
Chapter 23. When the going gets tough only the tough gets going.

Dianna have always been the pet of her dad while he was alive, Amanda in the other hand is the pet of her mum, even with her stubbornness she loves her so dearly. Her leaving and pronouncing not coming back to the house again to her mum is like the world is crashing down on her. Even though she didn't say it to Dianna, she understands that her mum is suffering because of that. She went close to her mum and said..... mum good morning, I understand how hurtten you are over Amanda because she' ve always been the daughter after your heart but mum right now what you need is to get well first. Gather yourself together and pretend not to be this hurt. Amanda sends her regards. She prays you get well soon. You see?

She didn't mean all she said while leaving, all of that came out of anger.

Her mum........All I have done all the years was raising you people after your dad died. But now what I get in return is shame and high BP.

Your sister got pregnant out of wedlock and still have the temerity to tell me she's not coming back except I accept her man as my son in-law. Over my dead body will I accept those set of people. As for your sister, she can stay there for all I care. The truth still remains that I will be lonely at home but I rather be lonely than to stay with a pregnant daughter without a husband, that would never happen. And as for you, you can go and get pregnant too since that's what you girls planned to do. Call the nurse that put this drip to come remove it else I will remove it myself.

Dianna.......Mum please calm down let the drip finish because your body needs it. The doctor said you shouldn't engage in painful or scary activities because of your BP.

Her mum....... I said call the nurse to get this thing off my body. Is it your high BP?

Will you go and call them now before I descend on you.

Dianna was still contemplating on what to do when her mum forcefully removed the drip, stood up from the bed to leave but slumped at the exit door.

Dianna.......Ran to where she is, called her severally but no response, she ran to where nurses are and call them to come attend to her mum. They took her back to her bed , put back the drip and warn Dianna not to ever engage in conversation with her again till she finally recovers.

Dianna patiently waited for her mum drip to finish, it finished, she pulled her mum up gently and helped her to position her self well on the bed. Went and cleared their bill. Took the prescription of drugs from the doctor, went to the pharmacy and bought them, came back to pick her mum and on their way to the car her mum asked her....... Dianna I could remember vividly that I left this hospital, how manage I woke up to see myself here still on drip?

Who brought me back here?

Is it not human being I'm asking?

Dianna.......Mum you didn't go home because you couldn't. You slumped at the exit door again. Now can we please go home?

Her mum ....... By the way, when did you buy car?

Who's car is this?

Dianna didn't give her an answer but helped her to enter the car, closed the door and drove home.

They got in and Dianna handed her drugs to her and explained how she should take them. Told her mum to call her if she needs anything and left to her house. She got home, took her bath, got herself something to eat and dosed off out of weakness.

Phillip waited for Dianna's call till late in the night at around 10pm but no call from her so he tried calling but her lines were switched off. He decided to go to her house and check if she's back from the hospital but then his mum called, he picked and was so curious to know why she's calling that late.

His mum....... Phillip your pregnant wife is at the hospital.

Phillip........Mum I have told you severally, that woman is not my wife and would never be. Meanwhile how did you know she's at the hospital and what's she doing there?

His mum......Well that's because her friend contacted me in the morning while she was seriously bleeding.

Phillip..... Bleeding?

Why would she be bleeding?

Her mum........That's why I called you, come to the hospital, and meet us to know why. Please be here on time because it's getting late.

Phillip cancelled his going to Dianna's place and went to the hospital to meet his mum.

Phillip.......Good evening mum. How's the situation of things?

His mum........ Jennifer here have lost a lot of blood. The doctor said she's already 8months gone, he suggested we keep blood bags for her in the hospital for her delivery day. He also said that Jennifer needs a close attention. So in regards to this I have decided she come stay at your place so you give her the close attention she needs. I see no reason why she should risk her life and that of her baby staying in that apartment you got for her when she suppose to stay at your place. So I thought it wise to invite you here to see things yourself.

Phillip........Mum you and I know this won't be possible. She can't stay in my house. And about the blood bags I will make a transfer to the doctor to get that ready for her. I will take my leave now.

His mum.........Is that all you have to say?

Phillip...........What else do you expect me to say mum? That she should come stay at my place?

You can keep her at your place if you wish but that's none of my business mum. Whatever comes out of her staying with you is your cross and you will carry it yourself. I'm out of here.