
Three months left. A few schemes. And love too.

After the teleportation took place I found myself lying on a bed while staring at a roof that seemed to be falling apart. I said the most cliche thing possible: "I don't recognize this roof." I said this just because I finally could and got a small chuckle from it. After laughing enough I finally asked Darcy.

"Darcy, status report on Identification." 'Who am I, Captain Kirk?' [Sigh~ Well as you can see you got the body of a young man who lost his parents in a car crash the only survivors were you and Kirito. Now some years later the both of you managed to gain the sympathy of the principal of the main High School shown in the Anime. Here he saw your grades were good enough and decided to place the both of you into the same class as Kohta and Saya. Currently you are located in a building that is barely being payed off with what you both make part-time, here is your "home". It is also exactly 3 months until the story kicks off and 1 month before school begins.]

"Alright Darcy, that was very helpful; thank you." It would be wise for me to see what we are working with and if it's okay for me to make additions, such as a forage for me to work on my <Blacksmithing> skill and besides we won't need an actual place to train unless it's a spar because we could use the dungeon.

As I was wondering what to do next I hear a knock at the door and Kirito enters. "Hey, I just woke up on the floor of the main room. We should get something to eat and see what we should do." "That sounds reasonable, I was just getting hungry myself. But before that I'll go to the restroom."

I finished up my business and returned to find that Kirito was still wearing his uniform, I then realized so was I. So i pulled out some average clothing and wore them, I even handed a set to Kirito. I wore dark bluejeans and a light green t-shirt, on my feet I wore black leather boots that came with the tactical outfit set and also wore an Ear Radio as it would replace the need of a phone. Kirito wore black cargo pants and a dark grey t-shirt with black skate shoes, he also had an Ear Radio and yet he still played with his phone.

After we left the building I noticed that we were slightly secluded, I say slightly as we do have neighbors; they just live a get tens of meters away at about 90 meters. While walking I already told him of how I will buy a computer and forage for him and me to work on extra stuff in our free time. He seemed a bit excited as one would expect.

We continued walking until we found a local fast food joint, we entered the building and the first thing I saw was that Takashi was actually in line waiting to order, he didn't have his signature red shirt or school jacket. I saw this as my chance and began to tell Kirito of my little plan, this can help us out with our quest.

Takashi was minding his own business and wondering what meal he should eat for his lunch, when suddenly he hears some laughter from behind, he turns his head only to see a guy bump into him causing him to stagger. He was about to get mad and yell at the two, when suddenly the two stopped talking and looked his way. He felt odd yet still put up a front "Hey, you two. What is your problem?" he said the is in a slightly mad tone. Yet the duo didn't get upset, but rather apologized.

"Woah! Sorry man, we were just messing around. We don't mean much harm." The man in green spoke to Takashi as if he had truly meant no harm. "We were new to the area and just wanted to have a bite to eat, but we ended up messin' around and bumped into you by mistake." He gave an explanation as to why they were acting this way. They were just new to the area and wanted to adjust to the environment it seems.

Takashi didn't take the incident to heart and wasn't in the mood for a fight. "Oh, well. No harm, no foul I guess. Oh and the name is Takashi Kamura. I'm a student up at XXX High school."After learning the guys meant no real harm and apologized he let the anger go. "Really?! What a coincidence Kamura but me and Kirito here are also gonna be students their one month from now. And my name is Daban, you can just refer to me that way." I went along the lines that were painted for me. "Yes, and and for me the name is Kazuto; Kirito is just a nickname, you can call me as you like though." Kirito also chimed in a and tried to make friends with Takashi.

With a somewhat shocked look he spoke to us in a more familiar way. "Wow! It is quite the coincidence, we could even end up in the same class. Anyway I was just about to order some food and have a seat. If you want to we could even chat a bit as we do." Takashi easily thought it would be good to make some more friends and decided to do so.

"Alright man, go ahead and order first we'll follow after." I told Kakashi "Alright then." While Takashi went to order I went for my wallet and opened it, the amount of money inside was pitiful. I almost cried at the sight of it being so empty so I looked around for an excuse as to borrow money or someone to pickpocket.

But suddenly I have the urge to look out the window and lo n' behold I saw a beautiful girl with light brown hair and gentle look in her eyes, she seemed oblivious to her surrounding as she walked about. I smiled with a wide grin and Kirito who saw this felt bad as he knew my plan already changed. So I inched my way behind Takashi and said: "Man, Kamura you gotta see this I can see quite the beauty standing not to far away from here." After I said this Takashi got a sad look in his eye yet still turned around and this small talk could strengthen their new friendship.

But Takashi wasn't expecting to see Rei entering the same fast food joint. He stumbled forward and unconsciously began to walk toward her. It's like he couldn't control his own body, as if a voice in his head was telling him to go to her and so he did.

When Rei only noticed Takashi when he was already in front of her, he tried to speak "Rei… I just saw you and uhhh well…" he thought of an excuse and then an idea flashed through his head 'lucky' he thought. "I wanted you to meet some new friends of mine who'll be attending the same school as us, hey Daban and Kirito! Come here!" She looked at him with a puzzled gaze and set her eyes on the two new friends of her childhood crush.

She first took notice of the skinnier one he had black hair that looked as if it were falling to the ground, he had the face that screamed innocence and wore a grey top with black cargo pants; he also held an aura that made one want to get closer to him. And the other had black and messy hair, but the hair didn't seem as if it were disfunction with the rest of his handsome face, he also wore a green shirt with dark bluejeans; the only thing off was that she felt a little cautious toward him as if he gave off an aura of dominance.

These two were obviously Kirito and Daban. "Hello there! A friend of Kamura is a friend of mine and so who might you be little lady? And i'm Daban. Just so you know." "Of course, we would like to make more friends its just that we recently moved here." Rei grew a little angry at the green one's remark of little girl or rather Daban's remark but simmered down as she found they just moved here.

"Hello, my name is Moyamoto Rei and I see you became quick friends with Takashi here." She gave a smile yet looked at Takashi with eyes saying 'pushing your problems onto me?' He only laughed wirily at that.

After we chatted and spoke with each other we all got along splendidly telling of our fun times in the past and old stories, slipped in future plans and even talk of tv shows. I even began to speak using their first names, but for the fact that Takshi kept his distance from Rei is a bit displeasing. So seeing my chance I swooped in for the kill, this was going to either be a huge fuck up or a complete success. "Hey Takshi, you can stop glancing at Rei and speak freely with me, as I can tell she is your girlfriend." Kirito quickly caught on and helped out. "Yep, I second that, you just cannot stop looking her way with those stunned eyes of yours." Both I and Kirito spoke toward them. Both with a smile on our faces as if saying 'we already know'.

At this they both went a blood red in the face, and freaked out a bit. "WHAT?! I'm not dating her!" "YES! AND I'M NOT DATING HIM!" They both spoke of the grievances in their hearts but I pressed forward. "Fine, fine whatever you say. But I can at least tell that Takashi here likes you a whole bunch Rei." I spoke in a way to directly let her know. After I spoke I used a bit of my hypnosis and integrated it into my movements facing Takashi… when suddenly. "YEAH I DO LIKE HER A WHOLE BUCH EVER SINCE WE WERE KIDS BUT I COULDN'T CONFESS SO DROP IT!"

At the shouting the whole restaurant looked our way and began to scrutinize us for our act, but after the sudden confession I got out of Takashi they quieted down and began to listen in on them. But for Takashi who was cooling down… He realized what he just said and looked at Rei who had steam practically coming from her head and a mouth open in shock. The only thing I could pick up on his face was 'I just fucked up badly'. He clearly wanted to run away.

[Leveled up Hypnotism to level 2]

[Leveled up Acting to level 6]

At this point Takashi tried to run away when I weighed my Bloody Aura I began to get used to controlling upon him, this caused him to stop due to the pressure and the amount of mental torture he was feeling. But then a hand grab his own, it was Rei's hand. And I stopped weighing my aura.

They just stood there staring into each others eyes, they couldn't speak to one another and yet they still conveyed their feelings between themselves. And then the silence was broken between them as Rei finally spoke: "m… o." she spoke in a soft voice to which Takashi let out a simple "huh?…" hearing this she knew it was now or never and yelled out "ME TO! I have loved you ever since we were kids as well, you know?! Why did it take you so long to final get to it?!"

Then all went silent once more the world around us came to a stand still. Yet me… all I wanted to do was fight the urge to speak out 'Hey! You two should kiss!' like that damn moon. Anyway, they were finally letting the walls around them disappear and they leaned in toward each other.

And sealed their fates with but a single little kiss. And as they separated they looked towards me and saw me with a huge grin on my face as I slowly began to clap 'clap, clap, clap…' as this went on for a few moments the entire restraint that was silent due to their yelling also began to clap at their love for each other… 'clapclapclapclapclap…' and this continued.

