
Chapter 22

“I didn’t know you were acquainted with him,” I said.

“I MET HIM AT A fund-raiser or two while you were at Harvard. He positively salivates at the prospect of donations. Your father and your grandfather were on the board of trustees of the school, and I’m frequently invited to such functions. I haven’t been to one in several years, but I still receive the invitations. The next time I receive one, you can escort me. It’s inevitable that you’ll be asked to join the board at some point, particularly now that you have a child enrolled, so you might as well become acquainted with the members.”

“Just what I need,” I said. “Yet another commitment.”

“Charles Marks Barnett,” Gran said. “Shame on you. You have a position to maintain and a responsibility to serve where you can.”

“Sorry, Gran. I sit rebuked.”