
Traveling To The World Of Anime With The Dark Souls System

Hikaru Hiroaki, a big fan of Dark Souls. Even though he only played the first one, he still loved the entire trilogy because of the lore that Vaatividya kindly explained in his videos. But Hikaru's future was not bright, his mother works 2 jobs a day just to feed him and his 2 siblings. His father works at a construction site to pay their rent. That's why Hikaru didn't have enough time to play around, he works to save up for his college tuition. He is currently at the end of his high school life and he would enter college soon. But unfortunately, as he traverses through the road while the traffic lights were still red, a drunk driver riding a lamborghini ignored the red lights and hits him directly. He died instantly. He woke up in a place covered in white fogs, and an old voice spoke to him. "I shall give thou the power of Dark Souls, please use it wisely." ________________________________________________________________ Alright, I didn't plan this fanfic at all. I just daydream everyday and write what's inside my head. You may see some paragraphs that you are not able to understand and that's fine. Just report it to me and I'll fix it. Plot holes and plot armor, yeah, I have many of those in my fanfic. If you don't like plot holes and such, please don't read this. I don't like people just messing my ratings just because they don't like plot holes. Also, don't read this fanfic if you don't know Dark Souls, I promise you, you won't understand a thing about this fanfic. Don't write a review if you don't know what you are talking about, it's seriously messing up my rating and I'll have to delete it if it's really bad. Just criticize it in the review, write something that's asking the author to write better. Honestly, reviews that are trying to put the author down are just downright bad. Many people out there gave up writing just because of those reviews, please don't do that to other fanfics or novels out there. I feel sorry for the author. Anyway, thank you for giving your time in reading this. Enjoy the fanfic. Also, I accept people criticizing my fanfic since it helps me grow as a writer. You can do that. _______________ Also, before you post a review, please read at least to 50 chapters. If you don't like it, then you can criticize me for my really bad world building and character development. Trust me, I've had too many people stating that my MC is really bad, and they've only read like what, less than 10 chapters? I know I made too many mistakes in the early chapters, but you don't have to keep shoving it right into my face for god's sake.

Miko_Sayaki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
147 Chs

Chapter 106

Hikaru built a very wonderful house. It was big with lots of rooms inside, two stories tall, and has a modern design. It's simply one of the best houses in Konoha.

Right now, he is enjoying some time outside with Solaire. They are sitting on a bench as they drank some Estus and chatted.

"Time is weird in Lordran, my friend. Even though you say that 4 years had passed, I only felt 4 months pass in Lordran." He took a sip from his estus flask, then continued, "Anyway, enough about time. My friend, The Chosen Undead, is quite the serious guy. Recently, he just rang the two bells and now is going to that damnable Fortress, where he will deal with those horrible traps. Honestly, I worry about him sometimes. He's always dying left and right, he might just become hollow. Hah hah!" He chuckled a little.

Hikaru took a sip from his Estus Flask and then replied, "Quite a brave friend you have there. He'll probably die a hundred times before he finishes that Fortress."

He noticed a long time ago that everytime he summons Solaire, there's something different about him. He remembers everything about him and what this place is, but whenever he summons Solaire the time and place in his world is always different. For example, when he summoned him last time; he said that he was already at Anor Londo but now he's still at Sen's Fortress. It's confusing to talk to Solaire sometimes, but he at least remembers everything about him and what took place in this world.

Solaire finished the contents of his Flask and sighed, "It's been a little depressing lately. I have traveled to many places, journeyed to the most terrifying place in the world, yet I still haven't caught a single glimpse of my sun. Ah."

He's own Sun, that's always what he talks about. Though, Hikaru can see that his friend is quite sad indeed. But he knew, Solaire would fail to find his own sun. He's like Icarus in a way. He flew too close to the sun and burned his wings away, until he fell into the sea and drowned to his death.

"I'm sure you'll find it someday." Those words, they were cruel.

