
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Going exterminating for a quick minute

Trevor sat down in front of the two men.

"Right. I have some new orders. I have found out that we have objectives to do. We must destroy beast's base in order to expand our walls."

The two men ears perked hearing the news. Recently, that have had no idea what to do with their troop. They have secured most of the sub-cities apart from two just like the young King said, but they are unable to make them progress without being able to venture into the forest. But of course, that comes with its fair share of problems.

Whilst the two men started to think up a course of action, Trevor continued.

"This one is a secret guys. Something we, cannot release into the public. Leave it in the ears of the higher ups."

The two felt some trepidation hearing him. What can be so important that it becomes their second state secret, the first being the ruler of the nation.

"There are other civilisations on the planets. We must prepare fast."

With that, Trevor stood up and left. He knew that the two had the intelligence to arrange their people and do things that must be done.

Trevor on the other hand whilst people in the palace were preparing to get their armies to go and destroy the beast congregations.

Currently, the army had a total of a hundred million people consisting of people of both genders, and ages between fifteen and seventy. Of course, only fit people that don't have a level 100 talent can join.

But, even though someone will have close to no chance of promotion due to the sheer number of people, but everyone wants to go and adventure not only to get stronger, but also to safely go out and adventure and earn enough money to survive. Anywhere else for weak people will result in death.

When they received the orders, most of them were ecstatic. They could finally show off and may get promoted. Best of all, they can snag the spirit stones they get when they kill the beasts. Thankfully, they aren't confiscated from them, so all of them want to kill the beasts. On top of this, they get a lovely salary.

Isn't that the best. Money and power.

Unfortunately for some, they will just become cannon fodder on their first mission.

Whilst everyone was preparing to send the armies to the sub-cities, Trevor went back into the first sub-city with the small clone army. Not only did he need to exterminate the dirty, dirty beasts, he needed to improve his cultivation greatly whilst for some reason now having to be a king. Well, not really.

Trevor one more wandered around randomly in the seemingly infinite forest.

The good thing about clones is that they can do the dirty work. They just go around and find loot and all the good stuff goes to me. Plus, their cultivation is also given to me. With time, I can really just sit back and get stronger.

Trevor started drooling whilst killing a core formation level beast thinking about this incredible future.

After killing hundreds of core formation beasts and annihilating three soul formation ones with the army, they finally found another base.

They surrounded the base quietly and killed some scouts, looking out.

The base was full of some short green creature like goblin, except they don't look so dirty.

Trevor felt a light weightlessness for but a second.

Trevor still doesn't know where it comes from, probably some sort of blessing from the heavens because of just how good a look.

Trevor chuckled at his own thoughts.

Feeling that the creatures shouldn't be anything dangerous, the squad rushed in. Compared to the numerous goblins, these creatures were less than half in number, but were far stronger than those goblins. Nevertheless, they could never do any real damage to them.

Trevor walked into another wooden hut. Compared to the goblins, this one looks quite a good bit nicer.

Trevor did not find anything nice like Elvia in the place, nor were there any good loot.

Trevor sighed whilst looking into the sky.

The sun still wasn't setting, but still called it a day for himself.

The clones were slower than him so can still pick stuff up before reaching the sub-city. Trevor on the other hand wanted to get home quickly and cultivate a lot. He had plenty of stuff to use. Maybe, he can find an alchemist to get him some good stuff. Then again, no one is that skilled other than the cultivators like Jasmine. Oh Jasmine...

Trevor sat down on his cultivation mat and started chowing down on the abundant number of herbs and fruit whilst absorbing the energy that is transformed into Qi using Jasmine's technique, turning them into exquisite Heavens.

Soon enough, all nine heavens had formed after having used up close to fifty percent of the resources.

Trevor started to complain about how much he had to do to reach perfection in each level.

In order to refine the heavens into perfection, he must add more details whilst condensing more Qi into it. The details at the very end must be so small that even if one were at the atomic level, there would still be evident details. Of course, that would mean a ton of resources. However, he doesn't need to actively do anything.

The passive work of the nine heavens divine Qi manual will do it automatically for him.

Trevor sat down once more and started to condense a ton of energy into the first heaven, making it shine gold.

Soon enough, Trevor felt that he could not put any more Qi inside of it or it could break apart.

Trevor stared at the heaven, it was far more shiny in comparison to the other eight ones, on top of looking more intricate.

Trevor looked at the depleted number of cultivation material and stood up.

The others had already started cultivating and Trevor could feel the small amount of Qi gushing into his body from his soul. Relaxed, Trevor went to go shower before looking at his actual army to see if there were any people that could become alchemists.

He could, curry favour with Alice to help him out this time. After all, she would get a physical body faster if I go stronger right? She must help me no?

[Just this once]

Trevor smiled listening to her words before going to meet some higher-ups.