
Truck-kun's Sinister Rebirth

This is either the best or the worst isekai ever created. The God of Reincarnation had decided Truck-kun had outlived his usefulness. After passing the 400,000 mile, 5-year extended warranty on a new vehicle from the dealership he had adopted Truck-kun from, he decided it would be more worthwhile to scrap him and replace him with a new model. This savage, murderous Truck-kun was special, though. It was not just a killing machine; it was a killing machine with a soul. Upon making this discovery, the God of Reincarnation placed the soul in the lifestream, allowing the serial killer to have a chance at a real life. He would be a real boy, just like a certain famous puppet, but his heart was anything but pure. He would have the heart of a human, but the soul of a truck. A truck with a taste for blood. ____________________________________ Truck-kun couldn't help but notice how much the two were gushing over their new offspring. They had no idea their child was a truck and that he was the most murderous truck in history. ***Warnings? Strong language and eventually sex and violent truck accidents. its about an evil Truck-kun, so there has to be everything wrong in here.***

ladymanah · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Grandma Nancy

Amelia and Theo were overjoyed. Their dear son, Kain, didn't seem to cry anymore. It was a miracle. He had cried so much, but suddenly, he was the best baby. He was so easy. All he did was sleep.

In reality, Truck-kun was so fucking pissed off. He hated his small, worthless body. He was used to being a manly death machine. He wanted to kill. He missed having tires. Tires were so useful.

Tires could crush bones.

It had been 6 months since Kain's birth. He was finally going to meet his grandma, Nancy. He could sit. He had toys. Toys were fucking stupid. But his dad got him some toy trucks. Those toy trucks were pretty sick.

His grandma was coming to visit. He was happy. He was happy because he was going to see another human. He wanted to kill her.

He was waiting. He was waiting for her to get there. He was so excited.

The doorbell rang. Hot damn.

Theo rushed to the door. He looked so stupid answering the door.

"I'll get it," he said.

He opened the door.

"Hi, mom," Theo said.

"Hello," his mother replied.

The two hugged. It was repulsive. As they hugged, Mother smiled. She picked up little Truck-kun and held him in her arms.

"Nancy, this is our son," Theo stated as Amelia joined them with the baby.

"Hi, baby," she said. "I'm your grandma."

She smiled at the child. She was hideous. She was another gross human who needed to die.

Die. Die. Die.

"Do you want to hold him?" Theo asked.

"Of course," Nancy replied.


Amelia handed her the baby. The fat old woman took him in her arms. He looked at her.

He didn't like her.

"He's a good boy," Amelia insisted.

"Isn't he?"


"It's okay," Nancy said. "Everything will be fine."

She rocked the baby back and forth. She fucking sucked. Truck-kun didn't want to be rocked. He would rather slam a rock into her face.


"What is this?" Grandma asked, looking at him with concern.

"A new development," Theo said.

"Is this his first tantrum?" She asked.

"No. But he hasn't done this in months. He was fine," Amelia responded. 


"He's upset," Theo stated.

"I think he wants to go back to his mother," Amelia said.

"He's being a brat," Theo frowned. 

"He's a baby," Amelia said. "Babies throw tantrums. It's what they do."

"He's acting out," Theo grumbled.

"Let me take him," Amelia insisted as she reached for her son. 

"Here, mom," Nancy said as she handed him back.

"No," Nancy replied. "I want him."


"I said I want him back."

God. No. Truck-kun didn't want that bitch to hold him.


"Please calm down," Amelia said in a soothing tone.


"He's crying," Theo groaned.

"He'll be fine," Amelia insisted. 

"No. Something's wrong," Theo said, looking annoyed and concerned at the same time.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"


"I'm not sure. He just keeps screaming and crying."


God. Truck-kun stopped crying. The old woman held him out by the armpits in front of her. He looked at her. He frowned. This bitch had wrinkles.

She was old. Her tits sagged. He wished she would get run over by a truck. He wanted to be the truck to run over the old, haggard bitch. She looked stupid. She had bright red lipstick covering her lips. She better not fucking get that on his face.

Truck-kun wasn't interested in what she was saying. She was talking about herself. That was stupid. She didn't understand what it was like to be a truck. He had never been human.

She would never understand.

Truck-kun was bored.

His life was so boring.

He was so fucking bored.

He wanted to die.

"I think he's hungry," the woman said.

"He just ate," Amelia responded.

"Well, I think he's hungry again."

