
first crew member

Kuina was awed at the sight, in a little less than five minutes, the main tower of the marine base had vanished from the world, she takes into account his previous words.

'He says that his power was lesser than a full Devil Fruit.' She shivers at the toughs, now understanding why he called this sea weak, if people with mysterious power were roaming the grand line, this backwater place would offer no resistance.

'I need to quit those seas, I hadn't had a decent opponent in age, I understand why father allow me to sail. I won't grow any further here!'

While she was thinking, Alex had returned.


3 view POV

Diverting a part of his mind to the connection he had with his storage, he soon found Wado Ichimonji, but no other similar blades. Taking it out, he shows the weapon to her.

"Is this your'?"

"Yes! Thank you."

After resting for a while, even founding the second onigiri Rika had left behind, she was able to stand on her own and walk.

"What about now?" He asks her, giving the weapon back.

"I was thinking about your words and father's ones. If what you say is true, its time for me to sail out of those sea or I will never achieve my goal." Say her a bright gleam in her eyes at the thought.


"Yes, I had passed a good friend, a brother even. Both of us wanted to attain the peak of this world, the stronger swordsman. While I had dominated most of our childhood, he growing physic was starting to give him more strength, forcing me to follow another path, speed and skill.

On his twelve birthday, he sails on his own, claiming that he didn't have anything else to learn from my father, only to be blown away by incoming pirates. My father drives them away, but Zoro lost his life this day." Her tone becoming sombre as she processes further. "From that day onward, I learn that our so-called 'superiority' was only arrogance.

What worth a swordsman if he can't cut away the threat to his life?" Say her bitterly."I asked my father to taught me the way of the sword again, from the start. From the five next years, I stay on my island, learning everything back again, without skipping the boring exercise. At the end of those five years, My father had told me it was time from me to broaden my horizon again, to the world outside the island.

For the past year, I had been hunting pirate to refine my art, bringing in those having a bounty to subside myself. Until a month ago, I was believing that the marine was the other side of the pirates' coin. I couldn't be more wrong. After I killed the pet wolf of that spoiled son, he threatens to order the burning of the restaurant of the girl mother, for daring to stand in his way. Me, for killing his pet was to sleep with him. I refused in front of everyone, before making my way. That night, the owner of the inn I was staying in, sell me to the marines, and the next morning I was tied to the post.

He would come every day, trying to broke me and became his doll until you came. You made me realise that strength was might in this world, and my father' words, that strength without kindness was only tyranny."

All the while, both had made their way back in town, Alex fetching the sleeping little girl to bring her back to her mother.


Alex POV

-It is different than One Piece, is it?-


-You're going to ask to follow you?-

'No, I want her to make her choice, while she seems to be the counterpart of Zoro, it isn't a manga nor a game, lives are real as the people are. If she asks to accompany me, then I will gladly allow it, otherwise, I won't stand in people's lives and dreams.'

CS says nothing back, but I could feel that he agreed. Cannon had taken a large blow the second I appears, it died with the death of Luffy. I won't be his replacement, gathering the should-be member of the crew. While I won't do it, I will follow the original path they take, if only to safe the most of lives possible from the fallout of the event I know. It may not be the cannon, but I don't think things will change that much as long similar actions are taken.


Their apparition in the restaurant rises few ripples when the regular customer sees them enter with the passed out owner daughter.

"Rika!" Say woman frantically made her way to them when she sees her daughter in Alex's arms.

"She only asleep, I see her sneak off near the marine base, so I put her to sleep and take her back." She seems to be relieved of hearing him.

"Thank you."

Taking her daughter above, the two take place to a free table, Alex ordering a simple meal for Kuina. While waiting for it to be served. Ask him some questions.

"You said you weren't from the sea around, right?" Seeing him nod back, she continued." What are paradise and the new world you spoke of?"

"Those are the word to define Grandline. That sea is separated into the part by redline. The entry sea is called the graveyard here, but for those in the new world, it a paradise, thus the name. The first half can be considered as marine territory, the HQ and a good part of the warlord are there. The other all Is a word more chaotic that the first half, there the Yonkos are the one holding power."

"Warlord, Yonko?"

"Yes, the warlords are seven individual with great power, mostly pirates that are working for the world government. In exchange from a part of their plunder, and required assistance when called, they are free to act as they like, within reason. The Yonko are the four strongest pirates, crews that can go toe to toe with the strongest of the marine.

The seven are known as Doflamingo, king of Dressrosa, in the new world. Jimbei, a fisherman in the service of the government to protect his island. Hancock, the pirate empress, queen of Amazon Lily, a women-only island in paradise' calm belt. Gecko Moria, a creepy dude living in a floating island in the Florian triangle. Kuma, the staunchest supporter the WG had int he shishibukai. Crocodile, a man living on Alabasta, an island in paradise and your target, Drakule Mihawk, the strongest swordsman in the world." He easily sees the glint in her eye at this. "The Yonko are Big Mom, Shirohige, Shank and Kaido."

"What about Devil Fruits?"

"The devil fruits are divided into three great categories. Logia, giving elemental power. Zoan, the fruit giving the eater the trait of an animal. And paramecia, the largest category of fruit giving you particular power, mine would be of paramecia."

"Did you eat a Zoan?"

