel his smirk despite looking like an animal, I feel a weird thing about this.

"Just show me what I had to do." I asked him with full haste.

"Impatient aren't we?" then a door suddenly appeared before me, a pink one, one that looks like Doraemon's door to nowhere, I can't help but laugh.

"It's not Doraemon's door, you dork. If you open that door, it will lead you to a life you desire. Your real desire."

"My desire?" I asked him. I don't even know what that is.

"Yeah, what that is? You will find out if you open that door. So what are you waiting for?"

I walk towards the door, hesitantly, I looked at the creature again.

"What if that life is not what I was wishing for? Will I be able to go back?" I asked. It stared at me for quite a long time.

"You won't, so better make your life the best it can be. I will guide you from time to time." I hesitated for a bit, I opened the door and step into it. What is the future that awaits for me?

Will I really find my true desires, and true fate as what that creature says?