
Tribulations of the Villain Overlord

Ryota.. this name is forbidden, when the human world needs a hero to save them from the catastrophic event, the gods summoned the forbidden one. Now the most feared Villain creed appears in the human world, but not here to save it, Rather the moniker of Carnage is here to rule this new world he sees himself in. The gods has made the biggest mistake anyone could make, why would they summon the overlord of Destruction to save a world. "In this world I will dominate as the overlord" "i this world I have been summoned, summoned as a god, summoned as the overlord, summoned as the.. wait am summoned as a feeble human?!" How can the feared name and forbidden overlord rule over this world as the villain Overlord.. :::: ::::::: :::::: Author's word: gratitude for reading the not so good synopsis. A new Author on board, but I'll try in my brain and give you a good story from the synopsis, although there might be some glitches lol...but the plot would be good

Old_Manga · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

:Predicted Event

[Author's word: Half of the characters have now been created; you can now have vivid images of Ryota and the rest]

[Quirk city subway station.. 12:12 pm]

The speed of the subway train was fast, many stood waiting for it to halt, either you see a girl and a boy or just a boy while some were already walking out of the subway station.

Amongst these that stood there, Ryota was one of them, one of the ones that stood alone. He has been standing here for the past five minutes now, flickering his red eyes at everyone in the subway station, at least today he hasn't seen anything out of the ordinary.

As the train finally came to a halt, his long sleeve coat was blown around by It's wind. As the door opened he waited as everyone began coming out. After the crowd lessened, he saw the one he was looking for.

[A girl with red eyeballs and red iris, she was on an item of black and black clothing, matching her long boot was her dark long hair]

"hey Ryota, what was so urgent you had to call me?"

"Nothing much Misaki, just a few questions" Ryota replied, and with that, they both walked out of the subways.

[Ichiran Ramen Restaurant 1:28 pm]

Thus they both arrived at a restaurant and sat as Ryota could not wait for the moment she allows him to talk.

"Okay you can get on with it now"

"Thanks, but first I want you to search for a novel.."Birth of the Villain"

She plopped her face, wondering if this was one of the times when Ryota would take her out, and instead of paying attention to her, he ask her to browse a novel and say it was good, before you know it, Ryota's mind is off the planet. Although she also read books, she hasn't seen anyone as addicted to novels like Ryota.

"the work never existed"

"is that what it says?" Ryota questions.

"yes, the work was never existing"

'did it never exist or was it deleted, if it was deleted, it'd still be on the internet if not Webnovel'

He thought but quickly asked Misaki the questions he has been wanting to have answers to.

"what is a spirit? "

The question came like a stupid statement to Misaki, she plopped again as she began wondering if Ryota was having amnesia or if he was just looking for a way to bring up topics, nonetheless, she still provided answers.

"if you mean those beasts varying with different colors and some possessing magical capabilities, then yea those are spirits or maybe the ghost of people we.."

"no that's enough..do you know how people have magic and importantly, have the world population increased considerably?"

Ryota asked, this time thinking of himself as a fool, world population increasing? He only questioned just to confirm if the characters in the novel came to exist in his world too. Only if Misaki knew the reason he was asking all these questions, as for now she thinks of him as bringing questions he has the answers to, a way of talking with her after the break-up.

"These things happened like decades ago, humans gaining common elements and some rare, and the population of the world was never said to increase that much in the past decades"

'that means only the spirits and elements were brought to existence'

As they were talking, a big man with a bald head came into the restaurant, the man was on a faded red shirt and black trousers. He stormed to the cashier demanding the money.

"give me the whole restaurant's money now"

The cashier reacted by wanting to run away, giving this man his boss's money would mean automatically fired. But as he was making a run for it, the man stretched his hands and dragged the empty air back.

With that gesture, the cashier saw himself busting through the glass of the restaurant and landing on his back outside.

At the sound of the broken glass, Ryota and the other civilians now realizes they were under one man robbery.

"Now listen everyone, if any of you calls the police or anyone, I promise I'll send you to the constellations"

As he lividly said, a suited man stood up and started demanding the hell happening in there, he Furtherly said he has an audition as an actor, so he has to be on his way, but what made the robber angry was what he said next.

"I already called the police when I saw you grab the shirt of the cashier, so you better start running"

The man's eyes quickly turned red and as he stretched for his hands, he motioned to squeeze the empty air, and in the next moment, the head of the protester burst out and he fell headless with blood filling the ground.

The commotion began to rise, but quickly they all shut up after the man burst two extra heads.

"keep on screaming and I'll send you to death paradise"

The statement caught Ryota's attention, it was now he looked at the man carefully, he recalled a similar event happening in episode one of the birth of the villain, but it could be a coincidence..he thought.

'if it wasn't a coincidence the man would have said..am not friendly, I have once killed an entire subway full of kiobear'

"..am not friendly, I have once killed an entire subway full of kiobear"

The robber said, now Ryota was having trouble believing what he heard, he placed it as another coincidence.

' if it wasn't a coincidence, a girl in black clothing and red Iris with long black hair, sitting with a confused boy, that girl would have confronted this man, although she would lose her life in the process

"I'll go and confront him, stay right here"

Misaki said, but before she could so much move her body, Ryota gripped her wrist tight, telling her with a disapproved nod, not to go.

Misaki couldn't understand the sudden care she got from Ryota, she had always competed with a novel for his attention. After she looked at him, she reassured him it would be fine, but before she could stand up. Ryota stood and confronts the man.

"hey..get out while you still can."

"you fool, aren't you scared of dying?"

The man motioned his hands and dragged the empty air again, this time Ryota saw himself dashing towards the man unwillingly.

In an instance he saw himself within the grip of the man, strangling him tight.

"do you know I possess the space Cultivation"

He said tightening the grip, what surprised him was Ryota was smiling for some reason, instead of him to be choking to death, his surprise expand when he heard the reply of Ryota.

"as a matter of fact, I knew you would make this move"

With his reply, Ryota plunged the two forks he got from the table he once sat, he plunged it right at the sides of his brain, and blood pump out as the man let go.

Gaining his footing, Ryota held his throat and smirked before he added, he added as the man fell straight crashing into the table beside him.

"I predicted all your moves, and waited till you make such a move"

Like it?! Vote on it..not a well crafted chapter though but gratitude for reaching this far.

Old_Mangacreators' thoughts