"He doesn't cry when he's hungry. He cries when he's angry," Theo said.

"No," Nancy said. "He's hungry. Give him some milk."

"No, he's not. He's not hungry."

"Give him some milk."


"He's hungry," the woman said.

God. Humans are so fucking stupid. He needed to be a truck.

He frowned. He needed to talk. He was getting stronger every day. All he could do was whine. When could he talk?

He was determined to talk. He needed to utter his first word.

"T-Tr...." Kain said. 

It was the first time he tried to form a word. He was a baby. It was hard.

"Oh my god," Amelia said. "That was his first word. Our little baby just spoke."

"You're being ridiculous," the woman said.

"No," she responded. "It was. I know it was. That was his first word."


"See. He's trying to say it again. Our little Kain is going to talk."

"No, he's not."

"He is."


"Kain, what are you trying to say?"

Kain was pissed. Why was it so hard for his current sack of flesh to speak? God.

"Trrrrruuuuuuuu," he began. "Cccccccckkk."

"No, no," Amelia corrected. "Not truccccck."




He did it. Fucking hell. Hell yes. He said it. He fucking said the word truck. Trucks were the best. They were the most manly things on the planet.

"Truck," Amelia repeated.

"Truck. Truck."

"He's still saying the same thing," the old woman said.

"He's trying to say truck." Amelia nodded.

"No. That's not what he's saying. He's hungry."

Oh, my God. Nancy was so goddamn stupid. Did she think all he wanted was food? No. He wanted to kill her.


"I don't think that's what he's trying to say," Nancy frowned.

God. Nancy was dumb. How did she even manage to breathe? He was clearly saying truck.


"He's saying truck," Amelia said.

"He's saying mama," Theo grinned stupidly.

"He's not saying mama," Amelia stated.

Theo was also dumb as fuck.

Kain didn't know what kind of truck he was going to become, but he knew he was going to be the biggest and strongest of them all. He used to be a Kei truck. He wanted to be a giant truck. The kind truckers drove across the country. The big ones. That would be better to run over people in.

"He is calling for mama."

"He's not saying mama," Amelia repeated.


"I heard him. He said truck. Right, baby. You said truck," Amelia smiled.

"Truck," Kain replied.

"Mama," Nancy said.

"No, he said truck," Amelia corrected.

"I don't know why you're not listening to me," Theo growled.

"Because you're wrong," Amelia sighed.

"No. I'm not. It's clear. He's saying mama," Nancy smiled.


"He's not saying truck," Theo was getting pissed.


"I am his father," Theo said.


"I think I'm more capable of knowing his first word."

"Well, clearly you're not," Amelia frowned.


"No, no. He's saying, "Mama." Theo insisted.

God. Nancy and Theo were dumb. They were so fucking useless. How the fuck did Theo think truck meant mama? 

His mother was alright. But she was nothing compared to a truck. She could live. She could ride on him when he finally became a truck. She could take the blame for the murders because he would just be a truck.He would do all the killing, though. 

Truck-kun was going to run over his stupid, fucking Grandma Nancy. Her face would eat the pavement first.






"Oh my God, did he just swear?"

"No," Theo replied.

"He's swearing," Amelia said.





Mama. He liked mama. She was the only decent human. She wasn't stupid like the other two. She wasn't as great as a truck, but she was good.

"He's swearing," Nancy said.

"Yes, he's swearing," Theo confirmed. "He's a bad boy."

"We can't let him swear," Nancy said.

"Theo," Amelia frowned at her husband.

"Have you been saying curses around Kain?"


"Have you been teaching him curses?"

Amelia didn't believe her husband. She had never said that word in front of her son. She had heard Theo say it in the middle of the night. 

Sometimes, Truck-kun would shit his pants. When it was Daddy Theo's turn to change him, the baby could hear him mumble curses under his breath over and over. He knew his mother had been hearing it too.

"I didn't," Theo argued.

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Because you're an idiot."

Amelia looked pissed off. Truck-kun was ready for her to splatter his insides on the ground. He wanted his mother to murder the man. After she murdered him, the two of them could kill the rest of humanity.

It would be awesome.

Amelia and Theo disappeared to the kitchen, leaving Nancy with the baby. 

He could hear them yelling at each other. 

He was disappointed that his mother didn't kill Theo that day. All she did was make him sleep on the couch. That sucked. He didn't have the strength to kill him as a six-month old. 

Fuck Theo.

He was too stupid. He didn't even know what the word truck meant.