
Trolling is an honest job

Dust_Wind · ตะวันออก
11 Chs

I am honest

Northern Lands, Dongxu Palace, Crimson Dahlia Peak.

"Our situation is quite advantageous, should we advance?"

In a dark corner, hidden from the rest of the world, two people wearing crimson robes discussed with grave expressions, a gloomy atmosphere filled the space.

They were young-looking, and the jade pendants hanging in their waists gave away their true identity, inner disciples.

"As the ancient sages preached, a man must be courageous to take action when the time is ripe," the other disciple said with a deep tone.

"You just made it up, stop feigning wisdom," the other snorted.

"Let's go!"

They left the dark corner and silently approached their prey, like wolves hunting with all their concentration.

Below a small cherry tree, chatting freely and cheerfully, two inner disciples were completely unaware of the approaching danger.

They were two inner disciples as well, as beautiful as pure roses and with bright and tender skin, perfect for filling the belly of a hunter.

"Ahem, excuse me, ladies," one of the hunters took the first step while the other gravely observed.

"Hmm? What is up?" the girls looked curiously at him, but they had a tinge of excitement hidden in their smiles.

"After such a cheerful but tiring day, wouldn't it be good to drink a nice wine in a fine place?" the hunter showed his row of sharp teeth.

"Hmmm," the girls looked at each other with sharp eyes.

One of the girls, the older one, was about to say "okay" when something unexpected happened.

"Excuse me, are you two the ones who were going out with my junior sisters?" a young boy suddenly approached and patted the two boy's shoulders, "I came to ask something."

"I don't know what you are talking about!" the two boys shouted at the same time, immediately noticing the sharp looks given by the girls, "Who the hell are you?"

"I came to ask for justice, you two had your fun with my precious junior sisters and just forgot about them," the boy who just arrived was very aggressive and began to press their shoulders and speak with a harsh tone.

"Stop slandering us!" the two male disciples were furious and immediately broke off the boy's grasp, they were ready to explain themselves to their prey.

"Is that true?" the older girl asked the boy with a grave tone, noticing that he was also an inner disciple like them.

"Why would I lie about it? I swear on my name, Jun Wuji, that I spoke no deceit!" the boy swore righteously.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, we don't even know who he is," the male disciples began to try to explain themselves.

"Do you have any proof?" the older girl took a deep breath and asked the boy.

Suddenly, a crying sound approached and two small girls wearing the robes of inner disciples approached, their faces were full of tears.

"Is it enough?" Jun Wuji asked with a grave tone and pointed his finger at the two male disciples, "They were villains! I came to ask for justice!"

"Why are you doing it to us?" one of the male disciples asked with clenched fists, "We didn't offend you, and don't even know you!"

The male disciples knew their cause was hopeless for that day, and the prey was already out of their claws.

"I, Jun Wuji, am an honest person who seeks justice for the poor and weak!" the boy shouted and a frightening aura exploded from his body.

A sudden silence filled the air, everyone was shocked with his aura.

"You!!" the male disciples's eyes widened, "How can you be an inner disciple?"

Jun Wuji's aura receded and he assumed the pose of an expert, "I suppressed my awesomeness to keep company to the necessity."

"Fuck!" the two male disciples couldn't hold back any longer and began to fight... no, they began to beat the shit out of Jun Wuji.

He was too weak, he couldn't even see their movements. If not because of the prey suddenly turning against the hunters and helping him, he would have gotten a few broken bones.

After being helped by those he was supposed to protect, Jun Wuji proudly denounced the two male disciples with a loud voice, attracting even more attention.

Seeing the situation was unfavorable, the two male disciples ran away.

The two crying girls began to carry Jun Wuji away to heal his wounds and the original prey, the two beautiful female disciples, thanked him sincerely for showing the true nature of the evil bastards.

At the end of the day, two rumors began to spread in the Dahlia Peak. One was that a chivalrous person named Jun Wuji resisted evil villains. The other was that a liar named Jun Wuji became an inner disciple through deceit and was weaker than an ordinary outer disciple.

Jun Wuji... no, his true name was Gu Yuan, was lying on a bed while two beautiful flowers applied medicine to his wounds.

"After this, our debt is settled," one of the girls said expressionlessly, "Please abstain from causing trouble from now on, Gu Yuan."

"Of course," Gu Yuan nodded heavily, ignoring the pain, "But please don't forget the part where you two don't leak my true identity."

A smirk appeared on the two girls faces and they held back a laugh.

After sending them away with great effort and bearing great pain, he returned to his room and closed the door.

He sighed and lay on the bed weakly.

"Sorry, senior brothers, I needed to do this," he muttered and smiled self-deprecating.

The truth was that everything he said before to the two female disciples under the cherry tree was a lie, and the two girls helping him were just paying a debt by helping him.

Gu Yuan, a registered disciple of Dahlia's vice peak master, was his true identity. He was ordinary through and through, except he had dumb shit luck.

