
Chapter 1

I blink for a second when I see I am not in the middle of a forest. I looked around for a few seconds before suddenly, an ethereal voice from inside my head.

'You are in Planetos, my champion.'

I blink for a second and say.

"Who are you?"

'Have you already forgotten our agreement, my champion? One of my followers spread a pact contract in your world. You have already signed the contract, and now you are offering your service to me.'

I thought for a few seconds about the thing I signed last night.


I look at the newest CYOA that appears in the forum where many Fanfic and Original stories can be written and read. I love visiting this forum because I like to read. Reading original novels is something I like to do when I have free time at home, and reading fanfic when I take a break at work is something I like to do.

Other than fanfic and originals, the forum also has a section that lets people write their own CYOA to inspire writers to write new fanfic or originals. I might not be a writer, but I like filling the CYOA and think of how my character uses the power he or she gets from filling the CYOA.

The newest CYOA is called Warlock's Bargain. It is about a warlock who makes a pact with a higher being.

I feel the CYOA with a thinking of a character that heals people around the multiverse. My core thinking is a multiverse jumping healer with a Lawful Good Patron as his patron.

After completing the CYOA and learning how to use it, I turned off my computer and slept.

==End of Flashback==

Ah, that.

'Yes. That.'

Wait. You can read my mind.

'Of course, I can. I am your patron. I can read your mind. Anyway, let me introduce myself. I have many names, but you can call me Celeste, the Goddess of Life, Sex, Harvest, and Healing. With you signing that pact, you are now my champion in this world. You get power from my domain in exchange for doing my bidding.'

After she said that, I could feel a massive power appear inside of me. The first is the ability to move between worlds and survive in the Void without special protection. Not only that, but I can also feel a holy power from within my body surging out to create a soothing, and that holy power also lets me judge anyone's morality with a gaze.

However, that is not the only one. I can feel a knowledge of creating enchanted items with various effects and how to heal injuries and cure many illnesses.

I remember that build. I am a wandering healer who walks around the void to heal and help others under the name of my patron.

'And you will be that. I did not need you to spread my name, but I need you to fix some of the problems around the multiverse.'

Does that mean I can go back to my world and return here?

'Yes. However, while I did not mind you going around the multiverse, I need you to complete the mission I give you.'

Right. I offer you a service, huh?

'That's right, and my first mission for you is to kill the Night King.'

Right! I chose A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) as my first world, not Game of Thrones. In this world, the Night King is a much bigger threat than in the TV series.

'Yes. As Goddess of Life, I despise Undead, and Night King is something that makes my blood boil. As my champion, it is your duty to exterminate that abomination.'

Shit. I regret not taking more offensive magic now.

'Why? The Enchanting and Medical magics can kill the Night King. Medical magic has the property of purification and will be your greatest weapon against the undead. You can create a holy weapon using Enchanting magic. With enough time, you can defeat that abomination.'

I know. There is a reason why I took this magic and ASOIAF as my first world. However, I prefer taking pyromancy to burn the undead. It is more efficient.

I can feel my patron nodding her head and saying.

'That is true. Burning undead is great.'

Of course. Undead is good for burning. Anyway, do you know where we are?

'You should arrive on an island called Dragonstone.'

Right. Dragonstone. That is a good start. Now, I only need to know which year I will arrive in.


|3rd POV|

There is a rumor going around the island. It is a rumor of a healer staying deep in one of the many mountains in Dragonstone. It is about a healer that heals many people who are injured and sick in exchange for some food.

The healer goes from one village to another, offering his service without asking anything. However, even though the healer did not ask anything, the people gave him many kinds of things. They give him food like dried fish, fresh fish, and boar meat. The richer one will give him money for his service.

The rumor of a healer also brings another thing. A new religion. It is a small religion that this healer believes in, and it spread when the smallfolk (commoners) saw him pray for his Goddess Celeste, the Goddess of Life, Harvest, and Healing.

