
Travelling My Favorite Worlds!

Temporary Hiatus. If you want an explanation, well I am a college student first and foremost so spring semester is a thing that I'm going through currently. No work though (yay grants), however sometimes I don't get that much free time, in fact this week was the first time I had some free time in a good minute(I spent it modding skyrim.) Now for the second half, like I'm sure many people can relate to, I have Depression (I don't really keep anything secret since I have nothing to hide or bad about me, but if someone doesn't like me mentioning it sorry I guess?). Well reason I mention it, well these last couple months were rough on me, last week I actually cried a little bit (it was me remembering the past and being happy my little siblings love me so don't worry about me too much) if that is any indicator. Not only that but stress has been building up. Good news time though! Feeling better now (2-22-19) and I do plan on writing more for this story and am doing a different method. I used to write basically ad lib, but I didn't like that, so now I'm writing out the basic plotline of the story so that I have a clear direction. Now reason I'm not writing more of the story now? Well quite frankly I'm drained from it currently. Tapped out. Though I love it too much to give up on it so I will be working on something new soon! Whether this will be a lasting project or not is to be determined but I felt inspired when a fan went and pitched the idea to me. If anyone wants to know as well I am currently working on building an entirely new solar system for a story to take place on (It would be fantasy mainly with touches of sci-fi) and am designing everything from it's origin to the evolutions and then to the worlds histories. It's very early though so it likely won't be seen for a long time yet (only 1 planet partially done currently). So thanks to everyone that is supportive of me, I won't waste those good wishes, and to those that were rude (note, not those that were critical of what I wrote. I like criticism.) learn from those that were supportive or those that criticize. Being rude just leads to situations like Authors not wanting to write something they love. ~See you space cowboy- Your beloved(I hope) Author, Joseph! ------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Joseph and this is my Adventure story! I'm a nerd and well, I always had a weakness to isekai novels. Now I didn't want to get hit by a truck or anything like that, and that didn't happen this time either. Being honest, well it was rather out of left field what happened, I drank myself into oblivion and almost died. However god saved me! Or well, I think he was god he never really told me. Now though, I have the power of going and jumping from world to world! Both real one's and fictional ones! Even ones that are similar to the fictional ones! So what I'll be doing is travelling some of my favorite worlds and live the dreams I always wanted for myself! -------------------------- There will be no NTR, this will be Harem, and I try to be a very involved author but keep in mind I do have a life so if I can't update daily like I usually do I try my best. Currently am editing a few chapters and doing other things so I will be unable to update until I finish the chapters I set as a goal for myself.

j0sejalap3n0 · อื่นๆ
63 Chs

The war is over

So it's been a week since I last talked to all of you, and honestly I feel much better. I'm still not completely there, but I don't need to force myself to smile anymore. For the whole week I would come to the orphanage and help the kids learn how to cook with plenty of food. I ended up spending around 10 SP on ingredients every day so, it took me about 70 SP in total? Well considering that it also includes the first day it ended up pretty well.

Plus, with how much food they made with me well, I now have a stockpile of 7 different meals and even more ingredients, so you know what that means~? No more of only having pancakes, bacon, and sausage for me! God, I was starting to get sick from it honestly. Like I know I was sick of it before, but I was getting to the point that if I smelled a sausage I would vomit. I got lucky that Alucard will basically eat anything, especially if it tastes good. Got rid of all of those pancakes and sausage that I had left.

Anyway, I now have come to terms, more or less, with everything that happened. Like I said, I'm not 100% there, but I am here for the most part. I don't know if I'll ever truly recover after that, but seeing those kids smile so much and cry to me because no other adult would give them the time of day made me remember that though I am not from this world there are those that I am willing to protect in it, as goes for any other world that I go to, I may not belong there, but there will be something I want to protect. That isn't an excuse though to tell everyone everything about me.

I know I'm not perfect, and have a lot to learn since I've only ever been raised in a world filled with peace, and had friends and people surrounding me that were helpful. Well except for my Ex, but I've been coping with the Trauma that she put me through as it comes up, thankfully with the help of Tsunade and not alone. Though she is making the memories pop back up... well it's better to deal with the memories than to repress them, as much as repressing them sounds good.

So to update you on everything else that's going on, when I was on my way back an Anbu showed up and asked for me to go see the Hokage and that it would be a quick visit, so right now I am sitting in the Hokage's office with that same girl from Hanzo's people. After sitting down on a chair across from where she is standing she looks to me and bows, "I have been elected as the leader of my people after Hanzo's death, and I came here to sign the contract. The Hokage requested something for me to do within the contents that I am not opposed to and would, in fact have done so regardless of the contract."

I sit forward and raise my eyebrow, "And that is?" I ask her since I don't quite know why I am needed here. I mean it's a contract right? In fact shouldn't it be those Daimyo or however you say it being here?

Next thing I know she gets onto her hands and knees in front of me, uh hokage what? I'm not into prostitution, especially forced prostitution... Before my thoughts can drift too far though she puts her head to the ground and speaks to me, "Not only am I sorry for the sins committed by me and my people, but so is my country. That is why I sign this contract now, to show not just how sorry my country and I are, but because I wish to show you that my country and I are loyal. We ask not for forgiveness as we know we are undeserving, but we wish that you keep your word in the things you promised to us at the very least." She's Kowtowing? I can't help but remember that this is something really important?

'Informing host, it is one of the highest forms of reverence that someone can give to a person, at least in the eastern culture of host's old world.'

Huh, so she's... what?

'System believes she is declaring fealty to host and recognizing host as her superior. Also can be inferred as deeply apologetic. Chances of both being represented are high.'

Ah, okay. Uhh... "Well, I appreciate the face that you are considering my emotions through all of this, and if I am being honest I had no intentions of accepting an apology from you or your people, though it would be fair to also say I wouldn't blame the many for the actions of the few. Right now I am feeling much better, or at least as good as I can after going through that torture, so I will tell you that I shall keep my word as even when I was upset I planned on keeping my word so long as you do not betray those that gave you this chance." Yes, my bullshit ability is coming back to me slowly but surely.

She looks up from her position and nods with some tears in her eyes before nodding, I look to the Hokage and see him smiling while nodding. Wonder if he's just happy knowing that I went and am now feeling better? No, knowing him he's probably thinking of some sort of plan again. Wonder if he's going to go and get me wrapped up in the middle of it again and if he's going to keep me out of the loop, AGAIN.

I sigh, guess I'll have to find out for myself when it comes time. After she stood up she went to the Hokage's desk, signed the document, and both smiled and nodded at each other before she turned around to leave. Before she left however, she bowed slightly towards me and nodded with a smile on her face then quickly left.

After making sure that she left the room I looked at Sarutobi and raised an eyebrow, "What was that about? Or is this going to be a plot that you aren't going to tell me about?"

He smiles and laughs, "Haha, seems like your sense of humor is back a bit, or so it seems. Well this was to let you see her sincerity and another secret test. You passed though so don't worry. You may leave after I finish, the other 2 countries did not appear so I will be sending out envoys to meet with the leaders of their countries, however I do consider that this war in all terms of the word, is over. Now is just a matter of settling these last 2 matters. Also I have some big news for you tomorrow, so look forward to it." I sigh and wave at the Hokage as I wave him goodbye. I'm not too much in the mood to deal with his plotting since I'm getting tired.

The next morning I decided that I had enough energy to mentally go through with summoning Darkness and Esdeath. Wait I just realized something, Esdeath is a sadist and Darkness is a masochist. Oh god what kind of fucking draws did I get? I shiver a bit, no Joe you gotta do this, I can go through with this. On the bright side Esdeath should be absolutely loyal to me, so that's a pro. Don't have to worry about her flaying me alive.

I sigh, I'm going to summon Darkness first, I'm doing this in the living room with Ezio and Olivier so that they can see the process, Alucard just wanted to know if I had any food so I passed him a large bowl of mashed potatoes. Yeah, he really likes potatoes strangely enough, especially garlic ones. I feel it's a way of him making fun of 'fake vampires' as he calls them. After I summon her I can see that she looks pretty much just like in the anime and is comparable in height to Tsunade at around 5'5" (5 foot 5 inches), I think. I'm just eyeballing it here really. I'm actually surprised at how short she is, but then again, Kazuma was probably pretty short in the anime too then. (A/N: Okay just looked it up and holy fuck, I was right. Check this link here https://imgur.com/gallery/hNrRfKa . She is at 170 cm and I put it into a converter, got 5.5 . Which is well, 5 foot 6, but I'm not going to change it since I was making the MC eyeball it and feel proud for being close.)

She looks around quickly before stumbling backward a bit, "Wh-who are y-you people? Are you going t-to do th-things to me!?" Oh jesus, she's already turned on.

I look to Olivier, "Think you can handle this?"

She smiles and shakes her head, "Not my job. You get the pleasure." Oh you don't get any of my cooking tonight! You get to eat what Tsunade makes! Darkness starts mumbling some more stuff while getting redder and redder, god help me deal with this.

"Hey, uh, Darkness. So, to cut the story short, well, you're my summon! Ta-da." Yeah that didn't beat around the bush at all. Me doing jazz hands definitely didn't make it smoother at all.

"S-summon? But aren't monsters supposed to be the only things magicians can summon?" Well, thankfully she's not brain dead, makes this a bit easier.

I smile a bit and sit down on the table in front of her, "Well this is a special power that I have, I can't tell you the specifics of it but I can summon things, and not just things but people too! Before you ask, you don't have to be worried about your friends or anything because, the simplest way to put this, is that you are now 2 people. The one that is here and the one that is there."

She looks at me nervously, "S-so you summoned me to do dirty things with me?"

This girl and her one track mind... I sigh, "No Darkness, I did not summon you to do dirty things to you, I summoned you so that you could be useful to me. Help me, well basically go on adventures. Like don't you wish that you could go and see the world(s)?" I try to appeal to her sense of adventure in the hopes I don't have to deal with this too much longer.

She looks up to me with a glimmer in her eyes, "So you need a crusader? Then I am the very best! So long as I can be at the front lines keeping the monsters away from you and your party!" Yup, she found a way to get her masochism in there. God dammit.

I sigh. Can my default setting just be me sighing? Or is that too common? Should I start face palming then? Cringing? Let me know and I can fucking do it, because holy shit do I feel exasperated a lot. God these people...

I put on a smile and give her a thumbs up, "Sure thing, but you'll need to get even stronger if you want to fight the enemies that we are going after!"

She gasps and starts breathing heavily, "You mean... the demon lord? Are you going after him? I've always wanted to go against him... see just how strong he is and how much of a brute he is and how he treats women! I bet he's a monster!" You know, she would sound oh so noble if she wasn't bright red and seemed to be getting close to the edge just by going and thinking of it.

I turn around, god this is going to be a long day and I want to just summon Esdeath. Ignoring Darkness who just keeps going further off the deep end I go back to the center of the room before summoning her. Once she appears my heart skips a beat, man she was one of my first, well put in normal terms crushes. In weebaneese, she was definitely one of my waifus. Now it wasn't because of her being Yandere, well the first anime I watched was mirai nikki but that's besides the point.

Where was I? Oh yeah, holy shit is she pretty! She turns and looks at me before talking, "Hm, you must be Joseph and... are apparently my master. Now I have been informed of everything by that voice and I can feel that it change some things about me so I can't do like it said and hurt you or betray you. It also was kind enough to share with me some of your memories and I can't help but chuckle at that mans poor torture technique. He was an amateur in many ways to the point that he almost drove you insane. Though for surviving that I must applaud you for your willpower. Due to that single fact I decided to actually follow through with this voice, at least for now. So don't disappoint me." Yeah, overbearing like I thought she'd be... god dammit. Well at least she can't hurt or betray me... right? Right?

I'm going to regret this aren't I?

I sigh and look around the room before making eye contact with Olivier, who is scowling at me, I raise my eyebrow and look at her, "What? Did I do something wrong?"

She scoffed, "All you men are pigs, you summon 2 women who are eerily similar in appearance to, not just me, but Tsunade as well. Have you no morals?" Wait, hold up? These are random summons? It's not my fault!

I try to defend myself, "I don't control who I get to summon. I actually got lucky when I got you, Esdeath, Alucard, Ezio, and Darkness since much, much, MUCH, worse summons exist! Like, you are an expert Swordswoman and general, Alucard is, well Alucard and broken as shit, Ezio is a master assassin, perhaps even grandmaster, Darkness is a very good crusader which makes her good at taking blows from enemies. As for esdeath she is an expert swordswoman, general, and... Huh." I pause and grab my chin.

Esdeath smiles and laughs a bit while Olivier scoffs, "See what I mean now? Not only do you get woman similar in appearance to me, but apparently one that is similar in skills to me? This can only make me believe that we are your type as Alucard told me it is." Oh god she's been talking to Alucard, this can only mean bad things...

I sigh, "Well I would be lying if I said you both weren't similar, however Esdeath does have insane powers that let her, well. Esdeath you want to show them?" I look to the blue haired woman who is already lounging on the couch.

She looks at me for a moment before answering and turning her head back, "Nope. Bothersome, you can do it." Fine. Fine, okay, fine.

I sigh and look back at Olivier, "She has powers that let her not just summon Ice from mid air, but also manipulate it to her will." From the side I see esdeath give me a thumbs up. Glad to know I got your powers right...

Olivier looks at me and sighs before sitting down. Guess I wore her down enough? Well whatever. I shake my head and turn my head towards the front door which someone just knocked on. After opening it I saw that it was an Anbu at the door, "The Hokage wishes to see you sir." I sigh and wave him off.

I teleport to the Hokage's office and knock on his door, entering when he gives the permission to enter. Once I enter I see that Tsunade is there, along with Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and a couple other people I genuinely have no clue as to who they are.

I raise my eyebrow at the Hokage who is smiling with his eyes closed and leaning back at his desk. Seeing that nobody is going to say anything I go and take the free seat between Tsunade and Jiraiya, and wait for someone to say something.

Almost immediately after I sit down the Hokage leans forward and opens his eyes, "So glad to see that everyone is here, but first things first, Tsunade, have you been enjoying your cooking lessons with Joseph~?" He smirks and starts chuckling seeing that Tsunade got so red from his comment.

After he finally calmed down and Tsunade finally stopped blushing he coughs and looks to the two people, "Now, you 4 may be wondering who these 2 people are, they are representatives of the Daimyo, and are here to confirm something for me."

In response to Sarutobi the man on the left stands up, "Affirmative sir Hokage. 1st, you wished to choose one of these 4 to be your successor?" He nods to this, then the man looks over to the 4 of us, "And Sir Jiraiya, you don't wish to be Hokage?" Jiraiya nods, "Lady Tsunade, you do not wish to be Hokage either?" She nods her head as well.

He then looks to Orochimaru, "Due to the crimes you had committed you are unable to become Hokage Orochimaru, however I do think that if you continue on your same path you will be able to redeem yourself eventually." After seeing Orochimaru's nod the man looks back to the Hokage, "This leaves the last candidate, upon our last correspondence you stated that you wished to test him first, what are the results?"

The Hokage nods before speaking, "Well, the leaf was being invaded by an army so I decided to let him try to end the war, and gave him free reins to do what he wished. As for my report on it, well he exceeded my expectations greatly. To prove that I have 3 things here that I wish to show you." He pulls out 3 pieces of paper, one of which is the contract that was signed yesterday by that girl two.

After handing the paper to the man, the Hokage continued, "The first thing is the contract, which summarized, means that Amegakure and it's lands are now part of the land of fire. There is also a possibility of 2 more lands joining us in similar methods, there are envoys being sent to handle that, and if all else fails to seek due justice for attempted assassination of him while conducting peace talks."

He then pauses to let the shock sink in as the second man speaks up, "So what are the other 2 documents?"

The Hokage gives a toothy grin, "Well both of them are apologies from other Kage, one from the Raikage, and the other from the Kazekage. The Raikage wished to express thanks and sorrow for listening to the rumors that were being spread then amplified by the other nations moving. The second is what matters though, apparently he beat the Kazekage in a friendly sparring match as the Kazekage's letter thanks him for the match and displays sorrow for believing the rumors that were spread as well." The man dropped both letters, but more importantly why didn't I get those? I mean they seemed like they were addressed to me, right?

I sigh and rub my temples, this man and his plots.

The 1st man finally finishes reading the contract and speaks up, "It is true, we shall act on this later however and wish you well on your endeavors in the other two lands. Seeing these accomplishments and seeing that you approve of him greatly so, we see no issues with him being Hokage. We shall announce to the Daimyo everything and expect no resistance to him replacing your position as Hokage." The men then bow and quickly run out of the door to, what I assume is, report to their boss.

I look at the Hokage and raise my eyebrow, "Wait, so you were being serious? I thought that you just wanted to tempt me with being Hokage and not really give it to me, or do something else and plot some more?"

He chuckles a bit, "Haha, Joseph you are exactly what I need as a Hokage. Do you know why Danzo was going to betray the leaf? I do. He always told me that I was too soft, but the reason I was made Hokage was because I was extremely smart, but that is nothing if I can't back up what I think, which is why I want to stop being Hokage while I still can, I won't be able to be useful always. I gave you many tests, and you used wits to go and handle them, and while you were in a disturbed mental state not only did you keep yourself going, but you were able to stop a war of disturbing proportion against us. Then, your final test, was how you would deal with your enemies and those that wronged you. If you were going to just let them go from a simple apology I wouldn't have let you be Hokage yet, and if you were to go and rub it into their faces or be hostile I would tell you off and let you relax more." He sighs and takes a breath before continuing.

"Joseph, you did exactly what I think is needed from a Hokage now, I know that from seeing how you handled the apology, you were honest and direct with her, yet you didn't let her or her people see you as weak or benevolent, yet you also didn't condemn them. I feel you can be an amazing leader one day Joseph. You are still growing, but you have amazing potential and so long as you don't give up I have a lot of faith in you. This is all just based on what you have shown me, but I can only imagine what ideas you have that you can apply to our world based on things from your old one." He chuckles a bit and I sigh, he's not wrong, I do have a few ideas of what to do.

He then stands up and walks towards me, "So Joseph, will you do me the honor of being the 4th Hokage?" He reaches his hand out towards me.

I reach my hand out and grab onto his, he then pulls me up and I smile, "Sure, why not. I'll do my best." He then laughs as he pats my back with his free hand, then Tsunade comes from up behind me and jumps onto my back. Jiraiya walks up and pats me on the shoulder while Orochimaru stands off to the side and nods with a small smile on his face. I'm going to have to do right by them for putting so much faith in me. Let's hope I can pull this off!

(A/N: Not done with Naruto world yet but will be soon so don't worry! I already have a bit of an idea what to do for the next few chapters and am planning on wrapping this arc of the story up soon!

Also, there will be one of those characters reading the comments next time with a special guest star! Ezio! I know I can do a girl, but I feel it'd be fun to do Ezio before that, next one will have a female guest star though, so leave him and the MC some comments~!

Also, links here since I was running out of space:

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/j0sejalap3n0

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/j0sejalap3n0

Discord: https://discord.gg/aGcVX6W )

Okay so, I decided to get people involved more in the discord, for the next week, that means until the following Sunday (12-16-18), I will be having a vote for something that I thought I needed to change, this stories name!

My naming sense sucks so I'll be having the vote on discord! Hope to see everyone vote there! (If there are enough people that want to vote on here then I'll go and try to work something out, but would prefer it to be in one place)

P.S. Almost 4k words. Proud of me?

j0sejalap3n0creators' thoughts