

Dumbledore expected a weak Harry who lived with the Dursleys. He was not expecting a Harry who grew up on the streets and has no interest in playing a hero. After being abandoned in America by the Dursley's Harry learned to survive using his brains and magic. Dumbledore, Hermione, and select Weasley bashing. (I stole another treasure guys I hope you will like it is also not complete like previous ones but it is one of the best ones I find I had others but I don't want to do too much stealing YET:) it is not my story all credit goes to the original writer JUSTBORED21. I have got his permission to upload it here.

whitethief274 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
39 Chs

Chapter 28.

Dumbledore was currently sat in his office, he was deep in thought. What was he thinking about? Oh, well that is a simple question with a simple answer, the answer being Harry Potter. The boy-who-lived, the boy who Dumbledore knew would have to die, he would have to sacrifice himself for the greater good of all. Such a shame it was that such a young and bright boy had to give up his life, but life isn't always fair.

Dumbledore knew he could not share his plans with anyone else, not even his closest friends or most trusted advisors. Why? Because they would simply not understand, they weren't in the position that Dumbledore was in. A choice between a single boy and hundreds and hundreds of people? Well...that is a no brainer.

The reason why Dumbledore's thoughts were centered around Harry Potter at the moment was because Harry Potter couldn't be allowed to get too powerful, if he was then who knows what could happen? The boy could end up becoming a dark wizard or even a dark lord, he certainly had the potential to be a powerful wizard if all of the Hogwarts professor's (not counting Snape of course) were to be believed. If the boy got too powerful then he might start having ridiculous thoughts like staying alive, honestly.

Dumbledore had heard whispers of Harry apparently being able to hold back a dementor using wandless magic, was that true? Dumbledore highly doubted it, after all even now he struggled with wandless magic. Sure he could do a few spells without a wand but they were mostly for show with only about two thirds of them actually being useful in combat. And most of the people who claimed that Harry was able to use wandless magic were just young children who had been exposed to dementors, so it was likely that they weren't seeing properly. Dumbledore really didn't believe that Harry had used wandless magic, but with that being said it was probably a good idea to keep an eye on the boy, just in case.

Gellert Grindelwald and Tom Riddle were just two examples of wizards who were corrupted by too much power, it appeared to Dumbledore that he was the only one capable of gaining great power without being corrupted. Such a shame that was.

He could not let the boy get too powerful, perhaps Remus Lupin would be willing to help. The werewolf was a former student of Hogwarts and was undoubtedly very grateful to Dumbledore for allowing him the chance to attend school and get an education, something that a great many werewolves wanted. With that being said, the werewolf was also a great friend of Harry's father and part of the group that called themselves 'the marauders'.

The marauders were a group of school friends and pranksters made up of Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter and Sirius Black. The group were as close as can be without actually being related to each other by blood, when all of them left Hogwarts they joined the group that Dumbledore created to fight Voldemort and his death eaters, the group known as the 'order of the phoenix'. It was how close they were that made it all the more surprising that one of them was a traitor.

But still, it was possible that Remus would see how it would be better for everyone if he kept his focus more on helping the leader of the light than on helping a thirteen year old. And if Remus didn't see the light then of course nobody would blame Dumbledore for banishing a werewolf from the school.



Harry yawned as he walked down the stairs and sat in the common room, Loki was yawning too as he walked behind Harry. Harry plopped down onto the sofa and stretched his arms out just as Loki climbed onto a separate chair and did the same.

"Ah, here are my favorite boys." Lisa smiled as she walked down, she petted Loki on the head before she sat down and cuddled against Harry as he instinctively wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Someone looks happy." Harry commented.

"Well, 'someone' might just be happy." Lisa shrugged as she draped a leg over Harry's leg.

"Oh..." Harry murmured before he coughed to clear his throat "...a...and is there a particular reason for that?" He asked as his free hand rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh, well I had a very nice dream today." She smiled as she looked at him.

"Oh...does it involve me?" Harry asked in a quiet voice.

"No, it involved me choosing between a bath full of chocolate and a bath full of ice cream." Lisa smiled brightly.

"Oh..." Harry said in a slightly disappointed voice. "t...that's nice."

"Though, of course, I did have some thoughts about you on the way down." She added in an off handed manner.

"Oh?" Harry asked as he perked up slightly. 'Why the hell do I keep saying 'oh'?' Harry wondered. "Can I know what they involved?" He asked.

"You can." Lisa smiled but did not say anything more. Harry gave her a confused look, and continued to do so until Loki threw a pillow at his head.

"May I know what those thoughts involved?" Harry asked as he absently tossed the pillow off of his head.

"Well..." Lisa smirked as she looked up. "I was thinking about how we never really got around to finishing what we were going to do on the train."

"Huh?" Harry dumbly blinked while wondering if he had been hit on the head recently, he was usually much more mouthy than this.

