
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Soul Formation!

Trevor went deeper and deeper into the woods as the sun sunk further and further into the ground.

Soon, the light disappeared and the cries of awakening beasts resounded throughout the forest. However, Trevor hadn't travelled the distance he had planned to as of yet. The beasts around here are only of the foundation establishment level.

Trevor needs a treasure that can help him get from his pinnacle body refining into the Qi Condensation realm. If he was a normal body refining guy, he wouldn't have to go through the hassle of getting a treasure, he could just breakthrough naturally. However, his body is so strong and too accepting of Qi that it will take years to naturally get through to the next realm. Who wants to wait so long?

Finally, after running another hour more, Trevor heard fighting that could not possibly come from weak foundation establishment level beasts.

He silently moved through the trees and towards the sound.

There where no beasts nearby as the weak ones had ran away and the strong ones didn't exist.

Trevor found two beasts mauling each other and throwing the other into trees. One of the beasts was a yellow bird around a metre in height whilst the other was a massive snake that was brown in colour, the fangs seemed to be as large as the bird itself.

However, both beasts were covered in numerous wounds. The bird had a crushed wing and small cuts beneath the feathers leaking a lot of blood. The snake had a gouged eye and many small cuts along its skin.

The snake threw the bird into a tree again whilst the bird waved its remaining wing and threw psychic energy at the snake causing it to thrash around giving itself more wounds.

Trevor smiled. "Heh. I may not be able to defeat most core formation beasts, but, two highly wounded beasts. Easy pickings."

Trevor first picked the bird to kill. If he killed the snake, the bird can easily escape. He would be losing out on a core from a core formation level beast, something he has yet to see.

Trevor walked behind the bird as both screamed at each other. They did not care about the surroundings as no other beasts of the same level were in their territory and all the weak ones have ran. They would never expect a puny human two ranks below them attempt to kill them.

Trevor stood behind a creaking and cracked tree. He then launched himself through the brittle wood and right into the bird. The bird looked at him full of confusion, only to see its own body before soon, still in confusion entering the land of dark.

The snake was also stunned by the happening. The great foe was easily dispatched by this appearing thing. It is so magical, but too powerful.

The snake immediately turned and attempted slithering away, forgetting about the bird that gave it so many injuries.

Trevor would not so easily leave good prey and launched himself onto the back of the snake, running up to the head and directly cutting right through the spine, launching the head a metre away with a fountain of blood. Happy, he dug around for the core.

The physical core for the snake was a massive 3 metres in length around the middle of the body. Trevor looked astonished wondering how much energy there could be in such a beast. However, when he touched it, the core shrank into the size of a fist.

The core itself seemed yellow in colour, but it had small tinges of gold floating around

"Damn, this stupid thing baited me."

Trevor walked grumbling over to the body of the bird. He stabbed his hand through the carcass and grabbed the core.

Thankfully, this time the core remained mostly the same size, increasing slightly in fact.

Trevor was still pissed with the snake.

Suddenly, the ground shook.

Trevor's hair stood on hair.

Trevor himself felt that he could face most core formation level beasts easily as long as he was prepared, however the feeling he had now is that he would be quickly crushed.

Forgetting the chicken meat that he wanted, he ran straight up the largest tree he could see which reached tens of metres into the sky.

He looked down to the ground to see what he had attracted with killing the beasts.

The rumbling drew closer whilst the trees swayed faster.

A tall brown figure emerged from the bushes.

[Species: Bödvar Bjarki]

[Cultivation: 5th rank (Soul Formation realm)]


To Trevor, not knowing whether it was a peak soul formation or a beast that just entered the realm, it could probably destroy him quickly, like an anteater to an ant.

Trevor was happy that he decided to hide away. Life is most important after all.

Whilst sighing to himself, the bear that was as thick as a tree heard some rustling and looked up. Its eyes locked onto a small body.

Curious, the bear walked up to the tree and smacked it down.

