
Travelling My Favorite Worlds!

Temporary Hiatus. If you want an explanation, well I am a college student first and foremost so spring semester is a thing that I'm going through currently. No work though (yay grants), however sometimes I don't get that much free time, in fact this week was the first time I had some free time in a good minute(I spent it modding skyrim.) Now for the second half, like I'm sure many people can relate to, I have Depression (I don't really keep anything secret since I have nothing to hide or bad about me, but if someone doesn't like me mentioning it sorry I guess?). Well reason I mention it, well these last couple months were rough on me, last week I actually cried a little bit (it was me remembering the past and being happy my little siblings love me so don't worry about me too much) if that is any indicator. Not only that but stress has been building up. Good news time though! Feeling better now (2-22-19) and I do plan on writing more for this story and am doing a different method. I used to write basically ad lib, but I didn't like that, so now I'm writing out the basic plotline of the story so that I have a clear direction. Now reason I'm not writing more of the story now? Well quite frankly I'm drained from it currently. Tapped out. Though I love it too much to give up on it so I will be working on something new soon! Whether this will be a lasting project or not is to be determined but I felt inspired when a fan went and pitched the idea to me. If anyone wants to know as well I am currently working on building an entirely new solar system for a story to take place on (It would be fantasy mainly with touches of sci-fi) and am designing everything from it's origin to the evolutions and then to the worlds histories. It's very early though so it likely won't be seen for a long time yet (only 1 planet partially done currently). So thanks to everyone that is supportive of me, I won't waste those good wishes, and to those that were rude (note, not those that were critical of what I wrote. I like criticism.) learn from those that were supportive or those that criticize. Being rude just leads to situations like Authors not wanting to write something they love. ~See you space cowboy- Your beloved(I hope) Author, Joseph! ------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Joseph and this is my Adventure story! I'm a nerd and well, I always had a weakness to isekai novels. Now I didn't want to get hit by a truck or anything like that, and that didn't happen this time either. Being honest, well it was rather out of left field what happened, I drank myself into oblivion and almost died. However god saved me! Or well, I think he was god he never really told me. Now though, I have the power of going and jumping from world to world! Both real one's and fictional ones! Even ones that are similar to the fictional ones! So what I'll be doing is travelling some of my favorite worlds and live the dreams I always wanted for myself! -------------------------- There will be no NTR, this will be Harem, and I try to be a very involved author but keep in mind I do have a life so if I can't update daily like I usually do I try my best. Currently am editing a few chapters and doing other things so I will be unable to update until I finish the chapters I set as a goal for myself.

j0sejalap3n0 · อื่นๆ
63 Chs

Exploring the Festival

As I walk out I take a look at my hand and see that it is almost fully healed, and just in case I go and take a look at all of my clothes to see if there is any blood on me, since this is my last button up I would rather not get it dirty, especially with blood which is hard to get out of something once it stains. After seeing that everything is okay I pat myself down to put the whole event with Esdeath behind me and try to focus on having fun.

I walk out to the front of the group, "Okay, I'll still give you guys some money to spend on stuff that you want for yourselves, but since we're going as a group now, if you run out of money let me know and I'll see about buying it for you. Try not to get too out of hand, I may have a lot of money but it isn't infinite." Everyone nods, so I clap my hands, "Good, so where to first? I know a stand that has some sweets that we can all go try out~!"

Hearing the word sweets I can see Darkness's eyes light up, that's right, she's the girliest girl here right now, so sweets probably enticed her a lot. I mean I can tell Tsunade want's some too, but she's hiding it well. Olivier... I can't tell anything with her, I mean there's a reason I got fucking stabbed. I won't put it against her though, Esdeath however, I will. At least until I change her personality. Because fuck you Esdeath.

Ezio seems indifferent about it, so I take the group of Tsunade, Ezio, Darkness, and Olivier along with me to where the Orphans had set their booth up at. Along the way there were a lot more booths than I though there were, some street games were there that I hadn't seen before, it was something where, with a kunai supplied to you, you had to hit a tiny leaf off a stick, sounds easy, but if you leave a single scratch then it doesn't count, it also has to be the whole leaf, stem included.

Each try was 5 ryo, so I gave it a few tries and was unsuccessful. I moved aside since throwing weapons weren't my strong suit, but almost immediately after I left, the man screamed, causing me to turn around and saw the leaf on the ground, a kunai in the board behind it, and Ezio scratching his beard and looking at the man fiercely, "Shall I tell everyone your trick or shall you pay me the money?" The man quickly hands Ezio 200 ryo that he had earned, causing Ezio to nod, "Grazie."

When he caught up to me I looked at him, "What was that about?"

He laughed and responded, "That weapon was ridiculously off weight, I had been practicing with these, Kunai, as they are called, in my free time, and I noticed that the best ones that are consistently accurate have the same exact feeling to them. However I also trained myself with the defected ones so that no matter what I could be accurate with them. That is why I did so well." What a diligent trainer! No wonder he was once the leader, or at least one of the leaders, of the assassins. Fucking legend. He even let the guy continue, newfound respect for him.

I laugh a bit and keep walking down the street, every so often we'll stop at a stand, one of the more interesting ones that we had stopped by was one that had some really beautiful jewelry on it. I went up and looked at them all and saw a gorgeous black ring with gold etched into it, it looked amazing and I wanted to ask the woman running the stall something, "Excuse me, I was looking at the designs and was wondering if it would be able to request a design? At a later date of course since it would be hard to do it now given how busy it is."

She blinks for a minute and thinks, "Maybe, if you can stop by our shop in... 2 days time the smith that works on this for us should be in, he is currently taking time off since his daughter was just born a month ago." I nod and thank her for her time, then go back to looking at the jewelry.

Should I get some for everyone? Well I would have to include Alucard and Ezio as well. Well if I get something stylish then I think it will be alright, let's think of their usual color schemes...

Darkness- Yellow and white with red highlights. Also some black.

Olivier- Blue, lots of it actually, with some white, yellow, and black. The yellow is since she's blonde.

Esdeath- Blue, white/grey, and black.

Ezio-Fuck his costume changes so much. Grey? Something silver? Fuck I'll just get him something that looks manly

Alucard- Red, but knowing him he'd say something so I'll get him an upside down cross made. That should get him a laugh.

Tsunade- Green, yellow. Some grey and black.

Wow, these guys are hard to shop for, I look around and see an emerald necklace that is perfect for Tsunade, so I go and hand it to the lady to keep a hold of. If you're wondering why I am doing this now, well I went and sent everyone to nearby stalls~ I've got plotting time to myself, heheh.

(A/N: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=979&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=TloPXInlNM3etQX_-LSgCA&q=emerald+necklace&oq=emerald+neck&gs_l=img.3.0.0l10.14830.16556..17589...1.0..0.83.516.7...1....1..gws-wiz-img....35i39j0i67._DNfPtBndLs#imgrc=QH_38Z9tFYY8ZM:)

While looking through the jewelry I saw a small and simple ring with a ruby in it and inset in a thin gold band, this seems perfect for Darkness so I add it to the pile. Hm, lets see. There are a couple Sapphire ones that I can choose from for Olivier, hm, I think that I'll go and get a necklace for her as well, it is one that actually was cut to look like a rose is on the surface of it, and I think it fits her pretty well actually.

For Ezio... I'll get him one of these plain black bands with some gold etched into it, and Alucard, well black goes with everything right? I'll get him one with some silver in it. Last but not least... Esdeath. If you think I won't get her one you're dead wrong. She will be fine once I fix that awful personality of hers, well hopefully I make it better. Hm, there is this simple Sapphire ring with a black band around it. Yeah that will be good for her, since I shouldn't spend too much on her, she is on punishment after all.

I hand the last of the items over to the lady who's eyes light up after seeing how much it is that I'm buying, after thinking and adding everything up for about 5 minutes she goes and tells me the price, so I pay about 10k Ryo, I let her keep the change since honestly, I don't want to make her go and count even more. It was enough of a pain.

I smile as I turn around and put everything into my storage to surprise everyone with later. I go to everyone and grab them, Ezio was flirting with some older, or rather, mature women, when I found him, Darkness was going to a dunk tank for what I can only assume to be to volunteer instead of try to throw a kunai, Tsunade was talking with Olivier as they both held bags in their arms. I asked them if they wanted to to carry them, and I only got permission after I promised not to look inside, that just makes me more curious you know right?

We kept going about like this until it got to be about 11:40 or so and we all started feeling hungry, so I decided to treat everyone to something before we went and got desert. I let everyone have a vote, and all of the bastards agreed on ramen. Are they college students? I mean I remember the feeling, but uh, you know other foods exist right? My words fell on deaf ears as every single person here wanted ramen, specifically Ichiraku ramen.

I sighed and we walked around for about 10 minutes to where their stall was only to see it empty, when I walked past the flaps I saw teiuchi there cleaning a bowl so I asked him if he was open, when I asked him what was wrong he just told me everyone is busy with the festival. Everyone sat down at the counter and started naming off what they wanted, I decided to go and get the usual since well, everything else sounds odd. Like who puts some butter in ramen? It sounds so odd.

After about 15 minutes he served us our ramen since some people started getting there about 5 minutes after we did, making him slow down a good bit. Everyone seemed hungry and finished it within 10 minutes of getting it, I however was slow going apparently, and just decided to chug it down. As I was dying I passed him a few hundred Ryu since I knew he was still growing his business, and before he could go and deny it I walked off and smiled, waving at him.

We then spent another half an hour talking our time getting to the cookie stall, once we got there though we were shocked, or at least I was, there was an older boy holding a sign saying 'Cookie line starts here' and had an arrow pointing downward. I decided to see just how long the line was and threw a paper ball into the air, teleported to it quickly, then flashed back down to Tsunade. This line was hundreds of people long... I regret not getting here sooner now...

I tell everyone what happened and let everyone go explore the stands nearby while I power through the line. While I was there everyone actually came up asking me for a bit more money, and since I couldn't leave the line and see what they wanted I just gave them another thousand each. Eventually, after 2 hours of just standing in the line I ended up at the front of the line, and hearing the kids at the front going and calling my name woke me from my daze. I stepped up and put in my order for 4 dozen cookies. Seeing the kids pause I smile and tell them, I want to have 48 cookies and that it'll cost 96 Ryu.

They cocked their heads at me before adding it all together before nodding, so I smile and hand them 200 Ryu, I told them that it was a bonus for doing such a good job. I then grabbed my cookies and promised to see them tomorrow and see how they all did. After waving them goodbye I went and picked up everyone again, only to see them going and playing the same street game. It is a cup and ball game.

Oh god did they all get conned?

I walk up and take a look only to see Olivier point at a cup, the man smiles and picks up the cup revealing that there is in fact a ball underneath. I sigh and see that the man doesn't hand her any money back, what?

I pull Ezio aside, "Why are you guys dealing with a con man? I thought you had high perception and could deal with them?"

Ezio laughed at me, "I can, I had him made almost immediately. However this man offered to show us some tricks for 1k Ryo, and these tricks aren't just simple ones for games like these, they are so much more." He then turns around and goes back to watching him.

Heh? So the Con man is teaching them ninja stuff? I sigh and decide to join in, I pay the man 1k Ryo (yes, every time that something is in the thousands, unless I feel it is needed, I will say k. I am a lazy bastard, bite me. I'm busy being a protagonist.)

After watching for about 10 minutes I realize what Ezio meant by the tricks, he was showing how to conceal the ball into his sleeve in smooth motions, multitasking, keeping a straight face and talking, and also being able to put the ball back into the cup. All at a high speed that was almost too fast to keep track of. He even had times that the ball would stick to the bottom of the cup, or to the side so that it wouldn't be shown. I assume he was using Chakra to go and manage that, he is indeed an interesting person, but by all means he looks average and not like a ninja. Hmm.

Well no matter, I have his face in my memory, as do I all the techniques that he is showing us. After a couple more tricks and techniques he packed up, bowed to us, and walked away. I guess we learned everything he was willing to offer?

Shortly after watching the man walk away an Anbu arrived before me, asking for me to meet the Hokage, he also noticed the group I was with and told them to get to a certain area relatively close to where the Hokage was meeting me. Oh so he's giving them some close up seats huh? Well I am going at assume that it's for Sarutobi officially making me Hokage.

I give everyone some more money to go and have fun along the way while I just flash over to Sarutobi (A/N: I usually just describe the flying thunder god technique with flash or teleport since it'd be a pain to put, 'I use the flying thunder god technique to...' or switch it with Raijin and it's still complicated. I hope nobody minds too much since this is something I don't think that I will go and do, even if it would give me a bit extra word count, I don't need it.) since he is in a place where the space isn't locked down. After seeing me appear he sets down his tea and motions for me to sit down where another cup is located.

After taking a seat and sipping some of the tea he starts speaking, "Hope you're not too nervous. Being Hokage is pretty easy, just... well you'll see, heh. I'm going to go and give the speech in a few moments so if there is anything else you want to do you should say so."

I don't like that laugh, but I shake my head. He's probably talking about the absurd amount of paperwork that the Hokage goes and works on. It's not like he can hide it either, his desk is littered in it constantly. I shake my head and he sets his tea down before standing up and stretching, "Alright, the sun is right where it needs to be. Come out once I say your name, okay Joseph?"

I smile and nod, trying to keep my cool while sipping the tea. It is sadly scalding so I have to drink it extremely slowly so I don't scald my tongue. I watch as Sarutobi exists the room and opens a door, leading to a patio. I can see it but I hear a lot of people going and cheering/screaming about him showing himself.

I put my feet up onto an ottoman and watch as he begins his speech.

"Greetings to everyone in the leaf! I have been your Hokage for many years! I have seen many of you be born, seen more grow up, and I shared sorrow with you when one of our own died. I would be lying if I said I didn't think I was betraying many of you by choosing a new Hokage to take over for me." He then takes a small break to let it sink in for a bit.

"The world is changing though, I have been trying to keep up with it, but we have almost suffered greatly due to my own blind following of remaining peaceful. You even witnessed my fight some time ago, if that isn't evidence that I am getting old then maybe my wrinkling skin will show you that I am. Now, I know better than most how hard change can be, especially if you don't welcome it. So to smooth change along I would like to introduce the next Hokage of the leaf, a man I feel will be able to bring prosperity not just to our lives, but everyone in our world! Joseph Walner!"

Heh? Isn't that putting me on too high of a pedestal Sarutobi? Well, I don't want to keep then waiting so I push past the curtain that separated me from the leaf while holding a smile on my face. Looking around I almost froze, there was a sea of people, some people were on others shoulders to get a view of me, there was someone sitting on the awning of a shop, and there were many ninjas in various places, a few even had their children in their arms and showing them me. I grin a bit and grab the back of my head before seeing Tsunade, Darkness, and Jiraiya all in a group together. Oh I even see Alucard off to the left Can't see ezio then... must be that thing where he blends into crowds of people.

I start waving around and the Hokage hands a small device to me before whispering to me, "This will let everyone hear you easier. Good luck!" He then steps back to the side and nods at me.

I smile, turn to the people, and click the button on it and keep it in my hand, "Hello everyone-" hearing my voice amplified and all around me makes me jump back a bit, "Uh, sorry. Thats a new thing for me. Well as I'm sure you can apply guess, I'm Joseph! Now I can't tell you for sure if I'll be a good Hokage, I don't think anyone can until they try, but I can tell you that I will try my best to be the best that I can be at it! I want to enhance our science, improve the health care, and make sure that everyone can live a good life and bring forth more trades for people! It is hopeful, and it could just be a dream of mine, but I want to try my best! So please!" I bow down slightly, "Give me a chance!"

Hehe, I did that because I want them to go and out more trust in me, I made myself be more down to earth, I also wanted to go and show everyone some of the ideas I've had, and then I showed everyone how humble I can be. Will it work? Who knows, does it have a high chance? Well seeing as how psychological things still are true in this world like in my own, it has a high chance. People want their leaders to be about to understand their problems and seem more approachable, I am fine doing that.

After I raised myself from my bow some people started cheering, this then made more and more people start cheering until everyone was joining in. I smiled and started eating around when suddenly a Kunai was thrown straight at me, I caught it before it got me, saw the explosive tag attached to it, and threw it straight up into the air where it then exploded. I point at one of the buildings where there is an open window, making the Anbu nod and Jump off.

The people all started screaming (Well the ones that weren't Shinobi) so I spoke to them, "Everyone, do not worry. This cowardly attacker will be punished accordingly for attacking on our celebration today, I have already sent forces to subdue the assailant. I request of you, don't let then spoil the mood that everyone worked together to make cheerful since that is what they want, go an celebrate! Let us handle this person!" I smile and wave after giving the speech. Seeing that everyone stopped freaking out I sigh a bit before turning around to go back into the room that the tea was in. Hopefully the Anbu will get them.

Muahaha, tonight, and well for the next few days, I have a lot of work to get done. I don't plan on pausing this story at all but if I get overwhelmed know it is because of finals and it will be back soon!

Side note, yeah I knew many of you wouldn't be happy with last chapter however I still feel confident in it, so usually I will concede and try to make people feel better, but I just want to ask everyone to put some trust in me! I am trying really hard to make a powerful story!

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