
Let's Talk Over a Cup of Coffee

I leave the room alone and head back to the truck that park outside. I entered the truck and pulled out my laptop bag,I empty the content and poured 100 pieces of gold coins the total weight of all this coins was 5 Kg, which bring the price to 24 450 USD. It was kinda a bother to round up the worth to a perfect 20K, so I don't bothered to, beside I wanted to use the remaining 4-3K to buy the supply in Terry secret room.

With the bag in my hand, I entered the shop once again and directly head back to the secret room once again. I put the bag on the table in front of Terry, the sound of clinking coins shock Terry and Ken, Terry opened the bag with Ken creeping on his back. Both of them were stunned and their eyes keep blinking alternating between me and the coins in Terry hand.

"Ohhh…Shit…..Boss…". (Terry)

"That is 100kg worth of gold…I want the 20K in cash and the remaining of the cash is for all this…".

I sit back down on my chair and swirl my index finger in the air.

"...Uh…Okay…Sure…Yeah, no problem…The whole stock cost around 3K…That leave about..1K remaining..so....". (Terry)

Terry brought out his calculator and start counting.

"Sure…Just Take the remaining…Consider that, as your service charge…".

"Woah really?!…well, you know me, I never refuse extra money,…Here you go, 20K in cash..". (Terry)

Terry get up from his seat with the bag of coins and walk towards the Safe on the left wall of the room, he took a 4 roll of cash from It, Then put the bag of gold in the safe and closed it. He then put the roll of cash on the table and slide them to me.

"Thanks…Can you send the 'Stuff' to my house, here's my address…".

"Sure, I'm gonna send it tonight…I'm sorry that I can only do this much…But, i know someone that maybe wants to do this kind of business with you…". (Terry)

Terry sips his beer and looked at me.


"The Krawoski Family…". (Terry)

"The Sweeds?…Yo, Terry you know WE got history with that Family right?..". (Ken)

I remember that name, in fact all 3 of us remember them vividly.

"Well…I know that, but shit changes thou…The head of that family was Derek Krawoski now…".(Terry)

"Yo Terry…We KILL the Previous head!..That's WE..US ALL..everyone knows, that we, especially Boss decimated them…".(Ken)

Ken Slump his back in the chair, and wave his hand in disbelief.

"Well Technically, It's Regata Family and The Coalitions that called the hit…we were just the excutioner…Besides, Derek owe us big time..". (Terry)

Sipping his beer, Terry looked at me.

"Derek…hmmm…oh, the bastard kid?..".

"Wait, the wet pants kid?…". (Ken)

Hearing I said bastard, Ken recollect something from his memories.

"Yeah, The Wet pants…Surprising right…". (Terry)

I remember before, we got an order from the Family and The Coalitions (Mafia/Underworld International organization) to assassinate the Krawoski Family whole upper echelon due to Betrayal and Conspiracy against the Coalitions. And That night as we were 'Handling' the business, I remember letting go a teenage boy who hides inside the closet. Actually, how I find the kid was because he piss himself and the urine wet the closet and spilled on the floor, Ken called the kid 'The Wet Pants' and repeated the whole stories every time he drunk.

"I can contact him if you want…beside, that kid remember us…I met him once thou, rather than hating me…he looked kinda thankful…Which is kinda weird….yeah…". (Terry)

"..…..Contact him…".

"Sure…I get back to you later, when I deliver your stuff..". (Terry)

"Sure…Thank you, Terry..".

"Hey…No Problem boss…". (Terry)

I Shook Terry hand and stand up ready to leave.

"You know what…I kinda miss all this…hahaha". (Ken)

We say goodbye to Terry and leave the store. Driving back in to the city, we head to the Hyper Market. The drive was quite awkward, Ken seldomly speak which is his habit when he hesitate to say something. Ken is good men and a good friend of mine, although he was always the joker and loud mouth around me, he was someone who knows when and on what to keep silent, I know my sudden action kinda throw him off.

"Ken…stop by the coffee shop…I'm parched..".

"Huh?…oh..okay…". (Ken)

Instead of shocked, Ken was fairly excited. He drove the truck to the nearest coffee shops near the Hyper Market.

Entering the cafe, Ken immediately head to the counter to order drinks for both of us. As for me, i decided to use the nearest cash deposit machine near the Hypermarket to deposit the 10K dollar that I just receives and keep the remaining 10K in my pockets.

After a few minutes, I return back to the coffee shop, as I passed by the front, I saw Ken already find a table near the window and waving at me. i enter the shop and sat at the table where Ken was.

"Let's just go straight to the point…I know this might sound utterly absurd, but it's real and it's happening…Do you remember the last time you talk about new genre of light novel you've been talking non-stop for 2 years..".

"Ah yeah!…Isekai!, what about it?…". (Ken)

"Well, I'm in one…".

"....Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa???????…". (Ken)

"You know what..here, look at this…".

I know he might think that I'm going mental, but instead letting his mind wonder, I place my phone on the table and play a short video that I record and pictures of the Maidens, scenery, and Various monster that I found in Fantasma.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!....KYAAAAA!!!!!!!!!...…T…this..Yo, Dude!..What the fuck!!..is this real?!…Yo, Mies if you fucking with me I'm gonna sooo drenched you with this hot coffee..I ain't messing around man...…Wooooooaaaahhhhh!!…The Fu...Is that Dimensional Storage ring??..". (Ken)

Ken picks up my phone and furiously sliding picture over pictures, his eyes were shocked mixed with furry as he alternately looked at me and my phone, to make it more believable I swipe my hand across the table and store my cup of coffee inside the ring and made it appear again on the other end of the table like a sleight of hand trick.

".…..Hold on…let me process this 1st...…". (Ken)

"Sure..take your time....<Slurp>…".

I'm sure it's hard to believe such strange story, so I let Ken submerged in his thought for a while as I enjoying my cup of coffee.

"You know what…I believe you, so tell me how it happen…". (Ken)

As a Fierce and proud geek it's easy for him to process this kind of things, he already obsessed with it, in other words he wanted to believe it. I told Ken all the things that happened, from the day I teleported to the point where I came back.

"Quite a story you got there man...But hey, in my opinion there's no use in questioning this kind of thing's just treat it as your luck and opportunity..beside, considering the path you take..making your own state..I support that..but seriously it's so like you to do that..".(Ken)

"Thanks..that's why I need to buy so many things..you need money to make money..by the way, what are you doing with my phone?..stop taking my pictures..".

For the past 10 minutes, he's been fiddling with my phone as he's talking to me.

"Owh..hehe, I see that you've got no social media account so I made an account for you..Hey Man, If I just have a 10% of you current look now, you would be looking at a star right now..". (Ken)

"Like I care..hand it over..".

"Wait, I'm gonna add myself to your friend list, and make you follow and subscribe to my account...….Woah!…the fuck?!…". (Ken)

"What?..what happened?…1000 follower?…you just make my account right?…I like this picture of me you just take…thanks man…".

I don't know how big a deal to have 1000 follower just after 10 minutes you make an account, but seeing how bewildered Ken looked I guess it's a good thing?.

"Anyway's…now let's leave that shit for now, look…I'm VERY interested in helping you with your Other world business..so how about, You let me help you….". (Ken)

"Well, I do planned on that…I know you are the EXPERT on this thing…so, now what I need is a detailed work plan on constructing a wall and several other buildings..Also, I need a custom made military uniform…And I need to make a company here to so that I can sell things I brought from there…".

"The 1st 2 isn't a big problem, I already have several blueprint ready at home…as for establishing a company…well, that's gonna be a bit difficult..what kind of company?..". (Ken)

"Hmm…Let's Make a investment company…that way we can just clean up the fund we got from selling the gold easily…".

"Uhh…Okay! Sounds like a plan..". (Ken)

Actually I was thinking of making a gold related company or something, but now that I think about it, it's better to make an Investment company. This will make it more easier for me to proceed with my plan in the future.