
Travelling My Favorite Worlds!

Temporary Hiatus. If you want an explanation, well I am a college student first and foremost so spring semester is a thing that I'm going through currently. No work though (yay grants), however sometimes I don't get that much free time, in fact this week was the first time I had some free time in a good minute(I spent it modding skyrim.) Now for the second half, like I'm sure many people can relate to, I have Depression (I don't really keep anything secret since I have nothing to hide or bad about me, but if someone doesn't like me mentioning it sorry I guess?). Well reason I mention it, well these last couple months were rough on me, last week I actually cried a little bit (it was me remembering the past and being happy my little siblings love me so don't worry about me too much) if that is any indicator. Not only that but stress has been building up. Good news time though! Feeling better now (2-22-19) and I do plan on writing more for this story and am doing a different method. I used to write basically ad lib, but I didn't like that, so now I'm writing out the basic plotline of the story so that I have a clear direction. Now reason I'm not writing more of the story now? Well quite frankly I'm drained from it currently. Tapped out. Though I love it too much to give up on it so I will be working on something new soon! Whether this will be a lasting project or not is to be determined but I felt inspired when a fan went and pitched the idea to me. If anyone wants to know as well I am currently working on building an entirely new solar system for a story to take place on (It would be fantasy mainly with touches of sci-fi) and am designing everything from it's origin to the evolutions and then to the worlds histories. It's very early though so it likely won't be seen for a long time yet (only 1 planet partially done currently). So thanks to everyone that is supportive of me, I won't waste those good wishes, and to those that were rude (note, not those that were critical of what I wrote. I like criticism.) learn from those that were supportive or those that criticize. Being rude just leads to situations like Authors not wanting to write something they love. ~See you space cowboy- Your beloved(I hope) Author, Joseph! ------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Joseph and this is my Adventure story! I'm a nerd and well, I always had a weakness to isekai novels. Now I didn't want to get hit by a truck or anything like that, and that didn't happen this time either. Being honest, well it was rather out of left field what happened, I drank myself into oblivion and almost died. However god saved me! Or well, I think he was god he never really told me. Now though, I have the power of going and jumping from world to world! Both real one's and fictional ones! Even ones that are similar to the fictional ones! So what I'll be doing is travelling some of my favorite worlds and live the dreams I always wanted for myself! -------------------------- There will be no NTR, this will be Harem, and I try to be a very involved author but keep in mind I do have a life so if I can't update daily like I usually do I try my best. Currently am editing a few chapters and doing other things so I will be unable to update until I finish the chapters I set as a goal for myself.

j0sejalap3n0 · อื่นๆ
63 Chs

Hell training

*Note from police investigation*

Responded to a call, when arrived nobody was there. Assuming to be a prank call as nothing indicated a break in. If someone is missing will recommend family to file missing persons case.

*End note*

Hm, I feel like something sad just happened. Not something sad like the Narrator wannabe taking over for talking for my story, but something like genuinely sad.

Oh well, so you guys have missed out on a lot of shit for this past month, yes I said that correctly, a month passed. Let me give you a run down.

Most important is Tsunade has been avoiding me so I haven't been able to get that date yet sadly, I'll talk about that more later though since I have a plan.

Next is regarding my training. Well I'll let my status speak for me regarding that.


Joseph Walner

LV: 24/???

XP: 2645/6451

Strength: 47

Charisma: 16

intelligence: 25

Luck: 17

Dexterity: 51

Stat points: 0


Chakra: 1.8 billion

Chakra Regen: 100 per second (6000 per minute)

Chakra Density: 2.8 (36x)

Chakra Impurity: 88%


SP(System Points): 310



Master Hand Signs ... Master Chakra Control ... Master Self Regeneration ... Expert Sealing Techniques ... Wood Release ... Advanced Taijutsu ... Advanced Kenjutsu ...


Yin Release ... Yang Release ... Yin-Yang Release ... Expert Spying Techniques ... Basic Genius ...


Expert Analysis ...


