
weapons upgrade

When he sees that night was already falling, he knows that he wouldn't found an inn now, he goes for the only thing open at that time, the Dungeon. Thank his Occlumancy and magic, he could easily pass a day or two without sleeping.

When he entered the tower again, it was free of any adventurer. he barely put a foot on the beginner road that he sees goblins loitering around. A few flying throwing knives later and he had already eight crystal-free to be picked.

He was about to take the first when he remembers how he enchants the contract sheet.

"It should work..."

Taking those core, he also pulls out a piece of fabric. Closing his eyes, the two seems to melt before fusing and left behind a thread able to hold magic within. While the capacity was small, it was more than enough. Taking one pouch, the thread was soon seen forming three lines of runes on the rim and cord closing it.

He didn't need it to hold a huge amount of magic, only enough for it to be able to support the rune scheme when feeding magic. Thinking of it, he had a tear-shaped crystal at each end of the cord, maintained by a small wooden part. That crystal would feed it constantly of magic, only need to be replaced when the magic inside them dry up.

Yes, Alex just recreates goblin expanded pouch to store his crystals. As the thread was still of a poor quality he could only wave three enchantment on it before the consumption was too high for it. Those two where an extension of five times its original space and the second was a 'resonance' enchantment linked with and 'absorption' one.

The first would be made the pouch resonate with a similar crystal of those used to make the enchantment, triggering the second linked in that would suck say crystal in the pouch in a five-meter perimeter around him. The cord had a single enchantment, to constantly feed magic to the pouch enchantment to keep them active? Thankfully, he was able to include security in this. Once those crystals run out of magic, the enchant would simply deactivate and made the stored one overflow out if the initial capacity was passed.

That right, he was so lazy to pick up those that he made an auto-loot pouch. with this, he would have to lost time to pick them up. He was about to dash off when he came to halt. While his crystal problem was solved his knives one wasn't.

Knowing this, he runs through the road, farming as much as possible goblins crystals he could. Once done, he sits against the wall and takes a throwing knife. Taking out the steel on it, he also mixes the crystal with it. He run again simulation before obtaining his result. For five grams of steel, he would need a gram of crystal to obtain the best magic steel he could. A goblin crystal was two gram so he needs two for a knife's steel.

Now bearing magic in them, he would be able to engrave rune in them and do so. Putting a first line of 'air resistance nullification' on the blade before a 'sound dampening one was had'. It was time to again run simulations and found that he would need a crystal of five grams to support those enchantments. Taking the block of what was left of the boar bones, he creates a delicate grove in the hollow part to put in ten grams one to support and activate them.

The second steel part was used to engrave a 'resonance' and 'attraction' rune scheme on them, as yet another crystal was input in the small hollow lozenge at the end of the knife. In the knife sheath, another line of threat forms the same 'resonance' and 'attraction' schenes with a crystal core to feed magic. This simple enchant would allow him to recall the thrown knives in a similar five-meter radius.

The cost of his knives has immediately shout up, with just those crystal alone it would be worth 750 valis. Magic steel would be way higher than simple steel one and, being a unique enchant, he could easily say that each knife would be at least 10,000 valis each. That was without counting the need to change the crystal core once they dry. With just it's six belts of five, this equipment would coast at least 300,000 valis! Not a single Level 1 would be able to take out such sums if not being sponsored by large Familia.

In the following hour, he would hunt goblins to complete his enchantment set as he would need to kill 45 goblins alone to do so. Since the hallways were empty of adventurers, goblins have started to crowd them during the hours he had left so he was able to rapidly collect them while expending his map of the first floor.

He would need an additional number of 40 goblins to mix his blade steel with crystal and yet again more for crystals cores to support the enchant. Needlessly to say, the first two hours would bring him no benefit but would help him be ready in the long term. Made with sturdier material, his gears would last longer, making him gain time in the long run.

Once his crystal collected and blades re-forged he inscribes a simple 'hardening' and 'sharpening' on them. Once his gears fully evolved, he was time to cut losses and cut loose he did. Relishing in the private dungeon, he mauled down goblin after goblin recklessly when he sees that the enchantment was perfectly working. Those poor creatures where completely helpless as flying knives would kill them, and even before their crystal could touch the ground, he would breeze past them, making them fly in his open pouch at his waist, followed by the says knives.