"Harry." Lisa laughed as she shook her head in amusement. "What were we doing in the train before we were interrupted by the dementors?" She asked in a slow voice.

"We were going to ki...oh! Oh, you mean you want to..."

"Unless you don't?" Lisa asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" Harry said quickly. "I mean...I mean I do! It's not my fault we were interrupted."

"I know that, we both know whose fault that was." Lisa replied.

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "the devil."

"The devil?" Lisa blinked.

"What? I was raised in America, everyone blames him." Harry shrugged. "Anyway, so we get to finish where we started?" Harry asked hopefully.

"Well," Lisa blushed at how enthusiastic he looked. "I'm willing if you are."

"Okay," Harry nodded before he frowned. "um...quick question, how do we do this without our noses getting in the way?" Harry asked.

"What?" Lisa asked, wondering if she had heard right.

"Well...our noses are right above our mouths, how do we do it without them getting in the way?" Harry wondered.

"Allow me to demonstrate." Lisa said in a dry voice before she smiled and leaned forward, her lips touched his in a soft and gentle yet very passionate kiss. "See? The noses don't get in the way." She laughed.

"Oh." Harry gulped. "Um..."

"What?" Lisa asked, wondering if she had done something wrong.

"Um...one more time?" Harry asked in a hopeful voice.

"One more time." Lisa smiled before she leaned over and kissed him, this time Harry returned the kiss. The two continued to kiss, blissfully unaware of Loki covering his eyes with his tail.

Harry, Lisa and the other students arrived outside of Hagrid's hut for their first care of magical creatures lesson.

"Hey Hagrid," Harry quickly walked over to Hagrid. "is it fine if I bring Loki with me to class?" Harry asked with Loki giving Hagrid hopeful eyes.

"Huh? Oh...hmm, it should be fine if the little bugger promises to behave." Hagrid said in an amused voice as he looked at Loki who nodded as he saluted.

"Good," Hagrid smiled before turning to the class. "now gather around everyone. Less chatter if you don't mind, now everyone, I've got a real treat for you today." Hagrid grinned. "Bring your stuff and follow me." Hagrid said before he turned and walked away.

The whole class followed Hagrid until they reached the outside of some stables, each and every student wondering what they would see today.

"Right you lot, form a group over there and open your books and turn to page forty nine." Hagrid instructed.

"And how exactly do you suppose we do that?" Draco drawled as he held up his book, he like many had not been able to find a way to open the book without it trying to attack him.

"Has nobody been able to work out how to open the books?" Hagrid asked as he looked around. "Hey look, Harry has worked it out." Hagrid grinned when he saw Harry opening the book. "Tell them all how it's done, Harry."

"Oh, it was quite simple." Harry smiled. "When we first got it it tried to go for Loki so I repeatedly hit it with a few elbow drops until Loki was able to get a pair of bats, and we do not mean the animal, anyway Loki and I then proceeded to beat the shit out of it. It was stubborn but so were we, weren't we Loki?" Harry smiled at Loki who grinned back. "Eventually though it gave up once we started hitting it in its dick." Harry finished as everyone now looked at him like he had sprouted two more heads and a tail. A few people glanced at Harry's book and saw that it did look pretty beaten up.

"Books don't have..." Hermione began only to stop when she realized she didn't want to say that last word out loud. "...those." She eventually finished.

"You wouldn't think so but we did find something that caused extreme pain when hit, so we're assuming that it is the closest thing that the book has to one. Unless it's a girl." Harry frowned as he looked at his book.

"Right..." Hagrid coughed, not really sure what to say to that. "...everyone else just stroke the spines. And wait here." Hagrid added before he walked off.

"I can't believe you attacked a book." Hermione huffed before she stroked the spine of her book, it made a cooing noise before it visibly loosened up, signaling that it would now let her open it without trying to bite off her finger.

"And I'd do it again." Harry said without hesitation.

Any further response was cut off by when Hagrid returned, except he didn't really come back alone. With him was a grey colored creature that most definitely did not exist in the muggle world. It had the front legs, wings, and head of a giant eagle and the body, hind legs and tail of a horse.

"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid smiled before tossing the creature a dead ferret which the creature quickly ate up. "Say hello to Buckbeak."

"Hagrid! What exactly is that?" Ron Weasley asked as he took a step back.

"That, Ron, is Buckbeak and Buckbeak is a hippogriff." Hagrid answered. "The first thing you need to know about hippogriffs is that they are very proud creatures, very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do." Hagrid warned before he continued speaking with a lighter tone. "As you can see it is a combination of an eagle and a horse, it is very similar to another magical creature, the griffin, 'cept with them you'd replace the horse parts with lion parts. In fact the 'griff' in their name comes from the fact that they are so similar to griffins. Hippogriffs eat insects, birds, anything small enough really. Now, who'd like to say hello?"

"I would!" Harry quickly raised a hand, he was the only one who did so as everyone else had quickly backed away.