"Indeed. Anyhow, I've stayed here for far too long. I'll be going back to searching for my own sun." Solaire slowly disappeared as he said, "Don't forget to praise the sun, my friend!"

He disappeared and Hikaru was left alone sitting on the bench. He took one last sip from his Estus Flask, then stood up and walked towards his house.

(At The Gate Of Konoha)

Two Chunins guarded the gate. They were chatting with each other until they saw a few people limping over towards them. They were all severely injured, if the blood dripping from their every step is any evidence. All of them seem to be teenagers that just fought in a war.

"Halt! Who are you people?" One of the guards asked cautiously.

Boruto then pointed at his headband protector, which had the Konoha's symbol. But he forgot one thing, that headband protector has a scratch in the middle of the symbol, which would make someone a missing-nin most of the time.

"Are you a missing-nin from Konoha!? What are you doing here!?" Now, the guards were very suspicious of them.

Realization dawned on Boruto's face. He quickly thought of an explanation, and said, "No, you got it wrong. While I was fighting, someone tried to cut my face with a kunai, and being injured myself, I had no choice but to use my headband protector to block the attack. You can probably see my other teammate, he has Konoha's Flak Jacket, see?" Boruto managed to make a very elaborate lie, and quickly.

"Is that so? Oi Hiro, heal some of their injuries.!" One of the guards said as he took Mitsuki from Boruto and carried him on his back so that Boruto won't have a hard time walking.

"Got it." The guard named Hiro then took out a small bottle that seems to be filled with some kind of golden liquid.

"Kid, open your mouth. Don't look at me like that, this thing in my hand is a magical medicine. One drop and you'll feel rejuvenated and some of your smaller injuries might heal quickly."

Boruto did as he was told and opened his mouth, The guard poured one drop on his mouth, and instantly, some of his injuries started healing faster than what he could imagine! He felt some of his strength returning to him. Now he's able to walk properly again.

'What kind of medicine is that? It's like healing those potions in the video games I've played.' Boruto thought in amazement.

"What's your name, kid?" Hiro asked as he let Sarada drink a drop of that golden liquid.

"Boruto, Uzumaki Boruto." He answered.

"Daiki Hiro, that's my name. Now, let's get you all to the hospital." Hiro said as he led them inside the gate of the village. But he left a shadow clone to guard the gates of the village.

The other guard has been long gone. He carried Mitsuki to the hospital, since he seems to be the most injured out of all of them.

(At Konoha Hospital)

Sakura Haruno was working on some of her patient's papers, when she saw a guard bring in an unconscious person in the hospital. He seems to be a Jounin, but she was confused since there wasn't any Jounin Exam that happened recently. And from what she can see, he's young, around 16 or 17.

"I'll leave him to your care, Haruno-san. Or should I call you Uchiha-sama?" The guard said jokingly before leaving the hospital doors.

She just shook her head at his joke. She and Sasuke have been married for 4 years now. They have a 3 years old son they named; Uchiha Senichi. Well, little Senichi is now being taught of shinobi arts by Itachi and Sasuke everyday, since they have nothing to do anyways.

She sighed and said, "Really now, such immaturity." As she was about to heal the blue haired boy, another guard came with two teenagers that seemed to be injured. She felt a headache coming, but she forced a smile and asked, "Now, who are these two?"

"Haruno-san, these two are the companions of that blue haired kid. Well, I'll leave them to your care now." Hiro said before walking out of the door.

Sakura slumped her shoulders as she sighed again, "Do they really have to bring every patient to me? There's other doctors in the hospital, you know?"

Meanwhile, Boruto noticed something very interesting.

'Why are they so nonchalant? Three severely injured shinobis just wound up in front of your doorsteps, at least react a little! Well, I know that Sakura-san is an amazing healer, so at least we're in good hands.' Boruto said inside his head.

The reason they don't seem to care about this situation is because they know that no one is foolish enough to attack the strongest major village in the entire world. They have countless S-Rank Shinobis in their ranks. Even all the S-Rank Shinobis in the other 4 major villages combined wouldn't match up to Konoha. And they have a monster who single-handedly ended the 4th great ninja war with a single attack.

Every shinobi that day saw him defeat the invincible ten-tailed beast with a sword that covered the heavens. No one dares to put his name in the Bingo Book, because they know that they will be hunted down by Konoha Shinobis.

And also, the real reason they don't seem to care about their injuries is because of all the magical medicines that Hikaru gave to the Konoha Hospital. He called them "Divine Blessings". The hospital separated one bottle of divine blessing into five little bottles, so that every shinobi in their village can receive one the moment they become genins.

Fortunately for the three of them, Sakura is a high-ranking medical-nin in the hospital, so she has around 3 bottles of Divine Blessings in her possessions. She doesn't use them very much, since she was taught by Tsunade herself and has surpassed her teacher. But she'll make this an exception, because they're just kids.

She took out three little bottles that contained 15 ML of divine blessings each and said, "Here, drink this. This should heal you all to the fullest. By the way, what're your names?"

"I'm Uzumaki Boruto, and right by my side is Uchiha Sarada. And the one…"

"Wait, you're an Uchiha?!" Sakura suddenly asked Sarada.

"Yes, I'm an Uchiha, mo..." Sarada responded while trying to stop herself from calling the Sakura in front of her "mom". She knows that the woman in front of her is not her mother.

Sakura narrowed her eyes in suspicion, then said, "Let me see your eyes."

Sarada activated her sharingan, showing Sakura her 3 tomoe sharingan.

Sakura gasped in surprise. She can't believe it, because this just doesn't make sense!

Boruto doesn't care whether he reveals information about them or not, because there's nothing to lose anyway. Besides, this is still Konoha, his home, so there's nothing to hide.

"This… quickly! Drink that and come with me, my husband is going to be overjoyed that there's another living Uchiha!" She said to Sarada in joy.

After drinking the small bottle of divine blessing, Boruto said, "Please wait, we need to meet Hikaru-san. We need to explain our situation to him!"

"Hikaru? Well, he's not doing anything today, so it might be okay to meet him. But why though? As far as I know, he's never met any of you." Sakura said.

"He did, when I was twelve years old. Even Sasuke-san was there when I met him." Boruto insisted.

"Hmm, he's never said anything about you guys, but okay. I'll lead you guys to his house later, just drink that and rest a little." Sakura then opened Mitsuki's mouth with her hands and slowly made him drink the divine blessing.

Not a second later, he suddenly sat up, making Sakura yelp.

"Waaahh! Don't surprise me like that!"

"Sakura-san? What're we doing here? Boruto-kun, where are we?" Mitsuki asked, his head is still quite fuzzy.

"Sasuke-sensei used the last of his chakra to send us here in this dimension. I don't know if he is dead or not, I just hope he's not dead yet. Maybe the version of Sasuke-sensei in this world has the same rinnegan abilities." Boruto explained to Mitsuki stoically, which reminded Sakura the way Sasuke and Itachi talk.

Mitsuki digested the information he just got, and finally said, "I… am quite confused. But how is your right eye, Boruto-kun?"

Boruto touched the right side of his face and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore. I might be abl- AAAAHHH!!" He suddenly screamed in pain as he felt something inside his eyeball moving. His eye was reconstructing, it was as if it was fixing itself.

"H-hey! What happened to you!?" Sakura rushed to his side to check what's happening, but Sarada stopped her.

"It must be the magical medicine he drank earlier. His right eye is healing, so there's probably no problem."

This just got a lot more confusing, at least for Sakura.

Guys, I decided that I will only write every 3 days from now on. If I write earlier than that, my brain juice is sqeeze to the extreme. I don't even know how most authors manage to write two chapters a day.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay well, and as always, thank you for reading.

Miko_Sayakicreators' thoughts