
Chapter 89

The dealership faxed some paperwork to us, and everything was signed to Jasper’s satisfaction. Steve and Roger drove him back to his office in the truck and picked up the temporary tag and other paperwork.

“Well, that’s half the battle,” I said after they’d left.

“It may have been a mistake, inviting him here,” Charles said.


“I think he took one look at his surroundings and decided he had an easy sale.”

“You may be right, but it didn’t work out quite that way, did it?”

It was a rhetorical question, and he didn’t bother to answer. When the boys returned with the paperwork, I called our insurance agent at home and asked him to verbally bind the company for the necessary coverages.

“Okay, guys,” I said, “do you need me to go with you to buy the trailer tomorrow?”

“I think we can do that, Uncle Philip,” Steve said.

“And there’s a welding shop out near the nursery,” Roger said. “We’ll go out there in the morning and talk to them about racks for the pipe.”