
Traversing Another World—This Isn't Science! Obtaining a Godly Tool

This is a simple story about an ordinary person living leisurely in another world, cultivating fields, growing flowers, and, in his free time, delving into unscientific science. Until the end.

Sealiest · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 13: Little Duke, the Boss


Duke decided to take a day off. He had four days off each month at Little Sam's Card Repair Shop.

The reason for his day off today was the public class at the Magic Spirit Society. The speaker for the class, addressing all spiritual apprentices, was Mudis Blacksnake, a 1st-ring arcane master from the Blacksnake family.

"Mudis Blacksnake is the young elder of the Blacksnake family and a strong contender for the next High Priest position," Old Sam said as he walked with Duke to the class.

Old Sam had been a spiritual apprentice for many years, but he never missed a public class at the Magic Spirit Society.

Duke asked, "Will it be beneficial for us, spiritual apprentices, to attend classes taught by arcane masters?"

Arcane masters were a subset of arcane practitioners.

Spiritual magic encompassed the universe, and anyone who successfully cultivated their spirit sea was called an arcane practitioner. Depending on their chosen path of study, arcane practitioners were divided into two major directions: arcane masters and arcane scholars.

Arcane masters studied powerful arcane arts for combat, wielding destructive forces.

Arcane scholars delved into the secrets of arcane arts for creating spirit cards, potions, puppets, and more. Depending on their specialization, they were called card smiths, potion makers, puppeteers, etc.

"Why wouldn't it be useful, Little Duke? Whether it's an arcane master or an arcane scholar, they are pioneers in the field of spiritual magic. You can absorb their experiences and benefit for a lifetime... Perhaps we may never reach the 1st ring or solidify spell models, release arcane arts, but listening to them will always be beneficial!"

"I understand."

"That's good. Don't miss any future public classes, especially those taught by 1st-ring arcane masters. They are powerful individuals with the Blacksnake surname, personally teaching us. Such opportunities are rare!" Old Sam was filled with admiration.

The Blacksnake family was a noble, emerging baronial family.

Following noble traditions, one could only adopt a noble surname upon reaching the 1st ring in the three-sea cultivation. Otherwise, they would have a common name. The noble surname for the Blacksnake family was naturally "Blacksnake."

"Hey, Old Sam, you're here." A middle-aged man waved.

"I must come. This is Master Mudis personally teaching the class," Old Sam replied, exchanging pleasantries with the man. "Winst, how's business lately? Getting rich?"

"Getting rich as early as possible." Winst glanced at Duke. "Who's this?"

"Haha, a spiritual apprentice cultivated in my shop, learning card repair with me." Old Sam seemed proud. Among thousands of spiritual apprentices, it wasn't common to have one cultivated at his Little Sam's Card Repair Shop.

Though the shop could produce a spiritual apprentice, it was undoubtedly an honor.

They entered the Magic Spirit Society together.

Nearly three to four hundred spiritual apprentices gathered, almost filling the society's largest auditorium. People sat together, chatting, creating a lively atmosphere.

Duke found a seat next to Old Sam.

Being a newcomer, there weren't many young people like him in the auditorium.

Those who needed to consume enhancers to open their spirit seas were not many in number. Talented individuals who could open their spirit seas on their own were either from prominent families or were secretly recruited for specialized training. They didn't need to attend public classes.

Public classes were for ordinary spiritual apprentices.

"Mudis will be here soon. Everyone, please be quiet!" The president of the Magic Spirit Society took charge of hosting the class, maintaining order in the auditorium.

After a moment.

A man in his mid-thirties, dressed in black robes, entered the auditorium surrounded by many people. He walked onto the stage, revealing a warm smile.

"You all should know who I am, so I won't waste time introducing myself. In today's class, I will explain the structure of rings and the relationship between rings and spiritual magic."

Mudis delved straight into the topic.

He spoke eloquently, starting with the structure of rings and then combining it with the spiritual magic system. While his talk was broad, it wasn't lacking in enlightening details.

There were many parts that Duke couldn't understand.

But that's not important. Xiaoyi recorded the entire class, and it will become part of its database.

Unconsciously, the two-hour public class ended. Mudis left the auditorium without allowing time for questions, surrounded by the crowd.

The spiritual apprentices left the class in groups of two or three.

Old Sam greeted friends and called Duke to go back together.

"Little Duke, how was today's class?"

"To be honest, I didn't understand much."

"Haha, not understanding is normal. Arcane masters have a different understanding than us spiritual apprentices. You've just stepped into the spiritual sea; you'll understand gradually."

As they reached the intersection of the second vertical street, Duke prepared to bid farewell.

Old Sam suddenly said, "Don't be in a hurry, Little Duke."

"What's up?"

"Do you have any interest in taking over Little Sam's Card Repair Shop?"


Duke was taken aback.

Old Sam took out a box of cigarettes, lit one silently, and looked towards the street. From there, the sign of Little Sam's Card Repair Shop was clearly visible.

"If things haven't changed, I'm planning to live in Chongjiao City. I found a big buyer for the continuous supply ink technology I bought from you, earned more money than I could in a lifetime running Little Sam's Card Repair Shop." Old Sam blew a smoke ring. "But I only paid you 10 gold dragons, which is too little."

Duke couldn't guess how much Old Sam made by selling it.

Naturally, he would feel envious, but he quickly became understanding and replied seriously, "Boss, we signed a contract, and it was a fair deal. I got the much-needed 10 gold dragons, which is enough for me. How much profit you make from selling it is your skill, and it has nothing to do with me. So, you don't need to feel indebted to me... You gave me a job back then, and I'm grateful."

"You're a grateful kid. But I've already decided to give Little Sam's Card Repair Shop to you."

"No need..."

"Listen, Little Duke, I've earned more than enough from you. Compared to that, Little Sam's Card Repair Shop is insignificant. I don't want to sell it hastily; after all, it carries dreams and livelihood from my youth to now. It helped me make money to support my family and even sent the kids to the big city."

Old Sam said with deep emotion, "Now I want to choose a suitable owner for it. I believe you, Little Duke, are the right person. So, accept Little Sam's Card Repair Shop. Consider it as my support for the future scholar... Also, I have one request: don't change the shop's name."

"This..." Duke wasn't one to be pretentious. Since Old Sam had said so, he had no reason to refuse. "Then I accept."

"Haha, that's right, Boss Little Duke."

Old Sam directly took Duke to Little Sam's Card Repair Shop. Three card repairers were working inside, Bob and three apprentice workers, including a new recruit.

"Everyone, stop for a moment and listen to me." Old Sam clapped his hands.

Everyone put down their work and gathered around the counter.

Old Sam glanced at his old comrades and said slowly, "I'm planning to retire. My children are all in Chongjiao City, and my wife is helping to take care of my grandson there. So, I've thought it over and decided to transfer Little Sam's Card Repair Shop to Duke... Don't be surprised; Duke has a clever mind, and he has also 

opened his spiritual sea. I believe he will manage Little Sam's Card Repair Shop well."

As soon as he finished speaking, Best, the card repairer, exclaimed, "Old Sam, are you confused? How can Little Duke afford to take over your shop!"

(End of this chapter)