
One week later:

It has been a complete week since I entered the Soul Eater verse, here I have met some of the locals and fought plenty inside the Dungeon. In there I have been re-entering and spent a total of four days inside.

So I have been basically spent eleven days in total doing things but from what I can tell, only the time of the actual world will count toward the update. So yeah, still got seven weeks until Darcy is back… Damn I really miss her.

I can say that I also miss Blair… As after the third day she was acting different, you know that we were getting along great.


After Blair patched me up with what bandages she had and what I provided she took me to my room and helped me walk along the way as the adrenaline pumping in my veins diapered letting me feel just the amount of pain i should feel when losing a chunk of flesh.

She walked me in with my right arm over her shoulder and helped me to the bed.

I attempted to lay down myself but soon realized that all the pain I'am feeling is coming from my back so it would be best to not lay on my back.

Blair saw me struggle and asked "Are you sure you don't want to go to a hospital, nya? I mean the technology of humans can help you a lot, nya."

I looked in her eyes that seemed as if filled with sorrow "Lit- Blair, by morning I should be able to have healed up quite a bit; my body is far stronger than the average human."

As I say that I look at my HP bar and see that it still lacks over 521HP from the original 592HP that was lost from the attack.

"Are you sure?" She stared into my eyes.

"Yes" I whisper out.

She then sighs and comes to my aid and helps me lay on my torso as to not disturb my back. She carefully helped lift me onto the be where I laid almost completely still, breathing rather hard due to the pain.

Before I can even distract myself from the pain in my back, the area beside me was being pushed down and I knew immediately that Blair was laying down in the same spot she laid in earlier.

I push my body up a bit and switch my head onto the other side, there I saw Blair she had on what seemed to be a beautiful set of black lace lingerie, she was stunningly beautiful and so I did what was expected of me.

My right arm reached out toward Blair who was trying to sleep and made a quick movement… And wrapped itself around Blair hugging her tight and pulling her in.

"NYA!" She almost seemed to have leaped out of her skin as she felt me pull her closer to myself. But after feeling any lack of intent behind my motives she just let it happen and I pulled her in as I laid on my torso with my right arm badly wrapping around her so I can snuggle with her.

I lean in toward her and give her a single kiss that lasted only a second and then said my good night.

… By morning the next day we were on good terms and I can walk about as I please, she was rather angry with me at the fact that I was walking and cooking while I had my injury. Only she soon found out that I can regenerate with enough time.

But even so there is still a scar to show of what happened. And I don't know when I will be able to remove it.

I tell her over our meal together that I will be going back out to hunt once again. But this time she was furious and almost used her magic to attack. Luckily for me I calmed her down with saying that I will do it in more moderation and that I would come back immediately after I feel danger.

She accepted my compromise. And I was off…

Another two day pass and I wrack up an entire day in the dungeon, Blair and I are enjoying our time together and I can say for sure that I'am stronger than ever before.

But on the third morning I wake up a little after Blair and head into the living room where Blair watches TV, there I see her on the couch completely enthralled by her show. "…how its done. Just remem-"

But upon seeing me she immediately turns i off cutting off the narration I manage to hear with my groggy senses after I made over six dungeon runs in a single night.

Blair looks toward me and makes a face that shouted out 'OH! Your home!' but before she said anything she seemed to have realized something and then glares my way…

'I guess I brought this upon myself for coming back sop late in the night, he he he… Haaaahh…'

I took it as that she was pouting to me as if I had abandoned this little kitten, but I wouldn't ever leave this kitten out in the cold. She was just far to cute.

"'Sigh~' Alright then be that way, I'll just make breakfast and you can eat yours if you want to. I ain't gon force you." 'smack' I slap heavily onto my mouth as a small bit of an accent slipped out. And I looked over to Blair who seemed to be holding in a fit of laughter at my slip up.

But she soon turned back to her glaring and emotionless state. And ignored me.

I whip up for her some fried fish and myself some scrambled eggs and I even made some french toast.

I ate my meal and left Blair's on the table.

I go to prepare my clothes for a day of lazing around and walking into town, as I return to the table I notice that the fish was gone and the toast still remained. 'Maybe she didn't like it.' I though as I ate it.

Blair gave one last glare before I left the house and then slammed the door on my way out.