Skill stealing ... Personal Dimension ... Skin Durability (Rank 1) ... Bones Density (Rank 1) ... Muscle Density (Rank 1) ... Muscle Enhancement (Rank 1) ... Eyesight Improvement (Rank 1) ... Immune System Improvement (Rank 1) ...


Jutsu (Various) ... Kenjutsu (Various) ... Taijutsu (Various) ... Breathing Technique(Rank 2) ... Memory Capacity (Rank 3) ... Memory Speed (Rank 2)




Breathing Technique ... Memory Capacity ... Memory Speed


System Improvements{

HUD ... Map ... Party Function ...



I now finally have the strength of a Chuunin which doesn't sound too impressive but remember that I am a broken character and I haven't even gone and leveled up at all from this. This is just natural growth without counting levels. OP right? Yup. Or well I guess just thanks to hard work? Eh whatever.

I'm still not at Jounin level like he wants, but I am very close. Just need to get my Strength and Dexterity up a bit more, till they are both at about 55 points each. Everything else is fine though.

Oh yeah, fun fact the breathing technique is not Hamon I discovered. That is a different thing in the shop that costs about 30,000 points, the more you know! I don't mind though because each level I increase it helps me train even better, so I constantly have a clone training it.

As for the memory techniques... those things are amazing but so hard to train, and apparently it is easier to make it so I can remember more stuff than it is to make it so I can remember stuff faster. The more you know.

Also, I just remembered this, but shouldn't all these skills have levels? I was promised a mix of Kumo desu Ga and Death March's skill system.

'System didn't reveal them due to it clustering menu. Would host like to enable it?'

Yes I do, I want to see how well I am doing!

'Affirmative. Status updated.'


Joseph Walner

LV: 24/???

XP: 2645/6451

Strength: 47

Charisma: 16

intelligence: 25

Luck: 17

Dexterity: 51

Stat points: 0


Chakra: 1.8 billion

Chakra Regen: 100 per second (6000 per minute)

Chakra Density: 2.8 (36x)

Chakra Impurity: 88%


SP(System Points): 310



Master Hand Signs LV 3 ... Master Chakra Control LV 2 ... Master Self Regeneration LV 2 ... Expert Sealing Techniques LV 7... Wood Release LV N/A ... Advanced Taijutsu LV 7 ... Advanced Kenjutsu LV 4 ...


Yin Release ... Yang Release ... Yin-Yang Release ... Expert Spying Techniques LV 3 ... Basic Genius LV 8 ...


Expert Analysis LV 3...


Skill stealing LV 3 ... Personal Dimension LV 2 ... Skin Durability (Rank 1) LV 2 ... Bones Density (Rank 1) LV 2 ... Muscle Density (Rank 1) LV 1 ... Muscle Enhancement (Rank 1) LV 3 ... Eyesight Improvement (Rank 1) LV 3 ... Immune System Improvement (Rank 1) LV 5 ...


Jutsu (Various) ... Kenjutsu (Various) ... Taijutsu (Various) ... Breathing Technique(Rank 2) LV 7 ... Memory Capacity (Rank 3) LV 6 ... Memory Speed (Rank 2) LV 9 ...




Breathing Technique ... Memory Capacity ... Memory Speed


System Improvements{

HUD ... Map ... Party Function ...



There we go, now that's more like it. Also tell me whenever I level a skill up! I like knowing I am growing. Oh and whenever I increase a stat too! It always used to satisfy me when I see a main character get his stat improved.


Awesome. Oh and if you're wondering why I have time to talk, well the Hokage gave me a 15 minute break before he had to go take care of some business. Speaking of which that break is going to be over soon since I see him walking over here, shit!

"Joseph. I have to take care of some business but you're almost there. Don't slack on your training, I am putting you some things to accomplish while I am gone that you haven't done yet. Do them before I get back in a week or I will put you through torment worse than your first week." He hands me a sheet of paper with over a dozen things to do on it. Is this man crazy?

As I look at the paper I can't help but think that dying sounds pretty good right now. Truck? Wherefore art thou Truck?

Well here's what I need to do: Be able to run on water with my chakra control, Climb a cliff with one arm, be able to escape from chains using a technique, form a shadow clone without hand seals, be able to change my appearance using a transformation technique, be able to enclose and unseal things into scrolls, and finally complete and A rank mission by myself.

To put some of these things into perspective, the trio Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru are sent on A rank missions together and have troubles with it. Then for the next one, I can barely climb a cliff with 2 arms, a shadow clone without hand seals? Jesus christ I'd rather do 5 A rank missions. The rest of the things I can basically have the shadow clones train on, and I should go and do the A rank mission last.

I summon some shadow clones to start training by walking up trees since I haven't done that yet, then I summon some to train at escaping chains, some to transform, some to enclose things into scrolls, and some to unseal things into scrolls.

I look at the mission I was apparently handed and see that it is less than an hour away, so I can apparently get it done easily, its an assassination mission for a enemy shinobi force ransacking villages close by. I'll attack their base last while I start trying to form a shadow clone without hand seals.

Actually I've noticed that the more I use shadow clones the easier it is for me to do it, so many if I just keep summoning and unsummoning them? I decide to give it a try for a few hours.


Hm, it does seem as if it gets a bit easier, though I still can't do it without a hand seal.

[Skill Acquired- Advanced Rope escape: Added to Jutsu (Various)]

Huh. why did it go straight to Advanced?

'Informing host, basic is the ability to escape rope, as the skill advances host can escape from more durable and precarious situations.'

Neat. Well I unsummoned all the shadow clones I made go to that and almost passed out, thankfully the breathing technique helps me with that a little bit. I then summon the shadow clones back and have them go work on the tree climbing.

After a few more hours of practicing I notice something odd about my shadow clones, I don't need to do the full technique for them, though the hand sign was already simple to begin with I just need to do the first part of it now.

[Skill level up- Master Chakra Control LV 3]

Oh apparently one of my clones did it, awesome. I unsummon all of them while fighting the exhaustion then have them begin training on walking on water once I summon them back.

After that I got too tired to continue though so I fall asleep for at least a nap.

Once I wake up I get a few notifications I was pleased to get.

[Skill acquired- Basic transformation: Added to Jutsu(Various)]

[Skill acquired- Basic scroll enclosing: Added to Jutsu(Various)]

[Skill acquired- Basic scroll unsealing: Added to Jutsu(Various)]

[Skill level up- Basic transformation now level 6]

[Skill level up- Basic scroll enclosing now Advanced scroll enclosing level 5]

[Skill level up- Basic scroll unsealing now Advanced scroll unsealing level 4]

Why did those 2 have such large gains?

'Host possesses high sealing technique level, comprehension of scroll sealing and unsealing is a derivative skill of it.'

Oh okay, makes sense.

Well time to unsummon all those guys... wait they unsummoned themselves while I was sleeping apparently? Holy shit I slept till 10 AM, no wonder now, they made me even more exhausted. Well time to summon them back and then go all in for walking on water while I keep trying to summon shadow clones without hand signs.


Holy shit I have made no progress despite using the technique so much, system what is my level for it?

'Normal shadow clone technique or mass shadow clone technique host?'


'Host has advanced level 8.'

Well not too bad. Wait what if I have shadow clones summon shadow clones too? Hahaa I forgot that was a thing that happened. Thank you memory technique!

I summon 5 shadow clones around me and have them start training that while I try to climb this cliff with one arm. When I look at it though I notice that there are no places to put my hand... no don't tell me.

Fuck. I've gotta climb this not only with one hand but also while controlling my chakra. Well on the bright side I now have the knowledge of how to control my chakra to that extent. I put the chakra into my fingertips and put it onto the wall. I then will my chakra to keep a steady hold. I'm happy that because of my Chakra density I have an easier time with climbing things like this... though it makes walking on water harder.

I start pulling myself up then release my chakra and swing my hand up, getting me about an inch of ground covered. This is going to take awhile... talk to you guys when I make progress.

Yeah, that definitely took a good while. Now I know why he had me do this though, my stats are now at 60 points each, and it took me another 2 days of training, leaving me 3 more days to go and finish my shadow clone technique while the clones work on the water training.

Also I unsummoned all the clones last night which made me sleep another 12 hours after I managed to summon a few of them to keep working on skills. Right now I feel I am close to breaking through with my shadow clone technique and as for the clones on the water, well they are currently all deeply focused on the water in a meditative position trying to stay afloat, every so often one will fall and then transmit what he did wrong to me, which I then unsummon everyone then summon them all back.

Ass backwards? Probably honestly, but it helps me with my technique so I keep doing it. After sitting here unsummoning and summoning the shadow clones so many times and only taking breaks to eat and sleep I felt the chakra of the technique and knew I could copy it if I did it right, and it failed miserably. I lost half of the chakra I had remaining(since chakra is evenly divided among clones when you summon as a group) but I keep trying it until I had a... partial success. It was a midget version of me, about 4 foot tall so it was pretty odd for me.

I unsummoned him and kept trying until late into the night I finally had a breakthrough and was able to summon a perfect shadow clone of myself. At this point though I had used up a majority of my chakra and was exhausted so I slept through the night after unsummoning and summoning the clones back.

While the clones kept training the chakra control for me I decided to keep training my shadow clones up until the point it was almost second nature for me. Oh and I learned that what Naruto did with his clones actually works in the process of this. I kept summoning clones and having them throw me back in the air higher and higher until I was able to see well over the trees and into the land beyond.

It was actually beautiful seeing the mountains in the distance. It was ruined by me realizing I was falling though so I switched places with one of my clones using the thunder god technique. Not wanting to get memories of falling to my death though I unsummoned him almost immediately.

After training for another day I had gotten to the point where I just needed to think about having a clone, or even hundreds of clones, and I was able to do it. Wanna know why I realized I'm going so fast?

Apparently the system wasn't showing me all the skills leveling up, or I skimmed over it, my genius skill is now Advanced level 3 with how much I've been training apparently. Helped me learn things faster apparently so I mean I'll take it.

Oh yeah, because I still had another day left I decided this last day I was going to do various strength training, like I wanted to get to the point where I could jump onto the cliff about halfway and then jump up the rest of the way. Or even go and get up the cliff without touching it.

Now clearly it is insane to expect that from a normal human body, but what if you give it chakra? That's right, I plan on pumping chakra to my legs then using it to jump up.

To test it out I put a very little trickle into my legs and jump, apparently that gets me 6 feet into the air and the chakra helps reinforce my legs so it doesn't hurt me. Hm, so that little trickle was 1 chakra point, lets try 2! I jump and get about 20 feet high. Still not enough, 4!

Oh shit my fear of falling is coming back. I crouch and roll onto the ground, it wasn't as high as the cliff but it was pretty damn high, at about 100 feet high in an instant. I am afraid to put 5 in... but dammit I have to for science.

I grit my teeth and run towards the cliff, put the 5 into my legs and jump, it takes me almost 200 feet into the air, about 20 feet over the cliffs height, and I crash down on top of it. Holy shit I never want to do that again. Though I do wonder how fast I can run if I do that.

Oh well, I'll test it later. I need to finish my A rank mission and the water walking training still.

[Skill level up- Master Chakra Control LV 4]

All of a sudden I'm flooded with information, it seems my clones all managed to be able to walk on water, sit on it, run on it, pretty much anything on it, all without even thinking about it, and now I can too. I sit down as I fight the exhaustion that hits me like a truck. I'll need to take a nap and handle the A rank mission after.

Holy crap you guys! 12 power stones! This is the most I've seen on the first day, I'm used to being the only person voting on my story daily honestly so thank you all so much!

Leave a comment, vote, and review for my story if you want/like it! I love criticism since it helps me grow as a writer!

Hope you guys keep enjoying my story!

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