


/"What the hell Nicole?/"

/"Charlie!/" Nicole yelled. /"Calm the hell down, Gosh!/"

/"But.. Jason?/"

/"Calm down!/" Nicole exasperated.

/"What even though - I mean how did this happen?/" Charlie exclaimed.

Nicole was going on a date when of course Charlie had to ask with who so Nicole was stuck explaining that she was dating Jason so of course now Charlie was going to flip the house.

Nicole sighed as she started to explain to her cousin what went down that night.

/"So thats why you left a texts yang you were staying the night at Celia's,/" Charlie smirked, after hearing Nicole explain what happened.

/"Yea,/" Nicole sighed. /"I guess wasted me is smarter then I thought,/"

/"Not really,/" Charlie shrugged. /"I mean by the way you texted I figured but luckily Drew didn't ask much about it so it was good,/"

/"Drew didn't ask much about what?/"