
Traveling the Cosmos

A young man died in an unseemly way. As a result, he is trapped in the rift, which connects different realms. He is compensated with eight wishes and can travel to different worlds. He has always dreamed of doing this, and now he can. Let us see where his journey will take him through the multiverse. He is a selfish person that was a loner for most of his life.---I do not own any character except the main character. Don't expect this to be a great story. First time I have written a story.--- Also do not own cover-

aramirez0008 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Skill/Abilities/Item Rank


Highest to lowest

God- Can create something from nothing on any world/Realm


World- Able to destroy planets

Sovereign- Changes the terrain of the planet

Hero- Can change the landscape

Mortal- only able to hurt your target

If you have a better description comment it.

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