"No, it a tribe trait. I am what we call ourself Evans, but most in grand line wi=ould think that I had eaten a Zoan."


3 view POV

Kuina was eating when someone suddenly enters.

"The marines are in town!"

Hearing him, more than one customers storm out of the restaurant to return in their house and barricades themself. Alex makes a sign at the door and Kuina nod. Leaving the money on the table both exit the building silently.

When she sees him boar a boat, she knows she had to act before it was too late.

"Take me with you!"

"Why?" Ask Alex curiously, unsurprised by the sudden outburst.

"You save my life there, my honour won't be satisfied until I had repaid your kindness!"

"I don't plan to stay there, but made my way back to the grand line."

"Then I will join your crew, no matter what you became, be it marine, merchant, or pirate. I own you a life debt and I will repay it!" Said her with conviction.

Even after witnessing the two side, she knows that he would turn like them. She had seen his appreciative, but subtle nod when she spoke of her father words. She had seen him act, protecting Rika from danger, no matter the fact that he raises his hand against marines.

She had felt his power, and know that his fate was to bring changes, what type, she doesn't know but she for sure will be witnessing it.

Seeing her unwavering gaze, a soft smile appear on his face.

"I don't know under what winds we will sail, but I'm sure that Marines will brand us as pirates, are you sure you want in?" She nods firmly. "Then welcome on board, first mate Kuina!"

"Thank you, Captain..."

"Alex, my name is Alexender D. Evans, but you can call me Alex."

"Thank you, captain Alex!"

"Do you have anything we need to gather before sailing?"

She shakes her head negatively while boarding the dingy, and Alex unfastens the last rope, bushing the pier with his feet to launch the boat in the open sea.

"You two stop that boat right now!"

Looking at the top of the slope leading in the town, a squad of soldiers appears, running to catch them. Taking the paddle, and with few strong strokes, the two were too far form them to catch them.

The only soldier who tried to shoot, receive a bullet in the knee from Alex.

"What do we do commandant?" Ask one of the grunts.

"Contact the HQ, signal that the pirate huntress had gone rogue and had joined an unknown man."

"Hay!" The soldier immediately departs while the commandant looks at the fading boat.


3 View POV

"We are we going to?"

Taking some documents out of his storage, he looks through them, before answering.

"For now? Orange town in Orgao archipelago. There are sighting of Baggy the clown there. according to those report, he had established a base here from the past week and the villager had asked for the marines to chase them away for the last four day, but no response has been sent. I think that Morgan didn't want to deal with it."

"Baggy isn't he..." She was interrupted when Alex give her the wanted poster of the man.

"One the three highest bounties in those seas with Kreig and Arlong, yes. While the looting of the base had allowed us to gain 4,200,000B, the amount is quite low. Cashing in the man would allow us a more comfortable nest to build on before entering the grand line."

"Ship isn't that cheap, even with his bounty..."

"Don' worry about the ship, I have already started to construct it."


"Remember, my power allows me to deconstruct and reconstruct physical matter."

Her eyes widen as the realisation sunken in.

"You can even build a boat?"

"Yes, Devil Fruit are overpowered cheat, at the cost of your ability to swim and lose your strength in any water. All fruits are powerful, it only needs its user to it to the maximum of its capacities."

As if to illustrate his words, he takes a large beam of wood out of his storage, fusing it with the existing dinghy. Under the astonished eyes of Kuina, the previous five meters long, two meters large boat transform into a six-meter long and three large one.

The cabin morph to take all the wide possible and leave only two meters of available space outside. Changing from the usual oval shape to a square one, they were left with enough place to move relatively unhindered. A second door appears on the right of the first one, that had moved a little further on to another side.

Opening the door, Alex let her see the new room, taking a mattress from his storage and putting it on the frame of the bed.

"It not spacious, but it will have to do for the time being. If you need water, don't be shy and ask, their his plenty in the surrounding, I can easily separate the salt from it."

It was at his words that she understands that he had perhaps the strongest ability in those seas. Being able to draw water at will, he could also hunt fish in the sea since he wasn't suffering from the curse.

Looking in, the cabin was a 4*1.5 one. Enough to sleep comfortably.


Alex POV

Taking the large map of Morgan previous territory, look for the way toward the archipelago. While we could go their direction, there are some small checkpoint if one was willing to deviate a little. It would be a little longer but safer, and I don't have Nami talent for navigation.

Our cape fixed, I start to browse through the loot of the base, and I can say they were poor. Other than the three canons on the roof, their 30 cannonballs, I only obtain ten rifles, twenty-five swords, 300 ammo, and two crates of gunpowder.

No seastone cuff, bullet or net, the junk from all those rooms, a mountain on useless paperwork, Baggy' visit card, brazenly stating that he had stolen eh grand line map. Transmuting the paperwork into a brand new sheet of paper, I collect the ink powder for future use.

All marines uniforms, bed sheets and other fabric were transmuted in a roll of fabric, ready to be used. I gain a few tons of iron from all the plumbing, bedframe, and beam strengthening the structure, all transmuted in bullets for my M1.

I had a shit ton of rocks and little of glass that will be used for the boat. With nothing to do until we arrive, I transmute wood into barrels, before plunging them into the sea. A quick transmutation after, our freshwater supplies were taken care off and I had to gain few kilos of sea salt, yay.