Unfortunately for Trevor, he was found, and even more unfortunately for him, he flung several swords at the unsuspecting bear and ran away, somewhat injuring the bear.

Well, the bear is now furious and was violently chasing Trevor.

"Shit shit shit. Ah shit, this isn't good. How long do I have to run. What! 219 kilometres! I'm screwed."

About half an hour later, still under the angered bear's pursuit.

Trevor's heart pounded in his chest as he sprinted through the dense woods, his every breath coming in ragged gasps. Behind him, a massive bear thundered through the underbrush, its thunderous growls reverberating through the trees. The bear seemed relentless in its pursuit, closing the distance between them with each passing moment.

In Trevor's hands, he clutched the hilt of his sword, the Chaos Sword Heart in action whilst swinging his sword about. Fear gripped his mind, who would want to die under ten tonne paws.

Branches whipped at his face, leaving red welts in their wake, and his legs burned with each stride. The forest seemed to close in around him, a cacophony of rustling leaves and snapping twigs. Trevor's only focus was to stay one step ahead of the relentless predator that pursued him.

Suddenly, Trevor's foot caught on a hidden root, and he stumbled forward, his heart plummeting. Panic surged through his veins as he desperately scrambled back to his feet. The bear was closing in, its hot breath filling the air.

With a surge of adrenaline, Trevor lunged forward, his sword glinting in the dappled sunlight. He swung the sword with all his might, aiming to at least stall the bear's onslaught. But the bear's sheer strength effortlessly swatted the blade aside, leaving Trevor vulnerable.

Realising the futility of direct confrontation, Trevor adjusted his strategy. He veered sharply, ducking behind a thick tree trunk and utilizing his agility to outmaneuver the massive bear. His heart pounded, matching the rhythm of his steps as he darted between the trees, changing direction at every opportunity.

"Well, of course I have good old deus ex machina, I am the protagonist."

The bear roared in frustration, its claws tearing into the bark of the trees in a display of raw power. Trevor knew he couldn't keep this up forever, but he refused to give up. Every ounce of his being was focused on survival, on escaping the relentless chase.

As the chase continued, Trevor's mind raced, searching for a solution, an escape. He knew that facing the bear head-on was futile, but perhaps there was a way to outsmart it, to use the environment to his advantage. With renewed determination, Trevor pressed forward, his wits sharpened by the danger that lurked just behind him.

Soon enough, another hour of dodging and weaving came about and he finally saw the wooden barrier.


Trevor jumped right over the wall. The thousands of people waiting to exit into the forest were surprised and confused by the thundering voice. However, some would be less confused and some would never have the chance to be confused as the bear crashed through the weak wooden wall and continued chasing Trevor.

Not caring for the others, Trevor continued dashing across the plains.

Trevor most certainly couldn't beat the speed of the bear. Even though it was a bear, it was many realms above him.

"Hey you know what this reminds me of, that stupid cow."

Whilst talking to himself, he forgot to dodge and was swiped by a paw, blowing him far away.

Groaning, he stood up and continued for the wall which was not too far away.

Trevor at one point suddenly stopped, making the bear run right past him, much to its disbelief.

All around them, there were many spectators wondering what was happening.

Sadly for some, the more curious people came, the closer they got to Trevor and the bear, causing them to be crushed or slashed.

People were trying to run just like Trevor, but just couldn't.

Trevor soon reached a hundred metres from the wall, many people were firing arrows at the bear.

Forgetting Trevor now, he ran about and destroyed the people who tried to kill him for his body.

"Thank the lord."

Trevor finally collapsed past the massive red barrier and disappeared, greatly surprising the many viewers.

Bro, you manage to fight, dodge and out run a bear and don't faint. We shoot thousands or arrows and he kills tens of us, you must be a monster.

Unbeknownst to the people in the field being killed, a bathtub was full of red.

I messed this chapter up if you have read it before hand

Produde987654creators' thoughts