It is still a small religion but spread quickly throughout the island. This is because Celeste did not demand anything too big from her followers. She only wants her followers to create a statue of hers and pray to her every now and then.

The second reason is that the smallfolk who pray to Celeste will receive her small blessing. If they sincerely pray, they will get healthier and not get sick easily. Because of this, people start to worship her without this healer doing anything to spread her name.

Because of this, many people already know about this rumor, including Selyse Baratheon and Maester Cressen.

Selyse looks at the old maester with a hopeful expression and says.

"Maester, do you think this healer can heal my daughter?"

Cressen hesitates to answer her question because he is a man of science but also knows that magic exists in this world. After hesitating for a few seconds, he says.

"I don't know, my lady. I cannot promise or be certain enough to say that this man can heal Lady Shireen. However, I shall obey your order if you want me to call him here."

Selyse looks at him for a few seconds, looks at her sleeping daughter, and nods her head.

"Call him here, Maester. If he can heal my daughter, I will give him anything he wants. What is his name, Maester?"

"Very well. I shall ask the others to escort this healer here, and his name is Noah."


|Noah's Build| |Warlock's Bargain CYOA| |https://graev.neocities.org/cyoa/Warlock/|

[Starting Points: 10 Points (Magic Points) and 10 Points (Pact Points)]

{Patron: Celestial (Celeste)}

[Beings of pure light and goodness, celestials often manifest as beautiful winged humanoids with an inner radiance that shines through their eyes and skin. They exude an aura of divine presence, and their appearance brings a sense of peace and awe. Celestials offer their warlocks the ability to judge the morality of anyone they lock eyes with and exude an aura of calm and peace.]


{Pact Offering: Service}

[You offer your patron some form of service. Depending on the severity of the contract, this can range from absolute service for a period of years to the occasional contract you aren't really in a position to refuse.]

{Pact Severity: Mild} {Cost: 4 Pact Points} {6 Pact points left}

[Your contract's effects are only mildly troublesome, and you can manage easily.]

{Pact Authority: Everpresent} {Gain: 4 Pact Points} {10 Pact points left}

[Your patron is ever present in your mind, and they can speak with you at any point in time.]


{Magic Knowledge: Enchanting (-1 Magic Point) and Medical (-1 Magic Point) [8 Magic Points left]}

|Enchanting Magic|

{Magic focused around imbuing objects with magical properties.}

|Medical Magic|

{Magics focused around manipulating biology, usually to heal, though the adverse is also possible.}

|AN* I changed this magic a bit. Besides manipulating biology, he can also use holy magic because of his pact with Celeste.|


{Unique Power: Planeshifting (-8 Magic Points) [0 Magic Points left]}


{You have the ability to travel the Blind Eternities and reach different planes across the Multiverse.}

|AN* Other than visiting other worlds, this ability also lets him visit places that many World Hopping abilities cannot visit, like the Realm of the Outer Gods.|



|A Song of Ice and Fire| {Gain: 3 Magic Points and 3 Pact Points} [3 Magic Points and 13 Pact Points|



[Familiar] (Cost: 2 Pact Points) (11 Pact Points left)

|You have gained a familiar from your patron. The familiar's nature is tied to your patron and will act as a friend and aid you in your adventures.|

[Tongues] (Cost: 1 Magic Point) (2 Magic Points left)

|You can speak any language that you come across.|

[Warrior] (Cost: 1 Pact Magic) (10 Pact Points left)

|You are a talented warrior and are naturally skilled at using your abilities in combat situations.|

[Intuition] (Cost: 4 Magic Points and 4 Pact Points) (-2 Magic Points left and 6 Pact Points left)

|You are naturally talented at wielding magic and have a high level of intuition at figuring out how to use your powers.|


{Point Conversion (3:1) ratio}

[Conversing 6 Pact Points to 2 Magic Points] (0 Magic Point Left and 0 Pact Point Left)]

If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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