
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs


Trevor slept for a quick 3 hours, before rising once more.

Just as he was leaving, he felt a slight tugging on his soul, as if more strings were attached to it, making it heavier.

He ignored it and left.

Unbeknownst to him, a total of 16 clones have been made, 6 more to come. The Qi in his soul was slowly rising and the clones, stronger.


Trevor once more returned to the place where he found that bear.

Unfortunately, a couple hundred blokes got mauled by the bear, and they still didn't kill it. He just ran off, probably too bored since the prey couldn't do a scratch of damage.

Trevor looked at the few bones of the snake left, the bird completely disappeared.

Trevor ran further into the depths of the forest.

The sun started to rise once more, the countless sounds stopping.

The morning light soon shone through the trees as the only sounds he could hear was the slight sound of the ground shaking with each step.

A couple of minutes later, Trevor once more stumbled upon another cave.

Grinning, he walked right in and slaughtered the beast inside.

Though it was at the core formation level, Trevor needed but a slash to decapitate it. Trevor took out the golden core whilst looking around the cave to find some treasure.

[+ Uncommon Tea Leaves * 7]

[+ Rare Horn of the Wildebeest * 2]

[+156 Medium level Spirit stones]

Not a bad haul.

Trevor continued for many an hour.

[Medium level Spirit stones : 3,561]

[Low level Spirit stones : 21,790]

[Rare Items: 19]

[Uncommon Items: 641]

Common Items: 1,652]


Soon enough, Trevor continued into another cave.

The morning sun had now moved to the other side.

The soft ringing of his shoes echoed through the cave.

Entering, the cave only had a small snake sticking out of the ground.

Trevor jumped straight towards the snake that was now hissing at him.

Trevor sneered at it and sliced right at the body of it.


The sound of his sword hitting metal sounded instead of the soft, pleasant sound of him slicing through flesh.

Perplexed as to why the snake had not bothered attacking him as of yet, Trevor took a step back, raised his arms as high as he could whilst activating all of him muscles that he had not fully used whilst pushing the Chaos sword heart as hard as he could.

Trevor smiled slightly.

This hit was at least a hundred times as strong as the weak shot from earlier.

As Trevor expected, the blade cleanly cut through the snake beast.

However, right as the sword was about to meet the centre, it stopped, as if stuck to something.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake.

Scared by the sudden events, Trevor immediately tried to undo his sword from the beast, only to find it stuck.

When Trevor scanned it, there was no information on it whatsoever, nothing popped up.

Fearing for the worst, he let go of his sword and dashed out of the mouth of the cave. A sword is not worth my life right?

Trevor opened up his map and started drawing out the quickest route to sub-city 1. But, to his dismay, he had run for more than a thousand kilometres. He was just too happy about his newfound speed that he forgot to restrict himself at all.

Restraint is the mark of a true master; it is the ability to hold power and passion in balance, to wield strength with wisdom, and to be able to actually think, something that Trevor has not done any of as of yet.

Trevor sprinted for more than a mile before the ground around him started shaking.

Trevor once more turned his head around to focus on running.

Suddenly, a massive explosion occurred behind him.

Trevor looked back to expect some kind of mushroom cloud of smoke or fire. Instead, a massive chunk of rock was flying out whilst attached to the ground. It was like the cave and the ground beneath it had been torn out and flung directly up.

Trevor's mouth gaped as a larger sound rang as it hit the ground

A faint ringing appeared in his head.

[Trevor, there is a message that the original system wanted to pass through, you wanna hear it]

"What. This hasn't happened before. Sure, open it up."

The text on the blue screen flipped into words that were a deep, blood red.

[WARNING. WARNING. A peak mortal being has descended into the world, 1358km, bearing 312°]

"Hey Alice, what is that peak mortal being?"

[Oh that. It's just a weakling, nothing to worry too much about. It must be because it came from outer space]

Trevor sighed in relief. As the king, he had to probably deal with this 'peak mortal being thing'.

While he was thinking about this, he was suddenly engulfed by a shadow.

He looked up to see a mountain, but the mountain had a gradient of infinite, right into the sky. Looking to the top, a massive hole appeared, with massive white spikes starting to protrude from it. The cave and land from earlier were in it. The mountain crushed the land into dust.

"Holy shit. That ain't no mountain, that's a fucking worm with big ass teeth. Bro, it's like a small space worm from Star Wars, that big ass Exogorth.

[Oh look, its that mortal being that just descended. I guess, I was a bit wrong]

"Oh a BIT. You are not a bit wrong at all"

It Alice had a body, Trevor would be staring daggers at her.

[Not wrong? I'm a bit wrong i think. I thought that it came from space. It was just sleeping here. Must have fused with the earth. Anyway, it is still easy to deal with. It is only a perfection Immortal Ascension level beast, no biggie]

Not bothering to ask anymore, Trevor started running.

But only after taking half a step, Trevor felt something staring at him, something that made him start to sweat.

The worm thing was staring right at him, his head down and peering.

Suddenly, the beast struck out. Considering the short distance, the beast immediately swallowed Trevor and the ground around him whole.


Trevor woke up floating on a piece of land on a small lake.

"Damn this smells bad."

Trevor looked about to only see reddish walls and reddish skies.

He was inside. I mean, who could expect that?

Trevor turned his head to the side only to witness a tree in the distance crackling into nothingness.

Trevor had a large grimace on his face while thinking about his possible actions.

Suddenly, Trevor felt like he had dropped a couple of metres, feeling the suspension of his organs.

He turned only to observe a massive yellow wave wash him away. He screamed for but a second before he saw nothingness.

Death? I am the protagonist man. I got that deus ex machina. What the hell!

The stomach which was once full of dirt and a life was gone, with more coming to say hello soon.

I obviously lied about the chapter per day for a month.

Produde987654creators' thoughts