
Travelling My Favorite Worlds!

Temporary Hiatus. If you want an explanation, well I am a college student first and foremost so spring semester is a thing that I'm going through currently. No work though (yay grants), however sometimes I don't get that much free time, in fact this week was the first time I had some free time in a good minute(I spent it modding skyrim.) Now for the second half, like I'm sure many people can relate to, I have Depression (I don't really keep anything secret since I have nothing to hide or bad about me, but if someone doesn't like me mentioning it sorry I guess?). Well reason I mention it, well these last couple months were rough on me, last week I actually cried a little bit (it was me remembering the past and being happy my little siblings love me so don't worry about me too much) if that is any indicator. Not only that but stress has been building up. Good news time though! Feeling better now (2-22-19) and I do plan on writing more for this story and am doing a different method. I used to write basically ad lib, but I didn't like that, so now I'm writing out the basic plotline of the story so that I have a clear direction. Now reason I'm not writing more of the story now? Well quite frankly I'm drained from it currently. Tapped out. Though I love it too much to give up on it so I will be working on something new soon! Whether this will be a lasting project or not is to be determined but I felt inspired when a fan went and pitched the idea to me. If anyone wants to know as well I am currently working on building an entirely new solar system for a story to take place on (It would be fantasy mainly with touches of sci-fi) and am designing everything from it's origin to the evolutions and then to the worlds histories. It's very early though so it likely won't be seen for a long time yet (only 1 planet partially done currently). So thanks to everyone that is supportive of me, I won't waste those good wishes, and to those that were rude (note, not those that were critical of what I wrote. I like criticism.) learn from those that were supportive or those that criticize. Being rude just leads to situations like Authors not wanting to write something they love. ~See you space cowboy- Your beloved(I hope) Author, Joseph! ------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Joseph and this is my Adventure story! I'm a nerd and well, I always had a weakness to isekai novels. Now I didn't want to get hit by a truck or anything like that, and that didn't happen this time either. Being honest, well it was rather out of left field what happened, I drank myself into oblivion and almost died. However god saved me! Or well, I think he was god he never really told me. Now though, I have the power of going and jumping from world to world! Both real one's and fictional ones! Even ones that are similar to the fictional ones! So what I'll be doing is travelling some of my favorite worlds and live the dreams I always wanted for myself! -------------------------- There will be no NTR, this will be Harem, and I try to be a very involved author but keep in mind I do have a life so if I can't update daily like I usually do I try my best. Currently am editing a few chapters and doing other things so I will be unable to update until I finish the chapters I set as a goal for myself.

j0sejalap3n0 · อื่นๆ
63 Chs

More Torture than Justin Bieber on repeat

'Attempt 2,424,235 at awakening host. Host is in danger. Please awaken and utilize emergency methods.'

'Attempt...' (A/N: You get the idea I think)

[Quest Discovered:

Survive- Survive the Torture given by Hanzo.

Description- Do not give any information to Hanzo and survive until you are either rescued or can escape.

Rewards- Surviving. Survivors gift. 1000 SP. Pain Resistance level 5. 1x random power draw.

Fail Conditions- Host death. Reveal secrets of yourself, of the leaf, or the future.

Additional Rewards may be acquired by completing hidden objectives.]


'Attempt...' (A/N: Yeah just imagine this millions of times, annoying but I mean it is trying to wake him up. Like an alarm clock on crack! God that terrifies me and I played League before)

(A/N: I don't know why but I felt third person would be great for this)

(Depictions of violence warning, this chapter is here because it gives the MC a reason to not give up ao dont be disappointed by it and next chapter will right a lot of wrongs I am sure people will feel)

After who knows how long he had been unconscious for, Joseph tried moving his body in hopes that it was a dream, that all the time he had spent getting tortured was just a dream. What had it been now for him? Years? Decades? He couldn't tell. He tried using the system but it would only show the time and every time that he would look at it, it seemed to be unchanging.

Even after spending that time in his dimension alone, this was the most alone he had ever felt in his life, maybe it was due to the fact that day in and day out the only person he would see was Hanzo, with his twisted smile he got whenever he would dig into a thigh. Or sometimes he would even chuckle, though that was when he would usually hit the bone.

Joseph didn't give in though, not by his choice though. He had lost the will to live long ago, granted he would always joke about wanting to die before, in front of this suffering he couldn't help but wish for the release of death. Everything that Hanzo would do wasn't enough to severely cripple him as it would regenerate quickly enough, especially since he didn't damage any organs. That just made it worse though, the skill he thought to be a blessing was something that was keeping him inside of this small hell.

He no longer had thoughts of trying to steal Hanzo's skill, as each time he would try he would move out of the way. His system had long since stopped talking to him as well, no matter how he pleaded there was no assistance for him and nothing he could rely on to ease his pain in the slightest.

It was rather odd in fact, at one point he started singing something he remembered hearing that even made Hanzo, while he was mid slice. shiver. It was made even worse by the fact that these were among the first things he had said, and Hanzo couldn't tell why it felt so terrifying to even him, and elite.

"One, Two Freddy's coming for you. Three, Four better lock your door. Five, Six get your crucifix. Seven, Eight stay up late. Nine, Ten never sleep again." The time when Joseph unknowingly said this phrase had earned him a small chance to relax from the torture, though he didn't realize it since everything passed by so quickly now.

His pain would come, followed by tears, then itching, pain, tears, itching, pain, tears. It would cycle over and over until eventually they would stop for a short while, only to start again.



Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of content for the last week. I caught a bug apparently and from Tuesday until, well now really (Sunday night) my brain has been mush, well at least to getting my ideas on paper. I've gotten some really cool ideas actually in the sick time I've had! Well here, I'll lay them out I guess.

-Make An OC DanMachi

-Finally open at least some of those damned gifts

-Have MC visit a videogame world, one of my favorite ones, ahead of schedule and with mods


Wow I thought I had way more ideas than that, but well I did condense them a lot so lot me explain what I mean with them a bit more.

So no matter what, Danmachi is the next world, rest assured, however I had a realization. I have been reading Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos (If you haven't checked it out yet you should, it's amazing and love that author. I mean the man got enough money on patreon to actually write for a living! I totally want to be able to do that. Cough cough hint hint everyone. Just kidding.

Anyways, point is, Since I've been reading that I have realized that no matter what I will try and do I will eventually start going and doing many things similarly to him, and he does a great job, but I want to make my own mark, so I thought why not go to a different city? Now I was reading the Wiki and it said that Orario is the only city that has a dungeon. Well I've already said fuck Canon stories when I had Danzo get killed (As some readers pointed out, though I did plan that one ahead of time, others good job calling me out on).

So since it'd be a new city I thought it'd be a nice change of pace! New people, new locations, new gods, new dangers, and most importantly a new dungeon! The adventurers bane! (Neat huh? Originally wanted to nickname it the rookie eater but it is up for debate still.) I want it to be Orario's dungeon but harder, making this town a lot stronger than Orario, but also have major differences I don't want to spoil, though they should be obvious if you think about it.

To those worried if their waifu/best girl/whatever will be in the story? The answer? Maybe! I can always have people travel! I mean it's not super uncommon, also I already have a goddess in mind for MC so unless someone has a just spectacular idea for a goddess then that's already set in stone.

Next order of business, well the gifts. To be honest, next chapter he's only going to open up the level 5 one because that's as far as I've thought of since there are so many worlds with so many cool powers, and I don't want to do ones that every fan fic character has, it gets boring to me when I seen 20 novels with 'Scatter senbonsakura' I know I probably butchered it but you get my drift. So with that said I will be holding votes for the gifts, in the comments below put what he should get in what leveled gift.

For example- Yo, I think it'd be badass if for the level 25 gift he could get the dragonborn bloodline

Now just because your idea comes late or because your idea doesn't get many votes does not mean I will ignore it! Gifts can be more than one thing, like a bundle and there will be plenty of chances for gifts in the future!

Last but not least, I've been reading another story, Skyrim: Dragonborn Within, and I decided that I wanted to go to skyrim, but also not skyrim.

Well, I suppose this also requires a bit of backstory, I was sick, wait no I got that part. AH, while I was sick I was playing modded skyrim! Yeah, so I got the bright idea that what if I go and have MC experience skyrim in person but with mods, and not just with mods but ones that haven't come out yet (Also some ones that don't exist and may never but I had the idea and think they're cool).

So he would explore all of Nirn (Which is what their world is based on) find elder scrolls, kill dragons, etc etc. I was debating on having this be a forced event too since I do plan on having those, and I know this would be spoiling but I honestly want to hear thoughts on this.

Also bad news for last, finals coming up blah blah so if I can't update studying you know the drill. But that's not all the bad news, I have to find a new job that won't have me working from home, so I may not be able to work on the story as much in the future either because of that, though the more patreons and donations I get the more I can work on this and maybe do this full time! Honestly, I would love to drop college, move out, and just write. Granted I'd play games too, but I'd love to be able to just write what I love all day!

------TL;DR (Too long didn't read)----

Basically, I was sick, have plans at a Semi-OC Danmachi world, I want help with gift ideas, I wanna do modded skyrim as an adventure, Finals coming up, have to look for work so less time to write, if I have people support me on patreon I can work on writing more and maybe even full time!

Wow that was a mouthful (Handful?) but I knew I had to get a chapter out today since it has been awhile.

So long as I don't get more sick I will go and actually have our boy not be tortured anymore. Also I put hints as to what's going on, can anyone guess~?

Thanks for reading everyone! Vote, comment, and review if you like the story!

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