And that was when she acted differently around me, seems I probably pissed her off with the fact I don't sleep at night and instead go on a hunt. And then during the day I take a look around the city, even if I sometimes stayed at the house to watch TV or use a gaming console I stored away (Stole).

So after all this time I somehow cannot seem to get her to forgive me and am feeling quite lonely. The only good thing to have come from the fact that I spent a lot of time inside the dungeon was that the cool down of using the <Multiple Clone> special.

The special allows me to create a permanent clone that I can place three specials into and five skills. They can learn other skills and later be absorbed into me so I can acquire them.

These clones act much like Shadow Clones from Naurto and have their own mind and can act as a completely different person from me.

I use the skill, this causes a screen to pop up and on it showed a being that looked exactly like me. Like a player model. Anyway it also showed a section where I can chose the personality and of course the skills/specials I want them to have.

For the first one I want a being that is absolutely loyal to me and is a powerful warrior. So I set the personality to well… Absolutely loyal and I also made him a very tough guy, I then hand over battle related skills and specials.

I give him, <Martial Arts 4> <Sword Arts 4> <Sneaking 4> <Acting 6> and <Quick Thinking 3>. for the specials I gave him, <Bloody Aura(Low)> <Regeneration(Low)> and <Dragon Slayer Magic (Shadow)>.

The skills and specials I gave him, I get to keep it is just that he gets to start off with them and can acquire more in the future.

As I was about to close the window I take another look and notice that I can in fact change its looks, I can make it appear as if it were one of my summons or I can just change its look personally.

So I just change the sex to a female and made some minor changes to her assets and the like. In the end she seemed similar to Ichigo from Dārin In Za Furankisu, except her breast are a bit bigger and she seems more fierce like she could kick some series ass.

As I select to finalize the creation of the 'Clone?' I manage to remember that I didn't change the fact that her personality will be sorta manly so yeah… She gonna be a tomboy.

As I sigh over my mistake I see her begin top materialize. It looked as if many particles from all over began to pull together and create her shape before me.

And well she was wearing clothes but she had them a bit loose, and well her assets were not completely covered; similar to that of Blair.

She opened her eyes and looked at mine, she then immediately healed down and said out "Master! I'am reay to serve you whenever!" and let me tell you that the wording she used makes me glad I aimed to hide her in my shadow all along.

I don't want to bring her out into public while she speaks this way.

"Rise, I did not create you to kneel at my feet but to serve as an extra limb." I said out to her in a stoic manner.

"Yes Master!" I was actually sort of digging the Master term, it just gave off a feeling of empowerment and also sort of well for a lack of better words… turned me on.

Anyway, after she rose to her feet she still remained at attention and stood as straight as a board.

"At ease, there is no reason to remain at attention when I do not ask of it from you." I say in a lighter tone so as to help calm her down if even only a bit.

"Yes." and she finally relax but still had a stiff face that waited for me.

"Alright then as you are my first Clone I do not know if you come preset with a name or if I must give you one so please tell me." I really didn't know if she had a name or not because what would it be 'Daban?'

"No sir, I'am still in need of a name. Will you please present me one?" She seemed a bit nervous at the fact that she was already asking of something from me.

So as to not let her down I rack my mind to find a good name for her.

After a period of several minutes I comb through over flat the known names usually used for Japanese girls, I find many such as Kazue meaning first branch but then I remember a name Katsumi meaning victorious beauty.

And so I choose Katsumi because I only ask for her to remain victorious in all battles and she is also quite the beauty.

"Your name is now Katsumi, is it good?" I asked Katsumi her opinion of the name I have decided on, and unlike what I expected I get "Katsumi? Y-yes, I like the name very much. Thank you." Her face turned a bit red at me naming her.

She does realize she is my clone right? Right?!

Anyway after giving Katsumi a quick rundown on the situation I have her enter into my shadow and stay near me incase of an emergency as she will be my secret guard.

As I descend the stairs and wonder what to make for dinner for Blair and I, the house seemed rather empty and I remembered that Blair was in the bath. I asked myself whether I should enter and join her. She was singing the usual 'pum-pum-pumkin, I'am a beautiful lady' song as always and it is starting to get on my nerves, like I should teach her a few extra songs to sing.

Maybe I should teach her the opening song of The Nightmare Before Christmas? Or maybe some sea shanties from Black Flag? 'No, that wouldn't fit her voice or personality.' and end up shaking my head.

As I was thinking to myself suddenly I remember that those two kids were in the city as it has been a week and they should arrive about this time of night as well. So I quickly use Soru to dash toward the bath and when I open the door I call out "Blair! Get out now!" And after I finished she looked at me with a stupefied expression but before she can tell me off the window is smashed inward.

Soul came flying into the bathroom while yelling out "Naked Lady?!" but this time before he makes it into the bath I snag the little shit by the back of his collar and throw him back through the window he came from.

I was pissed at the little brat, though a mistake he still almost got into the bath with Blair and that is unforgivable. I can understand if it was in the show… But now that I'am here, your just begging to die!

"Daban, what is going on nya~!" she ask me with a face saying 'What are you doing?'

"I'am merely displaying a show for my students about my authority before I head to the school." And so I turn toward the window and leap out into the night.

(POV: Maka Albarn and Soul Eater Evans)

(Few minutes prior)

"Okay Soul, the Teacher we were sent out to find should be in this Town somewhere. I don't exactly know where but we aren't allowed back at the academy without bringing him along." A girl who seemed to be in her mid teens wore a black coat over what was a school uniform she had brown hair tied in pigtails and had a teen boy beside her.

The boy had spiky silver hair and a yellow jacket that seemed to be of a style used by sport fans and also wore a white head band that countered the color of his red eyes, his teeth were well kept yet seemed similar to a sharks.

"What a drag! We actually have to find this no good teacher? Like what for? He's a teacher I'm sure he can find a way back to the academy! And besides, what is up with that encrypted description?" the boy seemed angry with the task at hand and only wanted to go back home.

"Yeah… I don't get much off of it either… 'When the river flows red with blood so do the clouds' how is that even a description? And we don't even get a name!" 'Why can't Lord Death give us a name or a good description like I don't care much for encryptions.' she released a sigh and the boy looked on in annoyance.

"Hey Maka." the boy named Soul called out to her.

"What now Soul?" she seemed angry at his antics.

"Haven't we got some information on a witch in the area? I think it was one we came across once before right?" he seemed to have remembered a face and some old information they had managed to scrape together.

"Oh yeah, we did tell Lord Death we collected all ninety-nine needed Kishin Eggs after that last one we found luring kids into a river along the way here. Maybe we could hunt that witch and make you a death scythe?" They figure this was the only good thing to come from their long journey of looking for this lost teacher.

"Let's go and eat a witch soul!" So they went on.

After a thirty minute search outside of town they found a giant two story pumpkin house that strangely was similar to a cat, sat on the ground surrounded by light balls created with magic power of a witch.

"Well this is it. This must be the house where the Witch Blair lives." She seemed a bit taken aback at the design and how the witch openly showed her status.

"A pumpkin house? Thats cool." 'Slurp' Soul cannot seem to wait for the moment he gets to eat her soul.

"It looks tasty, but sneaking into a house isn't very manly. Why don't we just charge right in there?" He was growing impatient and losing his sense of hold.

"We can't, she is different from the others we faced so far." But before Maka could warn Soul he already charged forward calling out "Let's go!" while Maka responds by yelling out "Hey come back here!" in an attempt to stop him.

"Hrrrrrrrrrrr!!" Soul charged forward and leaped through a window smashing it using his body and protecting his face with his hands. But when he lowered them he saw a girl in a tub.

"Naked Lady?!" He called out, he also unconsciously expected to land in the tub with her. But alas, he was grabbed by the scruff of his color and thrown through the window he came from.

""Aaaaahhhh!!"" It seems the assailant got a strike as both Maka and Soul went to the floor after crashing into each other..

Maka looks up while Soul laid onto of her, and gazed upon a man in a black outfit with blood-red clouds and neck length black as the night hair only matched by his cargo pants and boots. Upon getting to this point she had forgot her original mission as she was on a witch hunt and this man guarded the witch, and so she automatically assumed a teacher wouldn't go near a witch so the man in front must be a Kishin guard. So Maka forgot the description of the teacher and forced Soul to his feet.

(POV: Daban)

"Well well well, what do e have here? A couple of kids who dared to enter this property without an early notice. Seems I'll have to remove them from the premises at once." I looked down upon Maka and Soul as they staggered to their feet.

"Hey old man, I ain't got beef with you so why don't you let us through to the Witch Blair?" Soul was obviously angry from me blocking him at his attempt to attack Blair. I smiled under the Akatsuki Robe.

"Yes, unless you are a Kishin I see no reason for you to protect her. So I will have to ask you to step aside." Maka glared my way at an attempt to act tough. I glared in kind and released a bit of my Blood Aura.

The smell of blood appeared in the air and the two stiffened a little. But soon after they recovered and backed away.

"Seems you won't listen to reason. Soul!" Maka still sweating bullets held out her right arm toward Soul. "On it" Soul then quickly lit up and transformed into a Scythe the long blade was pained with a jagged blood red and the rest of the blade was pitch black, at the tip of the pole was a single eye on both sides for Soul to see through.

Soul quickly spun in Maka's hands as they gave me a little show and allowed them to warm up in preparation for the fight.

Maka came charging at me with swinging Soul in an attempt to slice me in two. I stepped back using Kami-e to simulate being a piece of paper in the wind that is blown away by the force behind the attacks of my opponents.

As I dodge Maka seems to realize I would be quite the opponent and got more serious in the battle, now she is swinging Soul while simultaneously aiming kicks toward my legs to mess-up my rhythm. To bad she isn't a Martial Artist but rather a Weapon Meister meaning her kicks are just a waste of strength.

She goes about the normal swing Soul until it dies technique, and I grow tired of it and want to see if these two are worth anything… And so I go on the offensive.

I lower my body and duck under Soul as he slices toward my mid-section, as he goes flying over me I swipe my right leg under Maka and this trips her leading to her falling on her bottom.

As I get to my feet I immediately throw my fist to the ground in an attempt to hit her, but I see that Soul transformed and pulled her to safety. They then look my way and had surprised expressions on their face as they thought they had me because I was only dodging so the sudden counter was unexpected.

They steeled themselves once again and charged toward me. But this time I felt less playful and as Soul came hurling toward me in an attempt to cut me down… I used Tekai on my left hand and activated my Sharingan then grabbed Soul by the sides of his blade before he could slice through it. It was easy as I could see where they were aiming.

""WHAT?!"" 'How is this possible?!' They asked themselves, they couldn't understand how I so simply caught Soul without injury or effort.

As they stood their in shock I looked them in the eyes with my Sharingan active as before and as I did, they could feel it… A sense of fear ran through their body as they gaze into my eyes, they could only feel the bloodlust leaking from my body.

"Me? Well, I'am simply a teacher over at Death Academy. But right now I'am protecting my Little Kitten from the evil hands of two snot nosed brats." I spoke to them using a deep voice filled with my anger, but it hit them hard.

'This is the teacher we were searching for?!' They took a look and once more saw the blood red clouds on my Akatsuki Robe and came to the conclusion from the encrypted description that, I was in fact who they were searching for.

"… A teacher?" Maka spoke in a small tone, "then why are you protecting that Witch?" She pointed at Blair who came out dressed up.

"Her?" I look over and back at them. "That's Blair, she is a cat with more magic power than she should have. But I refer to her as Little Kitten or Little Blair." I said with a self righteous tone.

""Hah?"" They both had no idea what to accept… That I was a teacher of their academy and that I was protecting a magic filled cat. But that they also failed their witch hunt.

"Well, anyway. I'll be sure to inform Death that you two have not only failed your witch hunt but that you also attempted to attack a teacher." While looking at the two who had stunned faces I began to head back to Blair house but before that… "But first a little punishment for trying to get in the bath with Blair." I look toward the two and then at Blair "Little Blair, use your Pumpkin Cannon."

She seemed hyped up and looked at the two with shining eyes as she pointed her hand at them in the shape of a gun. "Pumpkin Pumpkin Halloween Cannon!"


A laser like beam shot from her hand and blasted the two into the nearby woods.

That was the last I saw of them until the next day where they came to come get me to set out toward the academy.

Can someone recommend a good spell/grammar checking site? I need one.

Also, this was just a quick work and maybe if I'm up for it I could post again this week.

But Shinobi Striker is a little to fun so I cannot stop playing it.

So enjoy the chapter and

Thank you.

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts