
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Having some fun

Trevor and the other two walked deeper into the forest, laughing and chatting. Whenever they saw a monster, they first hid to see its strength.

To someone like Trevor who could crush them to dust, they would probably blush in embarrassment from being put in such a position.

But for Trevor, he found it fun. He doesn't want people to know of his power and strength as of yet. Otherwise people would harm his friends and family and he will find it hard to resolve for now. He is also not afraid of his friends betraying him, he fears other things like mind control, exactly like what the system attached to them can do.

Nevertheless, he wanted to grow stronger so that they could all be hunting dragons and devils, having perhaps more fun than before and right now.

"Guys, that's a Qi Condensation realm beast. Should we try and kill it?" Trevor asked the other two. He knew that he could kill it, but the other two simply thought that he was just a slight bit more talented and stronger than them.

The beast core would do nothing for him at his current cultivation, so there would be no point going out of his way to expose his strength. Unless it is an extreme situation where the other two could die, he would simply remain and the same power as them.

Different to Trevor, the other two's eye gleamed in excitement as they looked at the beast. The beast was a large boar, just a big as a baby elephant. It wasn't something slippery like a rabbit nor was it something dangerous like a snake nor could it escape like a bird. It was perfect prey.

Without saying anything, Mohammed and Li Xian took out their weapons, a sword and spear. They very dearly wanted to slice the boar up and destroy the corpse to get the core.

The three had already met a Qi Condensation realm beast on this trip before, but it was already dead from another beast. Trevor took the time to harvest the core and gave it to the others to absorb. They both absorbed the spiritual energy inside of the core and since then, lusted after it.

Now that they saw the boar which should be easy pickings, their eyes gleamed and mouth watered as they snuck up on the beast.

Trevor sighed as he pulled out his sword. Even though he was exasperated by the two's behaviour, he is in fact actually enjoying his time, something he may have less of in the future after he employs all of his clone's work.

"Maybe I should still come out to hang out with them once in a while later on if they ask. It would be very unfortunate to ditch the three years of friendship he had," he said smiling to himself softly. The other two didn't hear.

Trevor was unconsciously falling into his role as a king and a man with the goal of relaxation.

The two were not careful at all of the beast, thinking that since it was just a beast, it would be an idiot. However, they would find themselves to be terribly wrong as the boar heard their rustling and chattering and began running at them, frightening them.

They still idiotically stood head-fast drawing their weapons. Trevor laughed to himself as they were flung into a tree.

He couldn't really leave the two in the dirt, so he quickly drew his sword and did a simple swipe, causing the boar to fall and wiggle around on the ground.

"Nice job Trevor."

Mohammed had already removed himself from the tree and was staring at the boar covetously.

"You can have it if you want." Trevor lightly chuckled looking at his expression.

"Good. No taksie baksie's."

Trevor's expression dropped as he realised just how shameless his friend was. Nevertheless, he allowed it, what could he do, say no?

Trevor walked up to another tree where Li Xian was. He way fully engraved into the bark of the tree, slightly frothing and bleeding.

Trevor pulled him out and sat him on the ground whilst Mohammed dissected the boar, forgetting about his friend.

"Oh damn, that shit hurt."

Li Xian slowly awakened, slurring his words, trying to look around. Trevor threw some water onto him to fully wake him, picked him up and threw him over to the body, laughing.

"Nice stuff, that was a good kill guys." Li Xian had finally awoken.

Trevor looked up to the darkening sky. They had been out for a few hour but hadn't gone too far into the forest because of their 'low' cultivation.

"Guys, we should be getting back soon, the sun is setting soon and the big beasts will be coming out."

At the same time, the two looked up to see the yellow sky and split the beast between themselves after confirming that Trevor doesn't want any.

"Today was quite good, I should be able to break through to the organ refining stage, what about you guys?"

"Yeah, I should be able to at least get into the muscle refining stage."

"Well, actually, I'm already at the peak of the meridian refining stage and am planning to break into the Qi Condensation stage."

"What the hell, you are so strong, no wonder you can easily destroy that beast so easily. I give you my thumb up. By the way, Qi Condensation, how interesting, mine is the Mana Condensation realm. Doesn't matter though."

The three of them chatted whilst walking back. Once in a while, they were interrupted by goblins and other stupid beasts.

They soon found the edge of the forest and the wooden wall. They easily passed through it as it was a palace wall, other than the fact that they had to pay a small tax.

They soon bid each other goodbye in sub-city 1, teleporting back to their own houses.

Trevor chuckled and immediately ran back into the forest. On this trip, he was planning to go many kilometres deep in order to kill a lot a rank 2 and rank 3 beasts.

"I hope I don't run into those rank 4 guys. I may be able to defeat Foundation establishment level beasts, but I probably can't deal with a core formation realm guy yet."

Trevor's main goal is a high rank treasure to breakthrough perfectly into the Qi Condensation realm. He doesn't know how it works or what it entails, but he must do it well.

Trevor jumped over the wooden fence and ran deep into the forest, no one aware.

For the next two weeks, don't expect too much. I'm on holiday and have a lot of other work to do. Thanks.

Produde987654creators' thoughts