[Wow… you're a bit of an ass and this was actually a very good plan. I'm honestly impressed.] "Well of course you are, I don't have this brain of mine for nothing you know! Also it didn't go exactly as plan due to Rei showing up, but to hell with it I got results." I replied to Darcy in a very arrogant manner yet it was still quiet but not quiet enough as that it even managed to gain me the disdainful look of those who caught me talking to myself.

"[Now you are fucked]" both Kirito and Darcy teamed against me. I let my grievances sit in my heart as I knew I was gonna fuck Kirito over in the training later. This sent a shiver down his spine at my bloody aura surrounding him.

But the two love birds caught what I said and yelled out ""You(Daban), this is your doing?!?!"" "HA! Of course it is! After seeing my new found friend being on such good terms with the young lady I knew I should give them that final push! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!" I laughed out loudly and let them know my whole plan.

""KUUUUUUHHHH!!!!…." They both knew they couldn't get mad at me and both ran out of the restaurant together hand in hand, yet they both had a huge smile stretched on their faces. 'Thank you.'

[Both Takashi and Rei see you as a good friend, from helping with their relationship. Part (2/5) complete on Quest: You need some allies. Good job, it worked out much better than I could've expected and you earned some respect from me; even if you used hypnosis.] 'If I didn't this would've been much more difficult as I'm just to lazy. [Hah~ you gotta fix that.] "Alright Daban, now that we have eaten our fill I think we should head back now and train a bit." I did in fact eat a bit and I also wanted to escape the glares of the surrounding people. "Alright then let's go do that."

We obviously talked a bit on what we could do with the place on the way back.

We couldn't even make it one block away as the world decided to help me once more as I saw a little girl crying her eyes out on the sidewalk while looking for someone or perhaps something. It was as you probably guessed it, Alice. The only thing was that I also saw Saeko walking out of a nearby store and began to walk past Alice, unaware of her predicament. I began to scheme once again. This time setting everything into place before hand.

[Acquired Skill: Schemer 1]

[Acquired Class: Strategist]

[Acquired Title: Master-mind]

I felt the overflowing amount of anger that is inside of me due to these degrading notices I received. But I once more began to tell Kirito through the Ear Radio the plan. And so we put it into action.

"Excuse me little one, are you okay?" I began to talk with Alice who was still crying. She was a bit taken aback but quickly realized I nor Kirito meant any harm. Of course just like with our chat with Takashi and Rei, he had Friendly Aura at maximum power.

"Mm,mmm" she meekly shook her head at us. But seeing this in the corner of her eye Saeko could tell the girl was crying and begun her approach thinking I was the cause of this, but before she could say anything Kirito looked toward her and saw her approaching and asked "Miss, do you by chance know this girl?" Saeko looked near flabbergasted at his sudden questioning and grew mad nearly barking at him until she heard the conversation between me and Alice.

"Ok then, let me take you to the police station. Your father is probably their searching for you. Ah, my name is Daban by the way. I'll be a new student at the nearby high school. This is just so you know who I'am, okay?" To this she nodded her head and grabbed my right hand after I stood, I then turned around to find Saeko staring at us. "She doesn't know the child, but I presume she wants to watch over the child with us as we drop her off at the station." Kirito quickly answered for Saeko, who then nodded as this was true; she didn't want us to be kidnappers or something.

"That's fine then, well miss if you'd like to tag along with us then that'd be great. I don't entirely know the area, so I myself might get lost along the way. I'am new to the area after all, and as is my brother Kirito and my little sister who is at the house." She quickly put together all that she heard, I didn't know the area and I was a new student at the nearby high school and I have a very friendly and understanding brother and little sister at home. She realized I wasn't a bad guy, just someone who wanted to help a bit.

"That is fine, and my name is Saeko Busujima. As I can presume you are both not of the bad kind of men I will just call you by the names I hear. Both Daban and Kirito." She spoke to us in a manner that seemed reserved but actually was more refined. "Yes that is fine. Also our little sister is called Yoshino. Maybe later on you two can meet, but that is for another time. Well off we go then." I then realize my mistake and look awkwardly toward her "Miss Busujima, would you mind leading us… please." I awkwardly asked as I truly din't know the area. To which she obliged.

After what seemed to be about twenty minutes we who had gotten to know each other plenty due to the massive amount of stories I can remember happened throughout my life. Like when I used to go rock climbing and how I would jump into lakes from high ledges and how I had plenty of fun with my old friends. Saeko even spoke of some stories as well, and Kirito even spoke of his love for video games which is where even I chipped in.

