
The Shrine...

Looking at the tiny creature in qinlin hand yun was amused and stunt "it's a ice and flying type beast"

Yun take a good look at the beast and open her mouth in shock when she recognised the beast infront of her.

"It's a phoenix but it's not fire pheonix but ice pheonix I had never seen a ice pheonix" yun word shok everyone.

Appearance of pheonix is rare enough but now the pheonix is actually ice pheonix which is never heard off.

They all look at the blue colour bird in qinlin arms sleeping peacefully they all gulp in shock and look at her.

"If you don't mind never let your beast appear infront of other unless it's life death situation" qinlin nodded her head solemnly.

She too know about the danger which exist with the rare beast "well it's mean you have Ice element" lim clap her hand happily.

They all also smile in happiness "ice element is rare element our sister is a genius in just a week she manage to reach nascent"

Well he directly skip the part of her using lot of resourses on her after all according to them it's the resources luck to be able to help there sister.

"Okay now enough chit chat let go and investigate this shrine" everyone nodded there head and went deeper inside the city.

In the way they let qinlin train herself with her newly gain element by fighting with beast appearing there.

Qinlin know very well in the name of training they are just slacking off from the work making her do all the work.

Although her brother help in fighting with her they only step in the fight she she had been beaten by the beast.

By the time they reach outside the shrine she was completely tired and exhausted they let her rest and eat some food that they had bring with themselves.

After resting for an whole hour they continue there journey of exploring soon they reach outside the shrine.

Normal shrine is made up of gold or other materials but this shrine is made up of weird material the shrine is complete black.

It look like black charcoal to them but it's also not the material is really confusing for them to understand.

"Why don't we just enter" seeing leigong slightly excited and happy eyes they realise that the shrine had lot of treasure.

Leigong always had been sensitive toward treasures and they all also love them after all who didn't like treasures.

When they reach the gate of the shrine lim suddenly shout "stop don't move" everyone pause and didn't dare to move.

"There are some trapping arrays here let me deal with them first" there are actually totally thirty seven type of arrays.

It took lim seven hours to deal with the arrays outside the gate feng'er frown "just the gate had this much array what's inside"

"Whatever it's I don't think so it's a good idea for us to go inside" qinlin is already scared she had just gain her beast and power.

She will be really pitiful if she died here and didn't have chance to show off infront of su jia she will be very angry about it.

"If you are scared then you all can leave from here we are not going to force it's not like qinlin had not gain her beast" lim replied.

Seeing the determined gazes of little girls she felt embarrass how can four little girls can be brave then her

So what if this is dangerous after all being a cultivator mean dealing with life and death situation she can't become stronger.

If she continue being scared then she can never become stronger and protect people near her and her beloved one.

She take a deep breath and spoke with determination "I will come I need to become stronger to protect my family"

Her brother heart were touched by there sister words they had new reason to protect there sisters well they already had lot of one.

But having another one didn't mean any harm to them since there sister is going it's not shocking for them to join.

They all carefully open the gate to realise that the gate is not even nudging at all in the end everyone use there combine attack.

Only then the gate open but to there shock the gate only open for one person to get through they enter the shrine one by one.

No one dare to move away from the gate not unless everyone had enter the shrine feng'er use her flame to lit up the area.

But to her shock even her flame is not enough to lit up the whole area in the end she take out few luminous pearl.

With the luminous pearl hovering above there head they had some light in few meters around them.

As long as they move around together they will be safe but the darkness make it hard for everyone to see.

But four of them were not worried at all there training in dark forest had paid off really well in the dark they can hear sound clearly.

As long as something move around them they will able to find about it but even after walking for more half hour they didn't find any way to walk away from this darkness.

Feng'er suddenly spoke "lim see if this is an array" lim pause and start looking around after sometime she realise its illusion array.

It took her some time to broke the array once the array was broken the whole area lit up with light they close there eyes with the sudden appearance of light.

It took them sometime to adjust there eye sight with the light once they were comfortable form the light.

They look around them to see where they are even though there is no more darkness but the whole area is still dark.

But it not dark enough to not able to see anything with creepy fire lighting the area which make it more creepy then it's already is.