
Yoshino and the Training grounds.

Upon arriving at the house I'm greater by a great darkness, one I haven't felt in quite some time. It was terribly lonely and I just gazed at the messy rooms. I sighed and got to work on the cleaning. I washed out the small bathroom and restroom. I washed the sink as well, I clean the wooden floors with a clean rag and cleaned the windows and I also spent 150 IC on 3 separate beddings or rather Futons Kirito has a gray one, I have a green one and Yoshino who I plan to summon has a light blue one.

I prepared myself a simple dinner of instant noodles I found in the cupboard, I quickly ate my dinner and yet I enjoyed the bit of silence as I will need to get used to the noise when I call my summons. I finish my food and throw away my trash and of course separated them properly.

The room was clean and cleared I had everything off into the corner so it won't get in the way. I then as normal callout: "Summon: Yoshino." At this I see the rune that appeared the same as Kirito the first time I summoned him. It was slightly different though as it was light blue and the runes were not the same.

Yoshino was in a different position than Kirito as well, she was sitting on her legs as they were at her side; almost as if she just fell. When she opened her eyes and looked at me she looked slightly scared and when the light that appeared from her chest pierced my head. We sat in silence as it was strangely calming for her, as it was before with Kirito; perhaps this is to clam us down and let the process continue.

After a few minutes the light faded, and I looked toward Yoshino and began to calmly speak to her. I got down to a kneeling position and spoke, "Hello Yoshino, I'm the one who summoned you here. Forgive me for my selfish act." As I spoke to her I lowered my head as I did feel a bit of shame taking her from her original world, unlike I did with Kirito.

Yoshino looked at her right hand that had a small bunny puppet with an eyepatch 'agh, this one' is all I could say to myself as I knew why it was there. "Yoshino, has delegated me the great Yoshinon to speak with you. Now she wants to say that you have been forgiven, even I forgive you as in the place we were at before was highly dangerous and you saved our lives. Thank you." Yoshinon gave a small bow and seeing this so did Yoshino.

"Hahahaha! Well that does take a good weight off my chest. Alright Yoshino, lets get you settled in now here is…" I was cut off by an unruly bunny mid sentence.

"Don't forget about Yoshinon, you dolt!" I was honestly already getting upset with the bunny.

"Alright little bunny, you can stay with Yoshino as her second line of defense-" "And her second in command!" "That as well, you will be sharing a futon with Yoshino, and as I'am her summoner her futon will be set next to mine in the side room which I designated as my own, and Kirito another summon of mine will be stationed in the main room. Also in our room will be our temporary storage during the day so we will be in the main room and yard during the day time."

"Okay, uhhmm." Yoshino answered yet she again looked slightly scared, and I realized that I never told my name to her. "Yes, sorry where are my manners. My name is Daban, your summoner." as found out I noticed her predicament and her face grew red greatly. I gave a small laugh "hmhmhm…" yet I got an earful from the bunny "Eeeeyyaaaahhh~ you are flirting with Yoshino, how naughty of you Daban! You shouldn't do that with someone you just met~." Yoshino again grew very red and I grew upset at the words of the comment.

"HAH! Yoshino and Yoshinon, go ahead and take a quick bath. before bed. I'll make a breakfast in the morning." I clearly stated this to the two but I also needed to take a shower due to my antics today, I also forgot that Yoshino was still wearing her green raincoat from her spirit form.

"Darcy, check and see if she can remove the spirit form as she likes or if I need to seal it. I don't want her to turn the house into an Ice sculpture after all. He he…" I asked Darcy to check this as in the anime her spirit form had to be sealed with a kiss and plenty of positive emotions to keep the seal stable. But this was only with Shido and I would need to use an actual seal if I have to.

[Yesss~ One moment please… Okay, it seems that she can seal the form as she likes I can also forcefully seal it in case of an emergency. You can as well seal it and any of us three can also activate it at will, meaning if we get in a tough situation we can just activate it.] 'Alright thank you Darcy, i'll tell her and you go ahead and seal it for now.' [Got it.]

I then turn to Yoshino and pull out five clothing sets for her, I just spent 10EC to get these clothes sets as they were pre made and the ones I had bought earlier can be made into a specific clothing set once. "Here Yoshino, these are some clothing you can use" I say as I handed her the clothing which included blue bunny pajamas, a white summer dress, casual clothes that are a light gray tee and tan cargo shorts, a maid outfit and a green hoodie with black pants to replace her spirit form. All include undergarments.

She seeing this also became flustered and the rabbit spoke again "Kya, kya! Look at you having this all planned out! Oh you!" I nearly destroyed the thing in my anger, but I calmed down and looked at Yoshino once more. "Also, I cannot have you walking about in your spirit form so, I will seal your spirit form for now until it is needed. Okay?" She looked slightly shocked at what I said and so did the rabbit, but they both nodded and I told them I will seal it when they enter the bathroom.

As they went to the bathroom I summoned Kirito and told him he will be in the living room and I will be with Yoshino in my room. He looked at me suspiciously and I threw a punch straight into his nose for that. With a loud crack, he buckles his knees and is on the floor. With his recovery speed he will be okay in about ten minutes.

I also hear a small yelp of surprise coming from the bathroom as I suppose that Yoshino just had her form sealed away. I then hear Darcy say… [The <Ice Spirit Form(Low)> of Yoshino is sealed away for the moment.] 'Thank you Darcy, this saves me a whole lotta trouble considering she can't actively control it all that well.' [Just don't excite her to much as it can be broken loose if she does. Also don't try anything funny. I, am, watching, you.] And with that I felt a shiver down my spine and she was gone for now.

I felt like I dodged death. Well lets get ready for bed after I take a shower. And as I just summoned Yoshino she wasn't hungry after she walked out of the bathroom in her pajamas. As for Kirito, I just told him to make a cup ramen same as me.

I took a nice shower and bath, I came out dressed in gray sweatpants and a white tee. next was Kirito and he came out with black pajama pants and a white tee. We all got into our respective futons and I made sure that there was a nightlight on for Yoshino as she just got here and could be nervous of the environment.

I watched over her and made sure that shed was at ease, she was a little nervous at first but after enough time she slowly drifted to sleep. I myself also fell asleep do to the tiring day.

The only time I had to wake up was when Yoshino needed to use the restroom, after that we both went back to sleep and before we knew it it was morning.

The first thing I did after I awoke was to make us all some food, just some simple chorizo, some chopped meat with the eggs being fried together and presto a damn good breakfast. I also bought some tortillas, all the ingredients cost me 15IC; meat 5IC, eggs 1IC for two and tortillas 1IC for two.

The two of them loved the breakfast tacos I made from what i cooked up. I also enjoyed it as I managed to get it just right. After we ate breakfast we put everything into the side room for storage and made plans on training.

First we all took a loo at out statuses.


Name: Daban

Sex: Male

Race: Immortal Human

Class': Dimensional Traveler, Strategist,

Titles: Insane, Master-Mind,

Level: 0 XP: 0/100

HP: 1100/1100 MP: 2500/2500

Str: 6.1 End: 11.0 Agi: 1.3

Per: 1.0 Int: 1.0 Wis: 2.5

Stat Points: (0) Skill Points: (0)

Blessing: <???> <???>

Skills: <Martial Arts 1> <Sword Arts 1> <Gun Arts 1> <Lying 5> <Acting 6> <Mental Resistance 4> <Soul Resistance 1> <Driving 2> <Sneaking 2> <Cooking 2> <Pain Resistance 2> <Disease Resistance 2> <Speech 1> <Swimming 3> <Blacksmithing 2> <Hidden Weapons 1> <Throwing 4> <Spear Arts 1> <Computer Knowledge 3> <Sex Arts 4> <Sprint 1> <Berserk 1> <Hypnotism 1> <Create Undead 1> <Genjutsu 1> <Quick Thinking 1> <Devour 1> <Shadow Steps> <Schemer 1> <Tribulation resistance 1>

Equipment: <Clothing>

Bloodlines: <Vampire>

Summons: <Kirito> <Yoshino>

Special: <Sharingan (One Tomoe)> <Regeneration (Low)> <Bloody Aura(Low)> <Eidetic Memory>

Vehicles: None

Buildings: None

Worlds: <HotD> <Earth> <Fallout>

Danger Rating: F+

{Inventory} {Quest} {Dungeon} {Roulette 0} {Sell} {Fusion} {Harem}


{System Credits: 10,000} {Item Credits: 5,535} {Skill Credits: 10,000} {Equipment Credits: 6,280} {Bloodline Credits: 10,000} {Summon Credits: 10,000} {Special Credits: 10,000} {Vehicle Credits: 10,000} {Building Credits: 10,000}


Name: Kazuto Kirigaya (Kirito)

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Class': Dual Wielder Swordsman

Titles: Beater, Black Swordsman,

Level: 0 XP: 0/100

HP: 110/110 MP: 150/150

Str: 1.2 End: 1.1 Agi: 1.5

Per: 1.6 Int: 1.9 Wis: 1.5

Stat Points: (0) Skill Points: (0)

Blessing: <Sword God (King Arthur)>

Skills: <Martial Arts 2> <Dual-Sword Arts 1> <Driving 3> <Acting 1> <Cooking 1> <Pain Resistance 3> <Throwing 2> <Disease Resistance 2> <Computer Knowledge 5> <Swimming 2> <Sprint 1> <Sneak 1> <Sceme 1>

Equipment: <Average Bokken> <Clothing>

Bloodline: None

Summons: None

Special: <Friendly Aura (Low)>

Danger Rating: F-


Name: Yoshino (Yoshinon)

Sex: Female

Race: Spirit/Human

Class': Ice Mage, Doll Maker,

Titles: Runaway Spirit, Ventriloquist,

Level: 0 XP: 0/100

HP: 90/90 MP: 230/230

Str: 0.8 End: 0.9 Agi: 1.2

Per: 1.5 Int: 2.0 Wis: 2.3

Stat Points: (0) Skill Points: (0)

Blessing: <Celestial Spirit King>

Skills: <Create Doll 1> <Crafting 2> <Ice Magic 2> <Pain Resistance 3> <Throwing 3> <Disease Resistance 2> <Sprint 2> <Sneak 2> <Ventriloquism MX> <Singing 1>

Equipment: <Clothing>

Bloodline: <Ice Fairy>

Summons: None

Special: <Ice Spirit Form (Low)>

Danger Rating: F-


From everything I have seen I can tell that we will not be having an easy time in this world, so it would indeed be best to train until we drop as much as possible. This can mean the difference between living and dying. I will also be training Yoshino for now even though I don't plan on letting her actually fight later on.

Also, even though I'am being a nice guy right now Kirito is still angry I broke his nose last night. He will try and use training as a chance for payback, but I won't give him the opportunity.

We make our way to the backyard. and I open the menu for a place to train in. When I decide to ask Darcy for help.

"Darcy, can you help me find a good place to train? I need somewhere that is inaccessible to outsiders but we can enter as we please. Also a difference in outside and inside time would be helpful." I speak out what I want and this is what I get.

[Daban, right now what I suggest you buy is a <Pocket Dimension> a small world that is tailored for you. This can be used in many ways and the time inside can be altered depending on the level of the dimension. This is the only thing that can satisfy all your request at the moment.] "Alright then, go ahead and show me the <Pocket Dimension> Darcy. It could prove useful."

[Could? It will be useful and be careful what you say, as many beings in existence would kill for a <Pocket Dimension> but cannot hope to get one.] 'You've got a point.'


World: Pocket Dimension

Rating: D

Upgradable. (25,000 SC)

Description: This is a Pocket Dimension, a dimension separated to be by itself unaffected by outside forces. Is solely usable to the owner and his/her guest which they can bring in with them. This particular dimension is approximately 2km^3 and can later be upgraded. It is a barren piece of land when purchased and can have the time inside to be adjusted to be twice the time spent outside. Meaning one earth minute outside is two inside.

Cost: 10,000 SC


Even though I was extraordinarily reluctant, I still spent all my System Credits to purchase the <Pocket Dimension>. With this I can have a personal training ground and we can use this for a long time to come.

[Purchased World: Pocket Dimension(D)]

"Alright you two, I just bought a Pocket Dimension and will be transporting us to it." "Okay, let's take a look." "Ok." Both Kirito and Yoshino are ready. "This'll be fun!" And of course Yoshinon also butted in.

After a quick informative session with my summons I talked with Darcy. "Hey Darcy, am I able to enter the Pocket Dimension just by wanting to enter or dip I have to something specific?" [Well Daban, you can just enter it as you like as it is a personal world of yours, If you want to enter another world like <Fairy Tail> then it will require you to work through me the system as the middle man… Woman. Doesn't matter, you will need me to get you to other worlds.]

"Alright, thank you for the information. It'll be useful later. Okay you two let's get going… Teleport: Pocket Dimension…" That didn't work.

[Just will it. There is no need to say it out loud. Please be more mindful.] "Sorry." As Daban and Darcy were having this exchange, Yoshino and Kirito were having a small laugh.

I then willed for us to enter the Pocket Dimension.

When we arrived all I saw was a barren piece of land only dirt and no plant life. I then looked toward Kirito and Yoshino to see what they thought we should do with it. We discussed once more to get everything straight and decided on several things.

We decided to purchase a training field, a blacksmith shop, a training dummy area, an arena, a kitchen and also a meditation building. With these i can train my physical stats in the field, practice some crafting skills in the blacksmith shop, practice weapon and martial arts on the dummies, cook our meals in a kitchen and train our mental stats in the mediation rooms. Perfect all round balance.

[Purchased Building: Training Field (Small)] for 500 BC.

[Purchased Building: Blacksmith Shop (Small)] for 800 BC.

[Purchased Item: Wood Training Dummy x 10] for 200 IC.

[Purchased Building: Kitchen (Small)] for 600 BC.

[Purchased Building: Mediation Pavilion (Small)] for 600 BC.

With these Items we took a quick look around and decided that this should be enough for us to work with for the moment. I also asked Darcy if i can erase the Building Column from my status as it would be useless to me and I just don't want to read it as later on I will have an army's worth of buildings I also asked for the removal of the vehicle tab as I can just ask Darcy for the exact amount. She agreed and said that when the next update for the system occurs she will change it… wait what?

"Darcy, so you are telling me that you can forcefully update yourself to create and destroy old functions of your system?" [Of course, I cannot just remain the same way forever that would be sorta ineffective and stupid as I and you would need the new functions to have an easier time in this life.] "Okay, but when were you going to tell me this?" [Well you never asked until now so I had lacked the motivation to tell you.]

After arguing with Darcy for a bit I got to the training ground and began my exorcises. I of course got Kirito to join me, but Yoshino was sent to the Meditation building so she can build a better control over her ice.

Yoshino looked sorta happy that she could be more useful in the future and decided to work hard and grow quickly. As for Kirito, he just wanted to be stronger and well I wanted to beat the absolute shit out of him and survive. But for now we will only train and not spar.

I started with basic exorcises that worked many parts of my body, such as 100 squats, 50 push ups, 50 sit-ups and later began to punch the wooden dummy and I also bought an <Average Bokken> for 100 EC to train with. I started to swing the bokken 100 times and then slowly did more if I could do them.

We trained for a second day in a row after both me and Kirito had taken a <Muscle Growth Formula(Low)> which cost 300 IC each, they help train our physical stats at an increased rate for 24 hours even if it is only a 50% increase. Also the higher teared ones just extend the length and not the percentage. I bought a similar one but for the mind for Yoshino. I only used them once as it was to get us started off.

With the first and second day of training we could already notice the changes it had for us, even if it was only badly a change. We continued to train, in that time Yoshino also put her skills to the test as she made plenty of small dolls with her crafting skill. I also created a few weapons through the forge in the back of the shop almost none were actually passable as actual equipment but can be given as scrapped items to random people, Kirito spent plenty of time on a computer I got for 500 IC it was just an average computer with average specs but he still used it the best he could and made many programs. I asked if he could be a hacker and got the answer that with his skills he is only above average and not a monster level hacker.

I also spent time thinking of the story and how I should influence it, like should I give them my guns and weapons and should I tell the president of the USA not to set off a fucking EMP over Japan. Should I try and save several more students and should I also get rid of that corrupt little teacher.

So many questions and I still have yet to truly begin in this world.

Hello~ You guys miss me?

Sorry I took so long to update for a single chapter. It's just that I cannot find the time to work on any of it, but I hope that I can give more later on.

So for now here you go and please enjoy.

Remember any and all comments are appreciated.

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts