
Traveling the Cosmos

A young man died in an unseemly way. As a result, he is trapped in the rift, which connects different realms. He is compensated with eight wishes and can travel to different worlds. He has always dreamed of doing this, and now he can. Let us see where his journey will take him through the multiverse. He is a selfish person that was a loner for most of his life.---I do not own any character except the main character. Don't expect this to be a great story. First time I have written a story.--- Also do not own cover-

aramirez0008 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Ch.6 RUN!!!

As the sun reflected off the snow with no human in view. You can hear the birds chirping as animals run across the snow. However, this sight is lost by a young boy that looks around 10 that is running across the snow like his life depended on it.

Ryu:{Why the fuck did you not tell me!} says as he is running toward direction of the waterfall.

Greed:{You never asked} