
Travelling My Favorite Worlds!

Temporary Hiatus. If you want an explanation, well I am a college student first and foremost so spring semester is a thing that I'm going through currently. No work though (yay grants), however sometimes I don't get that much free time, in fact this week was the first time I had some free time in a good minute(I spent it modding skyrim.) Now for the second half, like I'm sure many people can relate to, I have Depression (I don't really keep anything secret since I have nothing to hide or bad about me, but if someone doesn't like me mentioning it sorry I guess?). Well reason I mention it, well these last couple months were rough on me, last week I actually cried a little bit (it was me remembering the past and being happy my little siblings love me so don't worry about me too much) if that is any indicator. Not only that but stress has been building up. Good news time though! Feeling better now (2-22-19) and I do plan on writing more for this story and am doing a different method. I used to write basically ad lib, but I didn't like that, so now I'm writing out the basic plotline of the story so that I have a clear direction. Now reason I'm not writing more of the story now? Well quite frankly I'm drained from it currently. Tapped out. Though I love it too much to give up on it so I will be working on something new soon! Whether this will be a lasting project or not is to be determined but I felt inspired when a fan went and pitched the idea to me. If anyone wants to know as well I am currently working on building an entirely new solar system for a story to take place on (It would be fantasy mainly with touches of sci-fi) and am designing everything from it's origin to the evolutions and then to the worlds histories. It's very early though so it likely won't be seen for a long time yet (only 1 planet partially done currently). So thanks to everyone that is supportive of me, I won't waste those good wishes, and to those that were rude (note, not those that were critical of what I wrote. I like criticism.) learn from those that were supportive or those that criticize. Being rude just leads to situations like Authors not wanting to write something they love. ~See you space cowboy- Your beloved(I hope) Author, Joseph! ------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Joseph and this is my Adventure story! I'm a nerd and well, I always had a weakness to isekai novels. Now I didn't want to get hit by a truck or anything like that, and that didn't happen this time either. Being honest, well it was rather out of left field what happened, I drank myself into oblivion and almost died. However god saved me! Or well, I think he was god he never really told me. Now though, I have the power of going and jumping from world to world! Both real one's and fictional ones! Even ones that are similar to the fictional ones! So what I'll be doing is travelling some of my favorite worlds and live the dreams I always wanted for myself! -------------------------- There will be no NTR, this will be Harem, and I try to be a very involved author but keep in mind I do have a life so if I can't update daily like I usually do I try my best. Currently am editing a few chapters and doing other things so I will be unable to update until I finish the chapters I set as a goal for myself.

j0sejalap3n0 · อื่นๆ
63 Chs

Time to try out my gifts

[Due to completing secret condition of convincing the Third Hokage of acting you have unlocked the Phoenix Wright universe]

Well that one is a bit... boring. I expected something, well more exciting that would give me more powers.

Whatever though. "So Tsunade, believe me now?" She looks to me before stomping out of the room screaming, "I need a drink!"

And now I'm alone, huh. Time to test shit out!

System, status!


Joseph Walner



Str: 11

Cha: 15

int: 10

Lck: 7



Chakra Regen: .5 per hour

Chakra Density: .5

Chakra Impurity: 99%

SP(System Points):510


Stolen: None

Earned: None

Bought: None


Skill stealing ... Personal Dimension ...


Neat, so how do I open up my inventory and use it?

'There are several methods to use the inventory/Dimensional space Host. One is to just think about what you want from it and it will appear in your hand or hands. This method is limited to non-living objects. To receive those from the dimension or insert them you must create a doorway of sorts that allows entrance to the dimension for all beings you permit.'

Okay cool. I take some time to imagine me having a new shirt in my hands and nothing happens. Maybe I need to be more specific?

'Affirmative. Too many variables without further clarification'

Okay, I want my T shirt that has Snoopy on it.

Bam, magic! It actually appeared In my hand! I take off my shirt and put the new one on. Uhh, put shirt into inventory?

'Clarify shirt in hosts hand'

Okay, out the shirt in my hand away.

Well this is way more complicated than I thought. Can't I out things away easier at least?

'Host can open up door to dimension then just throw object in. System will organize objects that enter this way.'

Oh that's handy. By the way how much is that Analysis skill that guy/god was talking about?

'Basic is 200 SP. Advanced is 500. Expert is 900. Master is 1400. Godly is 2000.'

Am I able to passively upgrade to Godly? Like if I keep using it does it get better ranks?

'Yes, informing host that growth is very slow however and currently hosts body can only handle up to Expert based on energy reserves. A skill can normally be Godly rank after training on just that aspect for 20 years.'

Jesus Christ, doing nothing but that for 20 years? Screw that shit. Is it hard to earn SP?

'Negative. Host has several quests he is able to complete that supply different awards.'

Really? Show me these quests then!


Tsunade- 7 star rank mission

Description- Tsunade has a very unlucky life and is always in the shadow of the Grandfather she adored,the First Hokage. She deals with her emotions by drinking and being hostile since she was never truly raised in how to handle them. Assist her in learning how to deal with them.

Rewards: Tsunade's favor, 200 SP, 1 Lck, Party function improvement, Healing Jutsu improvement.

Fail condition: Tsunade's death, Host's death.


Orochimaru- 10 Star rank mission

Description- Orochimaru's parents died when he was young, in order to fill that void he continued learning more and more. Now he is currently on the path of darkness but has not veered completely yet. Convince him what he is doing is wrong and that there are better ways to do things.

Rewards- Orochimaru's Favor, 600 SP, Party function improvement, Genius skill improvement, 1 Cha.

Fail condition: Orochimaru's death, Host death, Orochimaru becomes evil.


Danzo- 15 star rank mission

Description- Danzo is plotting to become Hokage due to him wanting more power and control over the world. Stop him before he can enact any plans or convert more Anbu.

Rewards: 600 SP, Various spying skills, 1 Dex, Yin-Yang Release.

Fail Condition: Danzo becomes Hokage, Host dies.


War- 6-12th star rank mission

Description- War is on the horizon and you are going to be thrust into the middle of it. Do whatever you can to end the war, but remember that your actions have consequences.

Rewards: Variable depending on difficulty of what host accomplishes.

Fail condition: Host dies.


Wow you weren't kidding when you said I have some mission's available. Okay so if I got the advanced analysis skill could I choose what skill a person has that I can steal?

'To a limited degree yes. If you don't use Analysis on them then you will either be randomly given a skill or you can say you want their, for example, Hand signing. If you do it this way you will get the rank -1. If you do it randomly you will get it completely. If you use it with analysis, so long as your stealing skill is a high enough rank for the skill there should be no problem.'

Hm, alright it makes sense to me at least. It's trying to get me to be smarter with what I decide to do with it.

Okay buy the advanced analysis skill. I will level it up to godly later.

[Host has acquired Advanced Analysis.]

Okay, so I wonder if it is fine for me to leave now or... Maybe not.

Do I have any paper in my inventory?


Alright cool. While I am here doing nothing I plan on trying to train my chakra from what I remember.

I think first step should be me increasing my chakra since that is just an abysmal amount. Like I think most people that aren't even ninjas have more than me.

My only question though is how do I increase it?

'Informing host, if you rotate your chakra you should be able to increase it quickly'

Hm rotate it? Can you explain it to me like I know how to do it? Because see, I grew up on Earth and can't even feel chakra, hell I can't feel my blood moving through my body, I just know I'm working right because I feel my heart.

'System can help host feel it, warning. Will be painful but will lead to host gaining knowledge of rotating chakra and lead to massive increase in chakra amount.'

...how painful and will I pass out?

'Informing host, it will feel like you will have been struck in the stomach and no host will not fall unconscious.'

Fine, so long as I don't have to pass out again and if I can get a head start on it.

'Affirmative. Will take approximately 5 minutes to complete'

"Foooo-" When it said it would feel like I was hit in the stomach I thought it'd be joking about it but it made me lose my breath quickly. I try to breathe in but only manage to get shallow breathes in between the pressure I feel in my gut.

During the 5 minutes I noticed something spinning internally and discover I can actually interact with it by imposing my will on it, and as I do I start catching my breath again.

Is this what it meant by it'll take 5 minutes? It'll either forcefully teach me it by force and thus acquiring the skill(Assumption) or I do it in the process and get the skill(Again, assuming there is a skill)?

I start trying to make it spin faster than the slow rotations it is currently doing and it was erratic for a time, but eventually I was able to make it spin faster. As it spins I can feel a faint energy entering my body and the item spinning is growing in size, hopefully this means that I am increasing my chakra and not me getting cancer or something.

I keep spinning it faster than before, and once I get it stable I make it faster again. I plan on getting this thing spinning to the point that if someone poked it then they would lose a finger tip.

Now I have no clue if I could get it that fast but it sounds cool. Wait, I wonder what would happen if I tried to make it smaller while spinning it?

Hm, worth a shot. I start exerting force onto it and notice it shrinks by a small bit, but with how large it is it may as well have been grabbing loose plastic on a beach ball. I push more and notice it is slowing down, which shouldn't be happening since there shouldn't be friction on something spiritual.

Maybe it's how I'm going about it? Hm, what if I imagine that I imagine it in an airtight container and I apply pressure to it? Sure I'll give it a shot because why not. Or wait, what if I was to put it into a funnel? If I did that it should be much smaller.

I start pushing it down as if I was smashing fruit down into juice and notice it is putting up significant resistance. I keep pushing it down and notice it starts to give in slightly. I am sad that it's no longer spinning but if my theory is right then that will do nothing like if I do this.

I put more of my will on it, nearly all of it in fact which makes me become hungry for some odd reason.

After pushing down it finally gives way and becomes an object that is much denser than it was before. Now time to make this spin and see how it collects chakra. After willing it to spin more and more I notice an immediate difference, although I am applying the same pressure to it as I did previously it is spinning faster than before. Not just that though, it is also increasing in size, just at a much slower pace. Perhaps my efforts have made all the chakra that causes it to grow in size is pre condensed? Or maybe because it's dense that when it enters the pressure causes it to not increase in size quickly.

Show me just my chakra stats

[Chakra: 1050

Chakra Regen: 6 per hour

Chakra Density: 2.3

Chakra Impurity: 95%


Hmm well that's good that I made it denser, but honestly what does it mean? Like I get chakra amount, it means I have 1000+ of it which that's a huge increase I didn't expect.

'Informing host, Average chakra Density is at 1.0, very few people have dense chakra. 2.0 isn't as simple as multiplying size by 2, In fact each .1 till this point means that it is basically doubles the chakra amount. That means that in reality hosts chakra equals 16 of a normal person chakra but due to the size people will understate hosts chakra size. Not only this but hosts chakra will be much more potent which is a blessing and a curse since everything will be much stronger so to make it weak will require tremendous effort.'

Hm okay. How do I purify chakra though?

'Unknown, host must discover method or purchase from shop'

Okay how about how to make me get chakra faster?

'If host continues increasing chakra then chakra recovery speed will gradually increase or host can purchase from store'

Well whatever. I open my eyes because I have done enough and notice that not only is the pain I had felt earlier gone, but it is dark outside. How long was I increasing my chakra and condensing it?

'Approxcimately 4 hours host.'

That explains the hunger. What am I supposed to do for food though? Nobody is here?

"Hello? Anyone there?" I call out to the darkness.

"Yo, I see you were increasing your chakra this whole time I was napping- I mean researching meditation techniques heh." Yup that's Jiraiya.

I talk to him, " Yeah, I am in this world now so I figured I should have some strength." I feel him approach towards me before he finally enters the candle light and speaks, "Yeah I heard about that. When me and the Hokage investigated one of Orochimaru's spots we saw a few young Shinobi he was testing on. It must've been pretty intense because it made Tsunade leave her post to go drink Haha, she's usually so serious about healing people."

He laughed off the bit of darkness with the light, yup that's the Jiraiya I remember. "So kid, wait no you're supposed to be older than me right? What do I call you? Because my whole thing for talking to you was kid and now I am stumped." I chuckle a bit, "You can call me Joe. Or fellow pervert" I wink at him.

"Ohh Joe, I see I see. You know what it is that I like? Hm, well you must've had a blast with Tsunade then Haha. That girl would be amazing if she didn't resort to violence every time. So Joe, wanna grab a drink."

You know, I may have almost died but I need one right now, "let's do it. What liquor is here anyway?" I say as I stand up by Jiraiya. He contemplates for a bit, "Well we have sake. Not much else though."

"Well I have never had sake but I'll give it a shot. I wonder if I'll still have some of my old tolerance. Probably not. Oh yeah think we can coincidentally run into Danzo, I want to try something." He looks at me before shrugging, "Sure whatever, Hokage told me what you said about him too so if you can slow him down then that'd be amazing, but try not to start a fight with him, I don't want to get my ass handed to me."

I nod, "If all goes well the most I'd need to do is just touch him, and at the minimum would be walk by him." I decided to tell Jiraiya both since I don't really know the limitations of my skill yet. "Sure thing, he usually walks past the hospital like he's taunting them with his bandaged eye and never getting it checked."

Jiraiya then flashes away quickly leaving me behind with a puff of smoke. Okay then, I start walking down a hallway since I can't do that Jutsu. Yet. Keyword is yet.

After walking for a few minutes Jiraiya appears in front of me with a big grin on his face and rubbing his head, "Hehe so um, you wouldn't believe this but I thought you were right by me and ran to Danzo with me but right before I got there I forgot you had practically no Chakra earlier so you shouldn't be able to do the body flicker technique." He laughs a bit more at either me or himself, I can't tell sometimes.

"So yeah um, promise not to betray the leaf yada yada and I'll show you the technique so we can go drink. If we hurry up we may catch Tsunade being a good drunk hehe." I nod and reply to him, "I don't plan on betraying the leaf, all those other village's suck, more so now than in the future but they aren't much better than now."

"Oh yeah you do future crap too, that's right. Well here's the technique, give it a couple tries and we'll get going." I nod and struggle to form the hand signs even though it's so simple. After trying a few times I notice that time slows down to a crawl and I casually walk to behind Jiraiya who's eyes seem to be able to slowly follow me. As soon as I stop the Jutsu releases causing time to speed back up.

"Cool, you pulled it off quickly. Now lets go! Oh by the way try running instead of walking and try putting more chakra into it, you may have been fast before but I could still see you. Hehe, try to keep up." He activates the Jutsu and disappears leaving smoke behind.

What does he mean by increase the chakra I put into it? I thought hand signs were supposed to take care of it? I form the hand signs and try feeling what is happening right now, a small amount of chakra is spreading out in my body from the object. Hm, I double the amount that was in it and notice that it is thicker as it travels. Let me double it again.

Holy crap I can feel it strongly in my legs now, as I look around I can't see anything so I start sprinting down the hallway. After getting down some stairs I see a sliding glass door opening slowly and Jiraiya about to exit it. Or well he would be if he wasn't practically frozen mid run, and I gotta say he looks ridiculous right now. Like if you've ever seen Jojo's Bizarre Adventures then he's almost doing the Joseph Joestar run save for one fact. He is leaning so far forward that it's a miracle he is moving forward and isn't perpendicular to the ground.

Does he think it's aerodynamic or something? I stand in front of him and shake my head before I sprint off in another direction, hoping to find Danzo. After a few moments I found him frozen so I walk by him and... System Scan!


Danzo Shimura

Lv ?!@#








Master Hand signs ... Master Chakra Control ... Wind Chakra ... Fire Chakra ... Water Chakra ... Earth Chakra ... Wood Chakra ... Yin Chakra ... Yang Chakra ... Advanced Spy Techniques ... Expert Sealing Techniques ... Master Self-Regeneration ... Advanced Taijutsu ... Advanced Kenjutsu


Holy shit this man. Uh Steal his Master Hand signs?

[Skill Stolen- Master Hand signs. Uses remaining before skill recharge - 4]

Oh I can steal 5 before a recharge? How long is recharge?

'Informing host 1 week at current skill level.'

What level is it at?


Not bad all things considered.

Steal Master Chakra Control-

[Skill Stolen- Master Chakra Control. Uses remaining before skill recharge - 3]

Master Self-regeneration-

[Skill Stolen- Master Self-regeneration . Uses remaining before skill recharge - 2]

Expert Sealing Techniques-

[Skill Stolen- Expert sealing Techniques. Uses remaining before skill recharge - 1]

And now finally steal, Wood Chakra.

[Chakra state stolen. No uses remaining, cooldown: 6D 23 HR 55 Seconds]

Sweet! I am now almost broken. Almost.

Wait already? Damn, I forgot how broken skill stealing is. Well Danzo will have a fun time realizing he can't do shit now really. I can't wait till he realizes all his seals are gone.

I ran back to Jiraiya only to see him still standing there frozen so I stop it and stand right by him.

How much chakra did I use anyway? I was doing that for a while.

'Host used 400 chakra and kept it consistent for over 10 minutes.'

Hot damn that's great. Now to head off with Jiraiya to go drink!

Alright, I enjoy this story a lot and I hope everyone still is too. I am a bit sad that the other chapters haven't had as many comments as the 2nd one did but it's all good.

I don't really need anything other than to see people enjoy what I'm writing and(Unless inkstone is glitching) there are 100 people who have my story saved to their library. Woo!

Remember to Comment, Vote, and Review my story if you think it deserves it!

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