
Traversing The Infinite Planes

What would you do if you could travel the infinite planes- Crossing through dimensions like water as you explore the uncharted. As you eat the unattainable and beat the unbeatable. Would you rise and conquer those planes of existence or would you guide them into the right direction? What path would you take! (First World Boku no Hero!!) [And also - if you want to support me for the story head over to my groups pat-reon- pat-reon.com/IdleSect] ———_______——— PS - I hope you enjoy the book and have a great time

Idle_Daoist_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Life 10: Nice 'Ta Meet 'Ya

"It took you 5 seconds to get here and quiet down- Time is precious- it seems you all are quite rational- no-

I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa- Nice to meet you lot."

After he said that he slouched slightly before turning-

"Now change into 'yer gym clothes and head out to the field outside-

Its time to test 'yer quirks and that."

'This guy talks like a hillbilly-'

And as soon as Bakugo made that assumption Aizawa's eyes darted towards him as he could vaguely see a red glint.

And then his sweat fell yet no fire came.


Bakugo felt strange as he glared at those glimmering red orbs and his hair stood on end as his flames stopped spouting in the air.

He couldn't use them for some reason yet he did not freak out.

He knew it had to be due to the new teacher's quirk- it was a given after all.

And a great quirk for being a teacher.

Gradually he gave up resistance as he allowed the suppression to wear off before the ass headed to get changed.

Though not before he said-

"Sorry for that Teach - won't happen again."

However, Aizawa's eyes darted as he heard the words-

"I'm sorry- but I'm not quite sure what you're talking about?"

Hearing Bakugo was a little perplexed-

"Weren't you suppressing my Quirk?"

However, the teacher denied as he said-

"No that was meant for Blondielocks behind you- it seems he evaded my Quirk somehow-

Was it speed or simply overpowering my quirk with his brute force? I have no idea this has never happened before."

"No matter get changed and head to the field- I'm going to have a field day today..."

And with that, the coarse-looking teacher left as Bakugo wondered just how strong Bardock had gotten after he dyed his hair.

Could it be dying your hair enhanced your strength?

It reminded him of that urban folktale of going bald for more power.

'No, that's just dumb, stupid and dumb.'

Changing into the training clothes he headed to the field as gradually the class arrived outside.

Deku was much like a loner and so didn't talk much yet had a menacing aura surrounding him.

Bakugo had an ego as wide as Vegeta's hairline and this caused a slimy taste to form in one's mouth when associating with the flame head.

And Bardock stood silently as Brown hair stood next to him talking to him about what cake tasted the best as he folded his arms in silence.

"Yeah a Victoria Sponge is amazing- I recommend it!"

As she said this Bardock Inwardly sighed-

'Hah, the greatest food known to man is Ice Cream the blasphemy coming from her mouth is causing me to have a stroke of sorts.'

But as he thought this it felt like a beam of ice pierced his stomach-

Quickly he turned around and he saw a boy with ice coating off of him and a red scar that screamed daddy issues.

'Sh*t I've run into even more daddy issue kids- first Bakugo now this popsicle stick...'

But as he thought this it felt like a beam of ice had been placed on his neck ready to pull the trigger at any moment.

"Frightening Range- this guy's pretty skilled."

And unknowingly Bardock spoke out loud as he looked towards Aizawa in the track stretching- as he stood there unmoving gradually the temperature went back up-


Once the entire class was out on the field Aizawa began to talk about exactly what was to begin happening immediately-

"We will begin testing immediately- and much like a physical test you do in middle school - we will do the same-

And before you nag me about any exams- shut up-"

And as he said that everyone went silent though clearly with confused looks- even Bardock was confused - no exams? that's- how do they grasp who has good memorisation skills?

"...That's better-

So the reason we will be checking the amount of power you can exert is that- UA is about becoming heroes efficiently and also through accelerated vocation learning.

Its the usual few tests if you will so that I can record them all and then compare them when you leave- we aren't number one for no reason after all.

Now then Midoriya- how far could you throw a softball in Middle School?"

Pointing at the green-haired boy- with a little interest- All Might seemed to have a connection with this child- and he wanted to know just why- was he special- what did he have that All might felt the need to help him.

Hearing this Midoriya seemed a little flustered as he said "0.5 metres-" slowly as if the intention is that Aizawa mishears.

Aizawa merely chuckled as he laughed freely for the first time in the lesson-

"Your funny kid- now forget that and use your quirk and throw it as far as you can whilst remaining in this circle-"

Chuckling a little the class also laughed at Midoriya's 'joke' if only they knew green head thoughts- but he passed it off as a simple joke before he did the motions and began to utilise his stored energy and slowly he directed this energy through his body and into his right arm-

With his quirk activated in only the right arm- he then clenched the ball slightly before a green fire lit up in his eyes as he suddenly began to see the distance as clear as day- his quirk was activated and all his senses were enhanced and then-




As if a bullet flying through the air- the green flamed boy seemed to have stopped time as his movements became insanely fast as his hair went up as if turning Super Saiyan a hint of lightning began to gather around him as the ground beneath him began to become scorched-

And then the ball left his hand- and as this happened a horrendous amount of wind was ushered in as this wind assaulted everything behind him as if a small hurricane began to be summoned through the sheer force of his right hand.

"He-He's changed the weather with a single punch-!"

Screamed Mineta as his grape-like hair looked to be floating in the air in seeing such a performance as even Bardock grinned- Midoriya had improved for sure- causing even Bakugo to grimace seeing such a performance from the nerd he bullied just a few months ago.

And Todoroki merely smirked as "Interesting.." rolled off of his tongue.

"That's All- All... ALL-MIGHT's MOVE!!!"

Screamed the class almost in unison as the ball was gone not stopping and constantly picking up speed-

As Midoriya thought- 'A little bit of my flaming youth- I impart in thee- show me now your might.'

And finally, the ball stopped and not before becoming pieces of dust and material landing over 800 metres-

And as it dropped Aizawa smiled- 'I see this is why All Might favour's him- it makes sense he's All Might Junior...'

"And that was 843.4 metres- good job Midoriya- and with this, we know what type of hero you will be."

"Oh, also the one with the lowest scores will be kicked out by me directly- so get a move on-"

Said Aizawa but not before smiling devilishly.

"Now if you all think that's unfair then you are free to leave yourself- this ain't a picnic course- this Is a course that determines not just your lives but the worlds as a whole and believes me you will be put through the wringer for the next three years-

And that's Plus Ultra a trial of fire if you will- the survival of the fittest to guard the world.

Merry Christmas

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