
Sister in law material

Five minutes ago

Tania saw the beautiful firework. She enjoyed the party and she walked into the Wayang area. Wayang is also spelled Wajang, (Javanese: "shadow"), a classical Javanese puppet drama that uses the shadows thrown by puppets manipulated by rods against a translucent screen lit from behind. Tania meets a young girl, she is a cutie and nice girl. Her name is Sintawati Kusumadewi.


King Anusapati, Bagarkara, and Ratri going to walk around the market to find the Queen, but they can not find her. Now the time is 11 pm, but they still can't find the queen.

The wayang show has ended, Tania plans to go back to the palace but she doesn't see Ratri there. But the nice girl, Sinta was helped the queen to find her court lady. But they also can not find Ratri. Because it is going to midnight and will be unsafe for the queen, Sinta said that is better for the queen to stay in Sinta's house, and the queen can back to the palace tomorrow. Finally, Tania goes to Sinta's house.

"Is it okay for your parents if I sleep in your house?", asked Tania.

"No problem your majesty, I believe my parents will happy to see you", answered Sinta.


In the Kutaraja Market, King Anusapati, Bagaskara, and Ratri still looking for the queen. All people in the market have back to their house because the festival was ended. Bagaskara suggests the king go back to the palace now because it would be dangerous for the king.

"Your majesty, I will find her majesty but I think you need to back to the palace right now because it going too dark after the festival ended", said Bagaskara.

"Ok, please find my queen", ordered the king.

"Yes, your majesty. Ratri, please give the light for the king and back to the palace with his majesty".

"Yes, take care. I hope you will find the Queen soon"

Tania and Sinta have arrived at Sinta's house.

"Mother, Father, here is her majesty queen, she will sleep in our house for tonight"

"Oh, your majesty. It is my pleasure to have you in my small house", said Sinta's father.

"No, no, no, your house is bigger than my house"

Tania enters Sinta's house, and Sinta's father is closing their home's gate. But before the gate was closed, Bagaskara walking in front of Sinta's house. Sinta's father saw him and greet him. Bagaskara said that he is on his job to find the Queen, then Sinta's father told him that the queen will sleep in his house.

Bagaskara feels good after hearing the information from him. He asked to meet the queen. Finally, Bagaskara meets the queen, and he said that tomorrow he will pick up the Queen.

"Ok, I will wait for you. I am sorry to make you worry about me"

"No problem, your majesty. Then I will back to the palace and tell the king that you are sleeping in Sinta's house"

"Thank you Bagaskara"

On the next day, Tania is ready to go to the palace. She thanks Sinta and she said that Sinta should come to visit the palace later. Sinta is really happy to hear that, because the Queen is her idol since she was a kid.

Bagaskara has arrived at Sinta's house to pick up the Queen. But there are not only Bagaskara who come to the Sinta's house, but also there is King Anusapati. King Anusapati getting off his horse-drawn carriage.

"His Majesty King has arrived", shouted Karso who announced that the King is there.

"Your majesty, don't you have a morning meeting? you look not busy today", said Tania.

"You are pregnant, why do you leave the palace without a royal guard?" asked King Anusapati.

"I went with Ratri yesterday but I lost her because I was too focused on the show"

Bagaskara said that they should back to the palace now, and Sinta says goodbye to the queen.

On their way to the palace, Tania thinks that Sinta is fit with Prince Mahisa. She is nice, cute, and smart. Then Tania asked the king how old are Prince Mahisa.

"Mahisa? I think he is 18 years old", said the king.

"Is he have a girlfriend?", asked Tania.

"Girlfriend? why do you want to know it?"

"I think Sinta is the best woman for him"

"Aaaa. I see, I think he also needs a wife to help him to lead the Kadiri area"

Tania asked why the Kadiri area had special treatment from the government, it's different from another area. Then King Anusapati told that Kadiri Area was an independent kingdom, but after King Ken Angrok expansion, the Kadiri area is became a part of Singhasari. After that, the Kadiri area is become the special area, and then King Ken Angrok appointed Prince Mahisa to become the king of kadiri. He stands below the king same as the duke in another area.

"What is the difference between Mahisa as a king in Kadiri with the other dukes?"

"Because Kadiri is an Independent region, they set their government independently"

"Oh,, I see.. I see"

After heard the explanation about Kadiri, Tania thinks that might be not all has written in Pararaton book is correct. Might be King Anusapati never be killed by Prince Toh Jaya. But she remembered that in history of Mulamanurung inscription told that Prince Toh Jaya become the King of Kadiri, that was mean Prince Toh Jaya maybe kill Prince Mahisa.

"Oh my God!" said Tania.

"What wrong my queen?"

"No..no..no.. I just thought about Mahisa Wedding".

"Hmmm.. are you want to set Mahisa's wedding soon? I will write a letter to tell Mahisa first"

"Yes please, We need to ask Mahisa before we make decisions"

The King and Queen have arrived in the palace. Tania went to her room with Ratri, and then King Anusapati went to his office room with Bagaskara.

"Bagas, give me a paper and pen, I want to send a letter for Mahisa"

"Yes your majesty"

Then Bagaskara asked Karso to give the paper and pen.

3 days later, Mahisa receipt the letter. He read the letter in his office room.