Only the rare item drop wouldn't slow him down as they would be picked by his tail on the way, stored in the backpack. Running at full speed, he would stop every fifteen minutes or so to complete the map that rapidly fills in an intricate labyrinth of hallways and connected chambers. When his stomach made him know that it was feeding time. Alex was still in pristine condition. The goblins could just not catch up with his speed at all.

The previously flat pouch was showing a good bugle, significate to him that it was at least half full. Knowing that he could have put around a hundred of crystals in before, he could be said that he had farmed around two to three hundred, other than the ones used to enchants the pouch and weapons.

Exiting the dungeon for the guild, he sees that the sun was starting the raise. Emptying his enchanted pouch in the normal one, he goes for the exchange point, putting them in the drawer between him and the guild employee. When the man sees the pouches and the redhead boy, he made the connection.

"You already went to the Dungeon?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"Be careful down there, there barely an adventurer at those hour so the floors are crowded."

"I keep to the first floor, their alone, it easier."

"It good that your prudent, most would be reckless and lost their lives when they could have retreated or plan carefully. Here you go kiddo, 12,950 valis, quite an earning for an unaffiliate adventurer."

"I have some perk on my side." A small smirk on his face unwrap a little his tail and show his ears.

"I see, hahaha, do you have something else for me?"

"I fact I do, I nearly forgot." He rach for his backpack and retrieve eight goblin fang, earning an additional 1,600 valis.

"Do you know if I could pay my week fee in one go or can pay in small part?"

"I know some pay on a daily basis of 2.000 valis. That way they get rid of it for the day and can see what they are left at the end. We can offer those types of service here, interested?"

"Sure, here 4,000."

"Thank, I also need your tag."

Once he receives it back, he could see two small inverted triangles have been added to the date of his entry in the city. With six complete days and only 6,000 valis left to pay, he was sure that he wouldn't have difficulty paying the fee. Left with 18,250 he made his way to the pub, which barely opens its door, making him the first customer.

"Hello, Anyaa."

"Ha! It's the mean redhead nyaa! Did you came to mock Anyaa?"

"Nope, only eat." The hair head nod and lead him to the bar once again, leaving him with the not so short dwarf.

"When I say you to came again, I wasn't thinking you would do so that early, boy."

"I just exit the Dungeon and I'm starved, so I came a soon as I exit it."

The pub owner raises an eyebrow at this, not a lot of adventurers would explore the dungeon at night.

"You didn't go back? Wouldn't your god or goddess worry?"

"They surely would, should I have one, Haha." His word capt the attention of all the waitress in the room.

"Your non-affiliate?" Ask the woman with a little worry in her voice.

"Yep, throw off of every Familia of the city! Well not really shocking, none of them seem eager to take a kid that has never received a blessing before." Say Alex dismissively while looking at the menu, once again missing the shocked gaze he receives from all of them.

An unblessed adventurer was rare in the labyrinth city. Seeing one that seems to have not difficulty to cough out more than 2,000 valis for a meal without worrying would signify only one thing, he is good, more so that even basic level 1. When they hear him order an ever-larger amount that the day before and immediately pay, they understand that the boy wasn't normal at all.

Still, money was money and he was paying upfront before the food came so they didn't ask. As long as he brings in money, he was good in Mia's book.



"Do you know the price for inn around?"

"Sure do, most of them would cost you 2,500 a night, the nearer you are of the Dungeon the higher the price."

"Geh, to high, better be sleeping outside."

Even if he could easily pay for it, he wouldn't, knowing that he have other opportunities open to him. Once his meal done and after teasing Arnyaa a little, he exits the pub, toward the church that was known to house Hestia.

While he didn't know if she was already there he could use the church basement as sleeping quarter. On his way, he strolls among the stalls, buying some raw material he had use for.

When he arrived, he couldn't see anything more than abandoned and destroyed building. Knowing that the land inside the city was quite pricy, it was surprising that such a large patch of land was left behind. Even then, it doesn't matter for Alex, all he can see was free raw material, and if the guild can sniffing around, he could always deconstruct it before running away.

Not wanting to return in the Dungeon, for now, he starts to explore the various building, hunting for anything that could be of use for him.