
True Dragon Life

Story About a Girl Died And reincarnated in to Total Fantasy World as a Dragon.

BadSpell · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Long Terminal (1/2)

After God's Meeting~~~

Serie isn't used to new place . She wants to go back because the god's Palace is boring for her .

After going through God's Palace . She goes back to her World .

After Learning There's a lots of Type Training available. She's suited for Evarac Training. Her Mother insisted To be careful even for True Dragon's it's a God level Training.

Serie and deora goes to Evarac Together Sine Deora wants to train Serie So she can compete with other Gods .

3 days Later

Serie and Deora Arrived at Evarac . The Gods Training. Serie is first Being Who wasn't a lower being or isn't treated badly . Other Gods Experienced Harsh Treatment and became gods .

After arriving there,

Deora Suggested Low level Evarac . Serie knew she wasn't strong enough so She agreed for low level Evarac Training.

There was lot of new Technic which were new and interesting to Serie .

Serie kept Visiting Gods Palace Since The air of gods Palace was extremely pure .

During The 3 hours Rough Sit . Serie Got tired easily. But deora didn't seem to get any effect .

After 6 hours long sit Serie returns to Gods Palace . Her Day was rough today . Serie hasn't used to new type of training. Serie Realized Her Mother gone easy on her . But she had to accept reality of Hard Life .

It's morning now . Serie Again goes to Evarac . Today's Training was to endure Heat .

Serie gave up after only 15 min . The heat was around 15,000° Celsius.

In Serie's Mind

"The heat is hotter than My worlds Core , How much hot this world core would be? "

Next Day It was again sit training.

Serie was bit sick of this training but she didn't argue about it .

I heard about bit Complaint about translations . Sorry for That .

hope today's Translation Would be Easy to understand. thank you

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