As we were approaching the police station Alice turned to me and had a wide smile, I smiled back in kind and as did Kirito and Saeko. "Onii-san, I hope we can meet again." she said to me high with expectations, i replied with "Sure, as long as your father allows it. I can come visit in my free time." "YAY!" she jumped up with her hands in the air. """Hahahaha…""" we all got a small laugh from it.

We left Alice with her father and explained what happened. Alice even asked her after if we could meet again. As he didn't want to leave his benefactor out in the rain and wanted his daughter to be happy he gave me his number and address so I can come visit. I also stated that I would bring along my little sister as she could use some friends, to which Alice said that it would be amazing for me to do so.

We then left and Kirito went back to the house, saying he would prep for dinner and all that. I just unsummoned his dumb ass as I didn't want to pay for food. With both me and Seako alone we began to talk more as I escorted her home. "You know, it is unwise to let a beautiful girl walk alone." i said this in a playful reprimanded tone. "Well, this 'girl' has won some championships in (Kendo/Iaido) and can easily beat a grown man unconscious." "Ha! I could easily kill a grown man, but knocking him out I don't have the skill!"

This was when she began to sigh, it was as if what I said opened something inside her, to which it did. She did nearly kill a man a year ago, and even enjoyed the experience. To this I even grew a somber mood and said: "I can tell that something is bothering you, even though we just met, you can tell me and I will help you the best I can." While doing so I also used hypnosis, even if it was wrong of me to do so, I just wanted to help her.

She stood still and looked at the ground and held up her hands just to stare at them. "…I nearly killed a man… I was only way home from practice and he tried to molest me, I had a Bokken that day and I just… thrashed him with it, I just beat him an inch from his life… And to this day I remember what I felt that day… I felt pleasure frun through my hands as I beat him… I never want to hurt anyone in such a way again." She than began to cry and actually lost her balance, I went in and caught her. I gazed at her lovely face, she was beautiful under the moonlight and her hair was sleek and glistened in the light as well similar to her eyes with tears. I began to grow angry with myself at what I had done to her. 'What kind of monster am I, I made this powerful girl cry so easily. I'm a horrible human.' I reprimanded myself and let my emotions.

I thought these things and yet I spoke my mind. "Thats okay… you're just like me." She had a bewildered look on her face, yet she didn't ant to believe me. "I'am a monster as well, I just absorb information like a sponge. I have the knowledge on how to act in social interactions but I just find that impossible and I'm not normal, as I cannot almost ever make any real friends, just those that are there and then leave me behind. I have constantly though of suicide and murder, I want to kill not only myself but all my enemies and drag them to hell with a chariot. If you are a monster then what does that make me who must constantly controlling the urge to end human life. All out of a fit of pure rage. I've been broken long ago."

This was how I truly felt and I laid my heart on the table for the world to see. I wanted her to know she wan't alone but I think even she would see me as a monster. So I attempted to leave after sitting her onto the ground. "I've gotta go, I have things to do at home." Yet the tears still streamed down my face and I could barely control myself any long and my rage began to grow and grow once again I almost snapped.

As I began to leave I felt a person grab me from behind, and I hard a small sniffle. My anger quickly dissipated and began to wither away. "You are to alone, I'am here as well." This was the last I heard before the person left and ran into the nearby house with a placard saying the name "Busujima".

I then left for the house and had a small yet genuine smile on my face. I was truly happy and my anger was gone.

[Both Seako and Alice see you as a good friend, from your helping hand and emotional support. Part (3/5) complete on Quest: You need some allies. And (1/2) completed on the You need allies bonus quest. Good work Daban, it worked out in the end, you even began to mend those emotional scars of yours, that is good and I hope you do better.] Darcy was speaking in a melancholic like tone. To which I responded with "You know Darcy… You'll be the first wife, and as such you can boss around the other wives to an extent, but that is only if it doesn't include any bullying but rather such as you get to be with me alone when you like and the such." At what I said to her I hear a small giggle which made me happy. [Hmhmhm...Thank you Daban for the offer but I think that it is far to early.] At this I heard the world go boom and hear the notification...

[Creator of the system feels bad for host and has given <Skill: Tribulation Resistance 1>] As I slowly passed out once again.

And that night nobody knew how lightning of such magnitude could appear form out of nowhere.

Hey guys~ it's your favorite Author here with another chapter!

I'm gonna inform you guys that I was thinking of replacing Kirito as he had made a few mistakes. I decide I will have him be a punching bag.

I also wanted to let you know that due to the support of you guys, I'am trying my best to get you all chapters. Remember, I make the chapters and then post them when I deem them complete.

Also, I like responding to comments, so go ahead and make my day guys.

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts