
Traveling the multiverse reincarnated as Hollow knight

Dave was an ordinary guy, nothing going for him and nothing really going against him, one day when simply minding his own business and crossed the street to head home from a day of work, well I think we all know where that is heading, so let’s focus on someone else... ah here we go *ahem* This is the story of a man who defied fate itself and strove to be different, will he succeeded, well let’s find out (*so I got bored one day and had my phone in hand and went why not so here is my first ever written story criticizing is fine and wholeheartedly accepted due to not having any experience*) [*any object, place, person or reference in this story is not owned by me and I would like to credit to the actual owners of them*] ((*please don't expect a stable update of chapters, this is on a whim and just something I decided to do for some fun*))

Duncan_Quan · วิดีโอเกม
26 Chs

Doom and gloom while things go boom!

...ducking behind the (very large when compared to my body) dumpster I peered out from the side looking at the battle raging on before my eyes.

"It's over foul fiend! parish before gods light!" said a priest looking man holding a gun that shot what looked like lasers.

"Never you bastard!" cried out from the priests foe, a mangled thing that somewhat looked human.

Now, I bet you're wondering how I got here, let's go back a bit.

[10,000,000,000 years ago]

Woah-woah-woah too far take it back.


Ok now take it back to when I became this!


[2 years ago] (minor A/N changed from 2 weeks, felt cramped for what I was going for)

'It was an average day' that's what I thought to myself, not believing it one bit.

walking down the sidewalk I thought about how the world seemed to be ending around me, not like my personal world I felt just fine, no it was more of how everything has gone crazy and wild.

my thoughts were confirmed when I felt the cold edge of a switchblade lightly press into my jugular.

"Your money or your life!" said the man who was holding said switchblade.

"dude do you even know how cliché that is" I shot back at him, he didn't seem to like my criticism of his choice of words thus leading to well, you could probably guess but I'll tell you anyway.

the man was quick and in a hurry because he had heard the sirens that were a block away, and with how I was being uncooperative he didn't think twice before slicing my throat clean open.

as I laid there bleeding out, I felt some sorrow and thought 'damn I never got to play that game I just bought' I had just recently bought an indie game that I had watched others play and wanted to try it too 'what.. was it.. called again... Hollow Knight?'

as my last thoughts left me, I felt nothing for quite some time, until...

(some time later)

opening my eyes(if I still had them) I saw that I was in an expanse of darkness that seemed to go on forever "well, this seems just about right, what's next, god going to descend and tell me it was all just a mistake? Some goddess appears and is sorry that they killed me in some odd roundabout way? A random omnipotent being pops in behind me and says they killed me for fun?" I prattle to myself.

'*unfortunately none of them*' says some voice in my head that has no real distinction other than I understood what it said.

"Gah! what the-" I'm cut off before I can make my displeasure to having mental communications with unknown beings, voiced.

'*listen, you need to steel yourself, otherwise you will die again and never be able to be reincarnated*' proclaims the voice that I'm convinced is the ROB.

"ok, what am I to steel myself for?" I ask the voice.

'*that*' a screen appears before my eyes and shows the end game boss for Hollow Knight.

"what, The Radiance?" I ask once more of the voice.

'*yes, and it will be the key to you leaving this world without having to die*' it impresses the importance of slaying The Radiance.

"ok, way too many things happening right now what the hell do you me-" I'm cut off again.

'*I will explain everything later, right now all you need to know is that your memories and your very soul itself is at risk here*' that shuts me up, I was wondering why I could remember all this even though I'm not meant remember anything being reincarnated. (heaven and hell is for chumps, Isekai all the way)

'*this world is very similar to what you know as Hollow Knight, but there are some changes*' the voice supplied me.

"like what?" I ask to the voice.

'*all the beings you put as NPC's are all gone, no one is left here but you, the corruption, the bosses, the enemies, and The Radiance*' the voice drops a very important knowledge bomb on me.

"even the fast-travel Beatle?" I ask dreading the answer.

'*yes, every NPC*' the voice confirms my fears and then expounds on them.

'*every single NPC has become corrupted and are no longer able to do anything more than hate and kill, you more specifically*' the voice continues to make me more terrified.

before I could get the chance to ask the voice anything more, the darkness seems to be consuming my body from my feet up.

"w-what the!" I exclaim trying to do something about this impending absorption into this abyss.

'*let it happen*' says the voice '*its merely what shall help you into your new body*'

"WHAT!? BUT I LIKE MY BODY!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

'*yes, but you'll love this new one*' the voice has the last word as I am totally consumed by the darkness. (I wish I could cast magic missile it would have helped)

after what felt like an eternity but was actually a few minutes I woke up.

"well, this is going to suck" I said to myself as I stared at the starry sky.

standing up I looked around and saw many bones and rocks around, but right in front of me is what held my attention the most, a very deep chasm that looked to go down for miles.

"well, time to take the plunge, I'm not going to find out what the voice means by sitting here!" I psyche myself up and dive, to the depths below

...to be continued in the next chapter (at some point, in the future)

I won't ask for anything, I know that if I do, I will be just another writer who is going to try and pump out stories that are half assed and leave people wanting more from the better works.

If you like it, then like it,

if you dont, then dont,

I write because, I felt bored, and just wanted to pass some time as I was between both reading some novels, and playing games.

Duncan_Quancreators' thoughts