
TRIP TO SWAKOP: A Ratchet vaccation

After loosing her job, Emma won a trip from Gondwana collection and decided to take her friends for a Valentine’s vacation to SWAKOP. Her friends however knew that her man has been cheating on her but all kept the secret hidden from her, apart from being left behind by their plane, running out of fuel and then hiking in a truck to SWAKOP, the group found themselves in a lot of funny situations, as they try to navigate around the secret they are keeping from their friend, but little do they know, she also learned of secrets that could indeed ruin all their marriages which they thought were perfect. Emma being the sarcastic and always in trouble type, she kept on pushing her friends over the edge till one of the days she found out about her cheating boyfriend. What did she have to say to the team that broke the friendship apart?

Hafeni_Hashili · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs



Emma is quietly sitting in front, on the passenger seat in the husband's bus, and is busy collecting money from the bus passengers some of whom are going to work and some going to schools at different points. Minibuses, are an important factor in a taxi business in Windhoek and another means to actually make money. Looking past the irresponsible driving and traffic commotion they cause, they actually get you to a place on time and they are cheap too, compared to ordinary Taxis.

"I only have N$12 dollars' ma'am." Says one of the customers when they finally reached their destination, him standing in the bus alley holding his N$12 Dollars in hand looking at Emma.

The customer turns out to be a builder constructing A SWAPO office right opposite Katutura Hospital. Emma closed her eyes as if calming her nerves down and chanted a short prayer.

"Good lord not today, not today." She said breathing in and out, sighs of relief and then finally turning to the customer. She then collected the money, and extending her neck to the back of the bus after removing her seat belt, she learned back into the alley and then shouted;

"Is there anyone else in here who has money less than the normal N$14 taxi fare?" She asked and looks around for a response. Her eyes got stuck on a school boy a bit afraid raising up his hand, and looking at Emma.

"How much you got?" She asks biting her lip and looks at the boy.

"I only got 10 dollars' ma'am." Says the boy a little terrified hurdled up in his seat and looking at Emma, as if looking for sympathy.

"Less than he go…" Says Emma and fails to complete her sentence and shifted her body to ensure that everyone clearly hears her to the back of the Kombie as the boyfriend drives.

"Y'all know what? I ain't gone say sh*t today, y'all ain't gone ruin my morning, because if I talk and say some'n nasty to this school ass going kid, Abraham Iiyambo gone wake up from his grave and hunt my broke ass, for he said Study, study and all that stuff, so I'm all holly today and all that white boujee stuff." Said Emma, turning back and clutched her purse tight and looks to the front in silence. The whole bus also turned into silence, just looking at Emma

They dropped all the customers at their places of work, and since Emma works in Wernhil they used the road Passing at NEC Heading to Wernhil and then it was time for Emma to get dropped off.

Denis drove the usual way and due to robots, stopped at the Nammic intersection. The robot turned green giving chance to Them to drive when, a lady driving a Mercedes almost hit them, as she skipped the Red Traffic lights, and they all stopped in the middle of the intersection to avoid bumping.

"Whoa, whoa lady, what up? You tryin'a kill us in the morning?" Asked Denis with hands in the air through the window looking at the lady who is also busy inside her car chanting insults to Denis although she was in the wrong. Emma just sat shaking her head, trying to be all holly as she claimed to be that morning.

"What is your problem buddy? What is wrong with you? The traffic light Is orange on my side." Said Lucia, the lady driving the Mercedes. After rolling down her window and also bringing her hands out as if they're in a pointing contest, and then finally opening her door, to come closer to the Kombie.

"I'm sorry lady, but I'm in my right of way, And the lights are green on my side, ain't no way they gone be orange on your side." Said Denis Manoeuvring his Kombie to get out of the place as they blocked the way and people want to drive through so a little hooting contest happened.

"There is something wrong with you all cab drivers." Said Lucia then she walked over to Denis, pointing in the bus windscreen. Denis didn't say anything to her, but just turned his bus, not hitting any traffic.

"So since you want to go so bad, you might as well continue driving and get going buddy, I don't even have time to put up an argument with you, or much less talk to you, maybe you can argue with that ugly customer of yours." Said Lucia, waving her hands to Denis and then getting back in her car.

"I know she ain't talking about…" Said Emma then turning, looking behind the Kombie expecting to see the ugly customer, and then noticing that she is the only passenger in the bus. Shocked and wildly sent off the rails, this realisation disturbed her holly spirit which disappeared in a very very short time.

"What the…!" She asked removing her seatbelt and leaning on to the driver's window typically laying on Denis as if wanting to jump out through the window.

"B*tch who you calling ugly?" She asked through Denis' window as they passing by Lucia's car.

Emma took her purse and turned back from the driver's window, and turning to her door, mumbling and speaking in a low tone ready to jump out of the moving car.

"... I'm about to whoop a b*tch's ass, hold my purse Denis." She said and placed her purse on Denis' laps, not even looking at him.

"Whoa, whoa, Baby come on! What you doing? no need for all of that." Said Denis, stopping a bit as Emma already has her door open, and it shut as Denis drove forward.

"What you mean? A b*tch calls your girlfriend ugly and you gone drive away?" Asked Emma looking at Denis, Lucia in her Mercedes drove away Leaving Emma to Denis.

"Baby she is gone, it's not every time we need to get into fights in the morning." Said Denis as he engage in another gear.

"Denis, we don't get into a fight every morning, and the times we get into a fight it's usually my fault, but today this b*tch provoked me and you gone let her go just like that Denis, you know very well that I didn't mess with no body today, I ain't said nothing bad to anyone's child and this boujee b*tch provoked me, she needed to swallow a fist." Said Emma talking to herself and grabs her purse off of Denis's laps as Denis is just quiet driving Emma to work.

Finally, the bus pulled up under the bridge under the Wernhil mall, and Emma with Anger stepped out and slammed the door.

As Emma was having a sh*tty day, not all of her girls were having it bad like her, and everyone was going on with their daily hustles, to ensure they survive the taunting hardships that comes for young adults in Windhoek.

A fancy red, privately customised Plate number Haval Jolion Pulled up by Bank of Namibia and Considering That Valery was successful and her salary was ranging in the high 80 thousands a month, it was no surprise that she could drive this beast and obviously a stunner to everyone looking at it. Like her Home girl Emma, her day wasn't all roses and sunshine either, she was starting to have it bad already because for some reason, a government Mercedes, belonging to one of the Ministers took her parking.

Looking all annoyed and shaking her head, she parked by the ordinary parking spot under a shaded net next to the CEO reserved parking in which the green plated Mercedes was parked. Valerie switched her car off and packed all of her things from the left passenger seat and then all pretty and elegant walks out with her long hair tied to the back, a laptop bag and jacket resting on the forearm. Her assistant with a tablet and a notepad and pen, came to meet her halfway.

"Good morning Mrs Simons." Greeted the assistant taking the bag and jacket from Valerie, and almost immediately noticing that Valery was indeed mad about something.

"Good morning Laura, who is parked in my parking?" Asked Valerie handing over the bags and not even wasting a moment, reminding Laura how to do her job while walking into the building with Laura following her, struggling to carry everything as if about to drop them.

"I'm sorry ma'am it is the minister of finance and she is in your office…" Said Laura and they both came to a dramatic stand as Valery turns and looks at Laura, again fuming for some reason.

"… She is waiting for you, apparently she needs to talk to you and refused to leave a message." Said Laura, looking at Valerie whom looks like she is probing for more answers.

"No one is allowed to enter my office when I am not there Laura, and I told you before, not even the president gets to park in my parking, this is my building, I work here nd not them, and I thought that was clear, or are we going to have a problem when it comes to you doing your job?" Asked Valerie Pointing Laura and eventually starts walking faster to her office as she continues arguing.

"Okay ma'am I'll go push out the minister's Mercedes myself." Lied Laura and being sarcastic to keep her job and stopped when Valery looked at her over her sarcasm comment she just made.

Valery and the minister of finance, never really saw eye to eye, for reasons known to them, and also because at some point years back, Valery was the one recommended for the ministerial position, but for some reason known to the president, that never materialised and Valery at some points feels like the Minister took her position, and The minister also never misses a chance to remind Valery who the big guy between them is.

"So tell me, what does the Minister want?" Asked Valerie continuing to walk with Laura tailing her, but never really got the chance to answer as they were approaching the office door to Valery's office.

Valerie got to her office and opened her door, looking from corner to corner. Smiling and walking to her majestic black girl magic chair, greets the minister, acting outright happy to see her but definitely just faking it.

"Minister Hansen!" Said Valerie smiling and going to her desk and then sitting down, with her hands placed on the desk showing her many Karat diamond ring.

"Mrs Simons, how are you? congratulations on your new position." Said Minister Hansen extending her hand to shake Valery's hand over the table, also faking seeing her.

"I've been in the position for 3 months now, but thank you." Said Valerie speaking between her teeth and scratching her hair mumbling and looking away to ensure the minister doesn't catch the bad words she is saying.

"Excuse me?" Asked the Minister smiling, curious to know what Valery said.

"No I mean to what do I owe the pleasure of having a minister here when she could have sent an e-mail, or maybe her PA?" Asked Valery pointing to Laura, as in to show the minister what a PA is.

"I had to come myself, the president asked me to, he said you're at times too busy to deal with PA's." Said Minister Hansen and paused, as she caught Valery's attention.

"We will be having visitors from south Africa for the investment projects on 2023, and I heard you are the best in the game, so we would like you to attend, and then maybe persuade this people to eventually take interest in our motherland." Said the minister looking at Valery.

"I'm the best and yet you're the minister?" Laughed Valery faking it and not being able to stand the minister for one more second.

"I know." Said the minister, rolling her eyes and smiling waving her hand in the air.

"Well I'm not allowed to toot my own horn, so we will be expecting you, and your husband, that is if he would like to come, we would be honoured to host the power couple." Said the minister after laughing and then finally getting to the real deal.

"I would have to check on my husband schedule first about that." Said Valery stressing the Husband point.

"He is also focusing on his businesses you know." continued Valery shaking The minister's hand, standing up.

"I understand, such a hard working family, we will be expecting to see you all there." Said The minister leaving Valery's office.

Valery pressed a button on her telephone, calling Laura's desk, and called her into her office and Laura came in running after the minister left.

"Do you need me Mrs Simons?" Asked Laura, opening Valery's door halfway and then peeping in.

"As soon as The minister leaves, move my car into my right parking." Said Valery and sitting down handing over the car key to Laura.