

My name is Ezekiel Mercado. Born in the Philipines and immigrated to the states. I wasn't a good person per say but I would like to think I'm neutral in all matters. But I don't need to worry about it as I'm not in the realm of the living. It all started when….

*flasback begins*

I was walking to school one day and a bus hit me. Nothing more, nothing less.

*flasback ends*

I thought that after death I'd be able to meet the so called 'gods' we worshiped feverishly, but nothing occured of the like. I just woke up with an ingrained message that went like this:

Dear Soul,

I write to you on this fine time we stand upon. to facilitate a fact unto you. You have recieved a chance of reincarnation to do as you please; you have been give the powers that will be deternined after this letter vanishes. I hope you'll be an exorbant amount entertainment for us.

PS. You'll be able to see your stats after you spun the wheel.

Like that I awoke with, which is what I'm assuming, new fingers of a newborn child and vision of a Badgermole. Upon further inspection I notice a woman laying motionless on the bed.

It seems like I'll be an orphan. While this was transpiring a translucent wheel appeared and seemed like I'm the only one able to see it.

Some things that stood out on it was: Probability Manipulation, Healing Factor (Minor, Major, Super…), Toon Force, Full System, Nullification, Template, Time Manipulation, Gacha

Though those powers were intriguing, it was higly improbable that I'll be getting them. The wheel was filled with almost spaces where I don't recieve a cheat and respins. It's not like its the end of the world if I don't get anything, but it'll be useful in almost any world.

With a heavy breath, a prayer for the god of luck, and my tiny stuby hands I spun the wheel.

As it spun, I waited for almost an eternity until it landed on Supernatural Intelligence. It held a description of: Users are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally more intelligent than other beings in their universe because their mental capabilities and applications are pushed beyond the natural level.