
traveling the multiverses with a system

this is a novel/fanfic about my OC dying and getting reincarnated in different fictional world's such as dragon ball, one punch man, one piece, hunter x hunter and some other worlds I fancy. he gets stronger over time and fights some OC enemies. no harem, my character only gets one girl. I'll upload when I feel like it but I'm uploading everyday for the time being I don't own any of the characters only my oc's.

farendel_6929 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


after the fight between Izuku and bakugou with Izuku obviously winning, they were all exhausted. well Akihito didn't really do anything since he just watched the two fight but he was mentally exhausted from all the worry he was holding back, as to not discourage Izuku.

suffice it to say that the boys were tired and they just wanted to go home. the thing is Akihito was just so exited to see what kind of skills he could finally use but it'll take him some time before he can amass a sturdy number of good skills.....wait.

why do we have to wait for him to learn new skills when he can just use his tickets, the only reason he hasn't used them up untill now was because he didn't really want to go through what he felt the first time he used it. getting a super good skill and not even being able to use it, as you know that didn't go to well.

however now that he has access to skills, he can actually utilise any skill he gets now and so with hope filled eyes Akihito dicided to once again open up his GATCHA.




[Bronze draw ×1]

[Bronze draw ×10]

[Silver draw ×1]

[Silver draw ×10]

[Gold draw ×1]

[Gold draw ×10]


14× bronze lucky draw tickets

7× silver lucky draw tickets

1× gold lucky draw ticket. ]

Akihito looked at the silver draw while imagining just what could possibly come out of this since last time he had gained [GAMERS MIND] and it is an incredible power to have since with it you can fight with only your brain instead of with your emotions.

after thinking a bit about the amazing skills he was going to get he lifted his right hand with his index finger being the only one spread out.

he keeped moving his finger closer untill it hit the magic spot.

[Oliver has used [ 1× silver lucky draw ticket]




Oliver has won [vie blade]

Akihito looked at this curiously as he expected a skill not an item but hey it's the first real weapon he has gotten besides the dagger so it's still a plus.

Akihito : ' Lia apprais it please'

[appraisal comencing




Item name : vie blade

Type : melee

Damage : 58

Endurance : ∞/∞

Effect : its form can change depending on what the user wants


DESCRITION : a special type of sword that was forged from sunveys alloy which is a unique metal that's very sensitive to life force. it only breaks once the user's HP reaches 5 or below ]

Akihito : ' waho ho hoooo this is incredible not only does it do tons of damage but it also changes forms, I'm so keeping this'

once Akihito read the description he know that there was no way he wasn't going to keep it so he brought it out of his inventory and looked at it.

it was a normal looking sword, like there wasn't anything special about it.

it had a brown leather handle with a grey metallic lookin circular guard just above it.

we move on to the blade witch was a double sided blade that looked to be about 50 or so cm long.

it was alright but Akihito didn't like the look so instead he closed his eyes while holding sword, one hand on the handle and another at the other side where the blade was. he then started to picture the sword that he wanted and after a few moments he opened his eyes to see that it had morphed to his thoughts.

with its new appearance the sword looked more like a katana now.

you could see that the blade was only on one side and that it was curved slightly rather than straight.

it had a beautiful guard that was now more of a square than a circle and it has the design of a tree in the middle of autumn with the leaves falling off.

the handle was also quite different from its previous design as it has tiny diamond shapes going along it on either side. the actual handle was longer so that it had enough room for two hands but the most unique thing about the sword was the colour of it. from the handle and to the blade it was coloured a light shade of pink, very reminiscent of a sakura tree.

Akihito : " now this is a real sword"

Akihito was quite happy with how the sword came out , so happy that he decided to once again use another silver ticket.

[[Oliver has used [ 1× silver lucky draw ticket]




[Oliver has won [100× warm coats]

Akihito : " wait no what's going on here, I used a silver ticket and I got a bronze prize"

[the GATCHA does not give you a quality prize only of what value it equals to such as [1× silver lucky draw ticket] = [100× warm coats] so it is correct]

Akihito : "what, no... are you serious, that's it but what about the bronze ticket giving me the senzu beans and also giving me a frying pan"

[you used the [10× bronze draw] which gives you slightly higher odds of attaining better prizes but you must remember Oliver that it is called a GATCHA for a reason, it may not always be fair]

Akihito gave himself a facepalm for not realising this earlier and wasting a ticket for selfish reasons.

Akihito : ' how can I be so stupid, from now on I want gamers mind to always be on'

[understood Oliver]

Akihito once again felt all of his negative emotions had left his body, leaving him with a clear mind.

Akihito : ' ok when I use a silver ticket it gives me something worth 100 warm caots and 1 warm coat is worth 10000( £63 or $86) yen so a silver ticket is worth 1000000 (£6375 or $8633) yen.

Akihito was in deep thought for a few minutes untill he had some idea of how it worked.

Akihito : ' the tickets have a set value of prizes awarded, the highest that a bronze can go to is 15000, silver is 1500000 and gold well I don't know yet'

Akihito thought about using the golden ticket but he knew it could result in wasting it with his current luck so instead he decided to use the silver tickets instead since it was easier to collect them then the gold ones.

[Oliver has used [ 1× silver lucky draw ticket]




[Oliver has won skill [HP TRANSFER]




[Oliver has used [ 1× silver lucky draw ticket]




[Oliver has won skill [ GAMERS BODY (PASSIVE) LV MAX]




[Oliver has used [ 1× silver lucky draw ticket]




[Oliver has won [10× kalos fabric]




[Oliver has used [ 1× silver lucky draw ticket]




[Oliver has won [ Hermes boots]




[Oliver has used [ 1× silver lucky draw ticket]




[Oliver has won [50× senzu beans]

when Akihito had used up all of his silver tickets, he closed the GATCHA screen and appraised all the new items he just got.



[appraisal comencing




Skill : HP TRANSFER LV 1: allows the user to transfer their own health points to a target upon doing so the target will be healed.

• 6 HP per minute ]




Skill : [ GAMERS BODY (PASSIVE) LV MAX] : Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game.

• After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, MP and cures all status effects.




Item name : kalos fabric

Type : material

Endurance : ∞/∞

Effect : it can self repair when it is damaged


DESCRITION : a type of fabric that has been infused with ishtryro metal which is incredibly strong]




Item name : Hermes boots

Type : equipable

Endurance : 500/500

Effect : 2× the speed of the wearer


DESCRITION : these are Hermes boots one of the gods in Greek mythology, they still have a bit of the gods power residing in them ]




Akihito looked over the apriasial for HP TRANSFER and thought that it wasn't that usefull since he already had the senzu beans, not to mention the amount he just got for the silver ticket.

so with that he decided that he would still level it up but it would be as a last resort incase he was out of senzu beans.

next he looked at the kalos fabric which intrigued him at first but he didn't really have anything he could really make niether the tools to adequately make use of it so for the time being he just tossed it in his inventory for another day.

now the boots they were good, he immediately equipped them to test them out and when he tried taking a step towards his window he was already there before he knew it.

with him approving of the boots he put them back in his inventory and went in to the last thing on the list and one he was really looking forward to.

now with him already having GAMERS MIND his mind is secure from any mind controlers but with GAMERS BODY any status effect or in this case quirks that affects the target body like a debuff is going to be easy for him.

with all of the skills and items he has gotten, Akihito was satisfied with life and with him feeling so satisfied he closed his eyes for the night.










