
Tribulations of the Villain Overlord

Ryota.. this name is forbidden, when the human world needs a hero to save them from the catastrophic event, the gods summoned the forbidden one. Now the most feared Villain creed appears in the human world, but not here to save it, Rather the moniker of Carnage is here to rule this new world he sees himself in. The gods has made the biggest mistake anyone could make, why would they summon the overlord of Destruction to save a world. "In this world I will dominate as the overlord" "i this world I have been summoned, summoned as a god, summoned as the overlord, summoned as the.. wait am summoned as a feeble human?!" How can the feared name and forbidden overlord rule over this world as the villain Overlord.. :::: ::::::: :::::: Author's word: gratitude for reading the not so good synopsis. A new Author on board, but I'll try in my brain and give you a good story from the synopsis, although there might be some glitches lol...but the plot would be good

Old_Manga · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs


{"Hello Mr. Takeshi, what a pleasure to hear your voice"}

{"hello wai-kin, I have a mission for you"}

Customer service: you have been placed on hold.

Wai-kin replied telling Mr. Takeshi to hold on, at the other end, the restaurant Wai-kin in is replenished with blood and blood alone, with the assortment of destroyed tables and broken bottles.

Wai-kin yanked the knife from one of the injured. Removing it from his lap caused little amount of blood to follow. He saw one of them groaning in pain. As Wai-kin stood up, he walked to the destroyed table where the thug lay.


He whacked his foot against the thug's chest, hard sufficiently that the thug wasn't flinching a muscle. He made his movement to get a handkerchief and tidied up the blood stain off his hand before he replied to Mr. Takeshi's call again.

"yes Mr Takeshi, where were we again..oh yes who is this new cursed one?"

[Meanwhile....Quirk Subway 2:15 pm]

On a normal day, Ryota was seating on the subway train reading what he calls a novel, the platform of a web novel from his device shone on his face, and he kept on scrolling as he was reading endlessly and aimlessly. Not wanting to finish the novel and not wanting the novel to finish.

Seating parallel to him was an old woman, she stood up with her gray hair and kept glancing at Ryota, when he realized he saw her face only an inch from his, reacting quickly he leaned back with his face plopped.

"what are you doing young man?"

"uh..uh..am reading a novel"

She smiled for no reason Ryota could decode, after his response, she asked the name of the novel he was reading and he replied saying it was called...

"Birth of the Villain"

"Do you wish to be a character in it"

Ryota found the question strange as it was weird, he placed himself in a scenario where he said yes and saw himself in the novel, he smiled and replied to the old woman.

"no..the novel is too hazardous"

As he said that, the train came to a halt, standing up to leave, the old woman held his wrist and this time she looked scary while she spoke coldly.

"Tell me, boy, what if the novel came to you"

Now Ryota felt the shiver run down his spine, he looked at the old lady and nodded his head in disagreement. With that the old lady smirked and let go of his wrist, while she walked to the other part of the subway, Ryota looked at his wrist and saw it was discolored, and without hesitation, he quickly left the train.

Numerous times he has been kicked out of the job interviews he went to, all because he kept his eyes on the screen for five years, reading a novel that doesn't seem to end. Now he was seating in the waiting room for the interview, he kept his serenity this time around, but after a while, he brought out his phone and began scrolling again. A lady walked in but he had no idea when, she came closer and tapped his shoulder before he realized it.

'what have I done again, now I'll get fired before I even started

This was a security consultation if he couldn't keep his guard up when someone enters the office, then how is he going to get the job?

"Are you Mr. Ren Ryota?"

"yes, I am.." He said, struggling with the urge to look at his phone.

"am sorry but the interview would not hold, the manager is off on vacation"

'is she lying or is this a way they fire people without them knowing a thing

"Can you hear me ?"

"yes, then when would I return for the interview?"

"the company will contact you for further news"

With that he saw himself outside the building, he helms his way through the alley in other not to bump into anyone while walking.

"I can't believe am still reading this...I just lost a job"

He lividly declared openly before he threw his phone, expecting to hear the sound of the device hit the wall. He saw his device caught by some man with red hair and some black mark close to his left red eyes. Looking at the man fully, he saw a knife dripping blood and a handkerchief covered in blood.

Finally breaking the silence, the man points the knife at him as he asked a question Ryota would gladly deny to a guy like this.

"Are you Ren Ryota?"

"no am sorry, you've got the wrong person"

As he turned around wanting to leave, he saw two extra goons behind him. He turned his gaze back to the knife wielder and saw he was coming intimate.

"Don't worry kid, this won't hurt a bit"

Ryota turned around and faced the two goons, he would rather face harmless goons than face one goon with a knife covered in blood. He slapped the one by his right with his backhand and dodged the incoming punch to the one on his left before he contradicted with his uppercut.

"oh wow, you want to give me a show..well then if you can beat those two and they don't stand back up, I'll spare your sorry life"

Giving attention to the deal, Ryota turned back at the goons and received a punch in his jaw, while the goon was about to punch him again, he caught the punch and the other stood up wanting to grab hold of him, but he moved aside and kicked him by the guts before twisting the other goons hand to the ground.

Before the one he once kicked was about to stand up, he scamper his pace and kicked the goon by the jaw as blood ooze out.

'finally, all the reading of martial arts novels wasn't waste'

He thought, as he got the proficiency from reading the MC in the novels he read Fight, as before he could turn around to face the knife wielder, he felt a gun pointing at his back, he began sweating profusely and then the man's voice followed.

"Sorry kid, here's your phone, and never syndicate the words of a villain"

The knife wielder said, after handing Ryota his phone with the novel still there, the next thing Ryota heard was the loud sound of a gunshot.

Gradually his vision began to get blurry as the words of the goons were slurry to him, he fell as blood spread around where he lay, the last place he saw himself was darkness.