
Traveling through worlds with a nano suit

A man dies and was given a chance to live again for a price and thanks to the limited power of the god the best choice of the three abilities he could choose from was the nano suit from the Crysis series game first world will be a zombie world. no surprise there since the god needs him to grow strong enough to accomplish his tasks

Rauon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
64 Chs

Chapter 31 Katherine and the golem

(A/N beware some cruel scenes ahead)

Inside of an abandoned church's basement was a young girl, her long raven hair dangled freely to her waist and eyes glistened like red gems, due to her weakness, her family left her here to rot away with moldy rags for clothes that covered her malnourished and scarred frame leaving only her hands, feet and face exposed against the chills brought by the cold season.

Her name is Katherine which is something she had chosen herself since her father disowned her and renamed her as 'trash' we'll get to why she was called as such in a bit.

Despite her current situation, she resisted the thoughts of suicide and the constant insults of those that used her to vent their frustration of being weak as she was weaker than them.

Yes from the age of 8 they abused her mentally and physically, the bullies even destroyed her virtue with a game of theirs in the past of...

how far can a piece of an animal bone go?

Some used magic to burn her flesh while practicing their magic, be it fire or lightning, throughout the seven years of her being sent here, there were countless times of her nearly dying with a strand of her strong will kept her alive.

As for why she never left this church, it was the only place that she could stay in and not by some random monster outside as the barrier within this abandoned church prevented monsters and full demons from entering, with her only source of entertainment and escape from reality being some old and moldy books one it particular was about summoning.

whenever she left the church the chance of her bullies continuing with their constant past time at her expense continued were high, mostly due to her needing to collect wild fruits or rotting meat left by some predatory that hunted too much.

She was a half-breed from one of the four generals who kidnapped then raped one of the hero's(of that time) companions which led to her and her twin brother's birth less than a year later she looked human but whenever she used her feeble magic her two now broken horns would appear, a demon's horn acts like a wand allowing a demon to cast their magic.

She was the sickly one of the two which led to the first sign of her being weak which made some of the servants look at her in disgust and neglect her when the 'master' wasn't looking leading to her brother copying them as he became quite physical with her at times, but she was still treated well at least until the 8th birthday which is when they check their children's aptitude.

She had less than a tenth of regular human's magic capacity while her brother surpassed their fathers... so you can get an idea as to what happened next with her being akin to trash compared to the weakest demons.

they casted her out.

with absolutely nothing to wear, nothing to eat, no place to stay, while Katherine was pretty lucky that her father didn't decide to kill her right then and there as being weak is an insult for demons of his caliber, but this didn't lessen the hatred that she held for him.

For 5 years she had been working on a magic circle to summon someone that would be on her side, that would support her, care for her, and comfort her from the darkest of times, but her meager magic pool always worked against her thankfully with the information that she understood from the book there were ways to reduce the cost by using an alternate source of power, be it by a monster's core, or by using the elements.

Katherine had chosen the former as the local area lacked the possible materials that could be used, and even if there was a slim chance of finding them they local bullies would just steal it, the slime core she had was something that she put in her mouth when the bullies decided to steal her spoils for the day, including the few copper coins she planned on using to buy some food.

Which is why now she was trying so hard to complete the summoning circle desperation for a sword, shield, a friend and revenge was driving her to to the brink as the voice that guided her to the church in the past mentioned that this week was the best time to summon her soon-to-be greatest ally.

Katherine forced herself to three days now to finish this circle or she will never be able to survive as she heard of a certain trial that could change her status from nothing to one of the greatest demons that will be unhindered by anyone or anything.

but the aggravating part was the fact that someone had placed a bounty on her head a few days ago which is one of the reason's why she hasn't left the church and was trying so hard to complete this spell.

But like always, there was someone that will make the situation hard for her as one of the bullies outside of the church shouted out with a tone full of malice.


they were teenaged demons that flocked together, with blue skin bald thanks to being abandoned as well, yellow eyes, long curved horns, and thanks to their demonic nature capable of shapeshifting to their most ideal body form with the leader being extra masculine and ripped frame.

