
Adventurer's Association (2)

"Mr Aras Drakus and Miss Daam Az, your cards are ready, please make your way to the reception to collect them."

A staff member came up to us at the lounge area to guide us back to the reception to collect our new Association ID cards.

Oh it's Trisha, we meet again.

"Here are your new ID cards, although this part is already in the policies I had given you before but it is a staff rule to explain the following anyways..."

She doesn't look too pleased again, it's too obvious Trisha! Act a bit more professional please!

"Your new cards will be your ID cards as well as Association cards.

It will display your basic details that you have filled out in your form or from your previous ID card.

It also has a section to the right containing levels and rank for personal, party and guild.

On the bottom left it has a display of currency, you may leave currency at any of our branch, we will keep your funds safe and secure, and you can withdraw at any branch as well.

On the bottom right you have a magic stamp component, when you receive an activity, the activity's serial number will be added there with a green coloured stamp. Once you completed an activity, the customer can change the stamp to red, and after the Association checks everything for completion, the stamp will return to blank.

Make sure you take care of this card as it is specially made with magic circuits.

To replace it will cost 5 gold. That is all, any questions? No? Ok, have a nice day."


Fine I get it, you don't want to deal with newbies because it's troublesome.

"So Daami, I will deposit some of my funds here then, what about you?"

"I think I will as well, it's probably safer."

Yep definitely safer than you playing around with it.

"Sorry Trisha, we would like to store our funds."

"... One moment."


Daami had stored 5 gold from before and I stored 20 gold with the Association with Trisha looking mean though the whole process…

I have about 5 gold and 80 silver left to carry around.

Wait, if we both stored most of money does that mean Daami's total funds was around what she sold from before?

"Hey Daami, how much money do you have with you now, after storing?"

"About 52 silver, why?"


She had 12 silver with her before!? And she wanted to go traveling with that much money??

Agh, I can't even ask this girl for money from the registration, it's too sad. Or more of being too irresponsible!

"It's nothing, lets get some food, it's already the afternoon and we haven't had lunch."

"Oh good idea Aras, I am definitely hungry."

We left the Association's building to look for a restaurant.

This was meant to be combined with previous chapter but I had forgotten...

Sorry about that, let's just treat today as a short break.

Thank you for reading

MelloMeloncreators' thoughts