
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Second Refinement, Big announcement

Currently it was 4:05, rumours about the outside wall and the buffalo started to spread on the chat groups.

Trevor once more placed himself on the cultivation mat and getting himself comfortable. He took out every single spirit stone he had except 10 medium ones to cultivate. On top of that, he pulled out many herbs as well as the large apple.

Trevor ate all of the herbs and grass in one go whilst absorbing the dense spiritual energy around him, taking the Qi from the atmosphere.

"Cultivation is so inefficient. All I do is simply take the Qi from the energy around me. Gotta find a better book to absorb it all."

Most people would grimace at his words. Inefficient, you are the most efficient person in this universe!

Trevor however did not feel the same as the rest. He wanted to find some good cultivation manuals to do so, the kind that could not be bought so easily.

According to the many novels he read, there should be some fate opportunities appearing, however, this is not something he can easily confirm. Perhaps he could be a supreme genius and make the technique himself!

Trevor snickered to himself whilst devouring the many herbs thinking about his incredible future.

Suddenly, his joyous face once more turned stone cold as he started to circulate the Qi in his body.

Stepping into the Qi Condensation Realm required him to turn the vortexes in the 9 areas of his body into 'Heavens'. By doing so, the Qi would be automatically refined to a high purity to be absorbed. After this, he would connect all of the Heavens in his body through the meridian systems thus forming his foundation. He doesn't know what to do after that yet as he hasn't bought it yet.

However, Trevor doesn't want to do this, he wants to expand his vortexes but not refine them into heavens just yet. He wants to refine his body into the Supreme Foundation Body Refining Realm. Alice said it would be very useful so it should be.

As the Qi circulated his body, he started to once more refine his skin, causing a searing pain to appear. If was like thousands of fire ants biting at the same moment. His skin started to turn red from the blood rushing to the surface to cool it down.

At the same time, he was forcefully opening the vortexes as the manual had told him, leaving him in agonising pain. Several hours later, he reached the second refinement perfection meridian-refining stage, waiting to start his third refinement.

However, before doing this, Trevor planned on refining his entire body again first with the Qi. He hadn't refined any of his blood or hair, leaving them weak and unable to carry high amounts of Qi.

Thus, he decisively ate the entire apple, with great ease due to his great hunger, leaving him feel refreshed and full of Qi with the great rush of spiritual energy.

Another couple of hours later, at 3:17 am, Trevor finally refined his body to the same extreme state at the end of the second refinement, being far superior to a normal second refinement body refining realm cultivator who had only followed the rules with a trash cultivation manual.

His body was blisteringly hot from the cultivation and residual spiritual energy in his body which he quickly removed, all of the useless mana and other things.

[Name: Trevor Bianchi]

[Lifespan: 23 / 600]

[Race: Human]

[Cultivation: Perfection-Level Meridian Refining (Refinement 2) (Rank 1)]

[Fighting prowess: 3rd Stage Foundation Establishment (Refinement 1) (Rank 2)]

[Technique: 9 Divine Qi Heavens manual]

[Pets: None]

[Mystical Power: Basic Sword Skills, Torch, Drinkable water]

[Equipment: Common steel Katana, Uncommon protection clothes]

[Authority: Level 1 (Level 5 temporarily)]

[Cultivation Potential: Top-tier (Rank 2)]

Trevor was very annoyed by the fact that his lifespan as well as his fighting prowess barely increased. Nevertheless, he stood up once more to take a shower to cool down and take a nap.

"My grandparents should be fine right?"


Both were still wandering around the palace.


4 hours later, the time hit 8:00 and another big announcement came, intriguing everybody.

[Every planet has the addition of 10 powerful cultivators. These cultivators are here to help and are puppets to the Lord. You may seek them out for help. They are a better version of your system and have no authority requirement except for extreme topics]

The moment the message appeared, Trevor felt a massive energy appearing many miles away.

Trevor felt extreme terror trying to fathom the immensity of the power emitted by their arrival on the planet.

Everyone else on the planet only felt their senses tingling, people who have already started cultivating could feel the extreme amount of energy coming from a single direction, but not as well as Trevor.

Soon, the energy disappeared as if it had never existed.

"Holy shit. Those guys are strong. I couldn't even feel the limit of their energy from even this distance!"

Trevor still stood enraptured by the terrifying aura. Soon he laughed, "Hah hah, more powerful people to help me. Finally, an easy way to now more, get more powerful and finally relax.

[Trevor, here is some additional information from the report]

Trevor was surprised by Alice's sudden appearance, as she had never done this for the shop or other events

[As someone with level 5 authority as well as the top talent in this new universe, you are privy to additional information]

[All 10 of the cultivators are of the same cultivation realm and strength at NOT ENOUGH AUTHORITY]

[They have been given your aura by the system and will be able to aid you when you start travelling longer distances. You may contact them on the chat if you please]

Trevor was downright shocked with this new revelation. He has an additional helping hand. Damn, the old adage is true. The strong get stronger and the weak stay weak.

People would want to crush his head to dust.

Some additional information about the name of the cultivators flowed into his head, confusing him. Still, he opened the chat function and texted someone with the help of Alice by the name Jasmine.

Trevor was somewhat confused by the fact that her name was in English. But he was greatly confused by the woman's proper name. Apparently, names are automatically translated to make it easier for the user to understand. Jasmine's original name is I̷̥̞̗̫̼͚̖̪̻͖̮̫̓̎͊́̊͑̑͂̃̈̋͂̈́. This was a very weird language to Trevor.

The same goes for the author, so much so that it cannot even show properly.

Nonetheless, he texted to ask for some help on the refinements.

No response. He checked to see if the message was seen. Maybe she didn't no how to use it. But unfortunately, at the bottom of the text, a small blue 'seen' was there.

Trevor was anguished. He was ghosted.

Saddened, he texted the other 9 cultivators, only to get ghosted more. His pride shattered, Trevor went back to sleep and waited for a reply.


Doesn't work. Just imagine something.

You can somewhat see it if you try to comment on the paragraph.

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