
mid rank appears

In a castle far away in the lands there is a demon trying to figure out where the undead are coming from.


"Yes sir"

"I want you two to find where these undead are coming from,and bring the source to me"

"Right away"

-four weeks later-

"They are depositing the souls in the hammer?,why do they have the body's"

"Maybe they eat them?"

"Demons have no need to eat meat, though we eat it gungrillan,we just need the souls"

"Well let's meet them"

The two demons walk out to the entrance of the cave,fortunately for the two the undead were to busy to bother with them so they were able to enter.

Walking in they saw no one, so they followed the undead carrying the dead demons. A few minutes of following and the two demons see the undead dropping the body's in front of a throne of which two beings were on feeding each other souls before they stop and turn in their direction with displeased faces.

"What?" Tekon questions with a cold voice

"Want me to take care of them dear?" Gungrillan and azzius steps back due to the aura albedo gives off.

"No need"

"We came here find the source of these undead"

"Well you found it now leave"

"Our lord wanted us to bring it and you're the cause so we need to bring you with us"


"Then we will bring you by force"

Gungrillan and azzius could feel that the two demons in front of them were low rank and thought they were lucky to come across such weapons that they saw when meeting the two.

Seeing the two get ready to rush him tekon held out his hand and mjolnir (the hammer) flew into his hand,this Scene startled tekon's opponents because he had effortlessly caught this huge hammer.

"Come then"

"Just cause you got that hammer don't mean your gonna win,I can tell you are a low rank"

"Oh really?"

Saying this tekon began absorbing souls from mjolnir causing his power to increase up to the level of a high-mid rank demon,shocking Gungrillan and azzius.

After absorbing nearly four thousand souls jumped at the two demons slamming mjolnir down almost hitting the both Gungrillan and azzius.

standing up the air began turning a bit cold then went warm,tekon felling new energy in him raised three of his hands which then released fire,ice and lightning.

This shocked gungrillan and azzius because it's rare for a demon to have more than one element.

"Now we really have to bring you back"

Tekon smirks and calls his scythe to him,leaving his hammer where it is tekon dashes to the two demons and swings it, they dodge but are left with a slash from their chest to their shoulder.

The two demons were angered, this demon that used to be a low rank became a problem for them.

Enraged the two demons rushed at tekon slashing their swords and claws at him left and right,causing him to dodge but left with a few scratches.

"Time to end this"

Tekon slams his scythe into the ground and approached mjolnir and picked it up in two hands, slung it behind his back until it seemed like he was about to fall.

"Haha see azzius it looks like he's about to topple over"

It truly did look like tekon was about to fall because the movement was sloppy,tekon had not trained much in using the move.

"Haha yeah let him fall and will move quick to get him"

Suddenly tekon stops and throws mjolnir at the two demons bringing them out of laughter to dodge.

The two being shocked, looked back to see the hammer tore through trees and boulders.

The two demons look at tekon and was about to attack but they felt a sense of danger and dodge again,while on the ground the two looked at tekon to see his hammer in his hands once more but this time with flames and lightning radiating from it.

Wanting to end the fight tekon swung mjolnir down on the the two demons causing a huge pillar of fire and lightning destroying the two demons body,except their souls.