Still the Forest of Death
"I know you're there Gaki!" shouts the deranged woman. I inch forwards slowly as I remember the crazy lady from my past life, bloodthirsty and ostracised. Her head swivels towards me, misty brown eyes locking onto my form. I step out of the shadow cast by the tree and jump down next to her, not losing sight of her for a single moment.
A voice, from my mind, speaks up "Kid, she smells of snakes, I'm sure you've noticed it too, even though you have plenty of power for your age you aren't fast enough to even beat a Chunin at the moment, regardless of any techniques and abilities you have, stay on guard and focus on defence if necessary, I don't want my partner to be so weak that they were killed by a Chunin"
The deranged woman watches as I jump down and approach her in silence. "So Gaki, you've come out of your hiding spot!" Remembering this character I devise a plan to explain some of my abilities, mainly my snake summoning.
"Hey!" I shout "Old lady, I am the boss of this forest, if you want to use my forest you have to give payment." A vein pops in her forehead as soon as the words 'Old lady' come out of my mouth.
With gritted teeth she asks "Gaki, aren't you too arrogant for your own good!? If you kowtow to me three times I, as my sexy and awesome self, will forgive you"
"Hmph, I would say the same" I declare, with my head held high. "I have an Idea, we can fight, and if I win you become my servant, If you win, I will do the same for you, deal?"
"Sure Gaki!" a sadistic smile mars her features as she launches a kunai at my face, cutting my cheek and drawing blood.
A few minutes later:
"Hahahahaha Gaki, you're too slow! From now on you said you would be my servant right? But I cant have a weak servant so you have to become my punchi- I mean student, and that way you will be able to reclaim your freedom, until then, go get me groceries!"
A/N: So there will be a timeskip, the next chapter will be during the Genin exams at the academy so that we can start the actual timeline. I'm thinking of ending the Naruto portion at the end of the Chunin exams, but it's up to you guys if you want that to change. Also this ne will be super short just as a transition point to the next chapter so expect a second chapter later today.
A/N: BTW I suck at doing Anko's character, and in this case Yami is hiding his personality, which is something he will be doing during the timeskip