(abandoned full demons are cursed a certain way from being bald to being infertile such is the way of demons to let others know that they were abandoned, while Katherine's case was her skin color forced to look like a human even more to increase the humiliation that other demons would bring upon her.)

As another voice, one of the people with the first spoke out as well.


She tried hard to ignore them, but her body shivered as it remembered how many times they broke her fingers and sometimes limbs just because, Katherine bit her lip to return her focus to the magic circle before a loud explosion had happened then that baleful voice bellowed out.


The bullies were getting impatient as she was usually meek and cowardly around them, but this time in their minds was that she had the audacity to ignore their calls, so they started attacking the barrier with their magic as their first attempt had brought a small crack to it after attacking numerous times before in the past.

Katherine sent as much magic as she could into the monster core before beginning the ritual as she didn't have much time right now and frankly she'll die if this takes too long or even fails So the girl decided to gamble with her very life on the line.

The magic circle lit up ever so slowly thanks to the subpar materials that she used but at least it was working, but that was when another loud explosion had happened and the sound of glass breaking followed shortly after the barrier...

it broke...!

And that wasn't all, as a cold voice whispered behind her as a hand grabbed hold of her from behind the neck before slamming her face to the floor.

"Damn trash! you really made us waste our time, so i guess we need to remind you of your place~"

Katherine struggled in turning her head to look at her assailants as her nose was now broken and bleeding before they grabbed some of the rotten wood nearby as they raised her butt and ripped the ragged clothes that were in the way.

Then the very same words that were said before when they ruined her down there echoed out.

"Hey guys, how far do you think this can go?"

She attempted to struggle only for one of the trios to grab on of her arms then break it causing her pain as she was forced to stop her struggles, as she sobbed on the ground.

Then when they were about to continue their game, the sound of heavy footsteps was heard before a *ka-cha* followed causing a moment of silence as a heavy amount of killing intent flooded the area, making every one of them look to the source of the noise.

An armored golem in the middle of the magic circle had appeared carrying a strange stick that was pointed at them before it said in an emotionless tone.


one word was all it took before the sound of thunderclaps followed as their limbs were torn apart, the leader suffered the most as chunks of his head was missing yet he was still alive just like the other two.

However, for some odd reason, they knew that this wasn't the end of it...!

As the golem said to them as it made a stride toward their ruined bodies.

"since you like games so MUCH~ how about you play a new game a game of Russian roulette?"

The two last words were foreign to them but the golem didn't care while Katherine was now sitting down where she was at looking at this in surprise and awe before the golem continued with a strange object in his had.

"Don't worry you'll learn how it works very soon~"

Before the golem pointed the object at what was left of the thigh of the nearest demon then added.

"Here I'll give you an example~"

the golem slid his hand on the side of the object before the center part started... rolling then squeezed it before another sound of a thunderclap followed.

The victim was squealing and crying as the sudden pain was something but the golem ignored this before speaking in a playful tone.

"whoopsie! that wasn't supposed to happen~ but heh i guess you were just unlucky so lets try again shall we?"

"Wa-wait! STOP!"


The demon shivered a bit before soiling himself in relief he was heaving from the fear he felt as the other two felt it too but then the golem inserted something within the object then said this.

"well now that you guys have an idea of how it works each of you have one hundred tries to survive through~ so try not to die... too quickly~"

the part at the end was whispered yet it was still loud enough for them to hear!

It was at this moment that the trio knew... that their endings will be long and horrible!


Golem then started laughing before pointing the object at its next victim then continued its game~

by the way his version of it was 5 out of six that you'd get a bullet in you, so how long will they last?

Brutal ending? somewhat but since he got to see something that made him remember a certain scene...

his cruel nature had emerged!

Rauoncreators' thoughts