His parents were ordinary spirit farmers under the direct jurisdiction of Dongxu Palace and didn't even possess cultivation bases or spiritual roots.

Although mortals without spiritual roots could still cultivate, it was too difficult and resource-consuming, no normal force would nurture such type of people.

Gu Yuan, despite his poorly talented parents, was born with a spiritual root, but it was not a good one. No force would nurture someone like him, even the most ordinary forces would ignore him.

Regardless, being born with a spiritual root made him noticeable to cultivators and he was somehow picked up as a registered disciple by the vice peak master of the Dahlia Peak.

He didn't know the reason, but he was very grateful and swore to do his best. Unfortunately, his 'registered master' ignored him and gave him no resources and techniques.

He was still at the most basic level, the Body Tempering Realm and that was only by luck. One day he found a strange flower and ate it out of instinct, and then he advanced to the first layer of the Body Tempering Realm without knowing the ins and outs completely.

He was sixteen years old that year, and it had been two years since his master picked him up.

While other disciples his age, even the poorest in talent, were already in the Qi Refining Realm, he was still in the first layer of the first realm.

The only reason he was still in the sect was because of his master's identity and unusual determination to keep him.

If nothing had gone astray, Gu Yuan was determined to try and convince his master to free him and let him go back to his parents, he was already sure he had no talent and fate with cultivation.

But a few weeks before the incident with the two male disciples, he awoke a strange ability he didn't fully understand.

He first thought he was mentally ill and seeing things, but slowly understood it wasn't the case. He could see a floating panel that others couldn't.

In the panel, there was information about him and a few other things he didn't understand at first but understood later.

[Name: Gu Yuan

Age: 16

Authority Level: First Layer, Body Tempering Realm (1)

Authority Technique: None

Talents: Wordly Spirit Root (1)

Troll Points: 10

Remaining lazy time: One month


It was easy for him to infer that "Authority Level" could be understood as his Realm, and "Authority Technique" was his Cultivation Technique.

He was originally unsure of what the "1" after his Realm and spirit root meant, but the panel explained it meant the quality of what he had compared to others.

1 was ordinary, 2 was above average, 3 was good, and so on.

He knew his cultivation base foundation was indeed ordinary on the same level, not too bad or good, and his spirit root was also ordinary among the worldly spirit roots of others.

The thing that once truly bugged him out was the "Troll Points." It took him a few weeks and an opportunity before he understood what it meant.

Every time he made fun of other people, covertly or not, he would gain those points. The more powerful the people he tricked were, the more points he would gain.

The ten points he currently had were the fruit of his labor in trolling some handyman disciples.

[Detected that the host trolled two Foundation Establishment cultivators, destroyed their plans to get laid, and managed to survive. Do you want to claim the points now?]


[1000 points rewarded, keep up the good work. Your life will be spared for another year as a small bonus after your first thousand points, but don't slack off!]

"The difference is really big," Gu Yuan swallowed his saliva. The ten points he originally had were his fruits of labor for weeks. But a single trolling gave him a hundred times what he had.

He was also happy that his time was extended. The damn panel put a time limit for his "slacking." He couldn't stay quiet without trolling others, the panel constantly threatened him with death.

Ten troll points could be exchanged for a month of lazy time, so it was "quite" a valuable bonus to receive an entire year.

"Should I use it?" he looked at his talent and cultivation base continually and eventually decided to use his troll points.

"Let's start by pushing my Realm to a quality higher," he muttered and began to add points with a pained face.

After one point, there was no signal of change, but he steeled his heart and added nine more.

Finally, the (1) changed to (2).

He felt a heat overflowing from the core of his body, his limbs trembled and he almost screamed out of instinct. The wounds on his body quickly healed like magic.

After a few minutes, full of sweat, Gu Yuan checked his new strength. He was still in the same layer and realm, but he was noticeably stronger.

He felt like he could easily beat himself before the change and fight two of himself with some effort without losing.

"Now..." he looked at his spirit root in the panel with fiery eyes, he added ten points as well.

He felt a change in the core of his being. A mixed kind of energy began to swell inside his Dantian and his spirit root began to shine brightly.

After a few minutes, everything returned to normal.

"That's it?" Gu Yuan scratched his head and tried to feel more changes but to no avail.

He felt insulted and muttered, "Is my spirit root that bad? I thought I would at least feel a bit smarter and sensitive to spiritual energy."

[Worldy Spirit Roots were mixed with all elements, and it means that it didn't excel at any of them. Naturally, you feel no change.]

"It's rare for you to take the initiative to speak," Gu Yuan said with a surprised face and tone.

[It's the first time you are doing drugs– I mean, the first time you are adding points, so it's natural for me to speak a little.]

"What are you exactly? The artifact spirit of this panel?" Gu Yuan asked.

[You can understand it like this, but it's not that simple. Anyway, I'm going back to silent mode, it's tiring to see you being lazy, go troll outside.]

Gu Yuan shook his head and smiled bitterly.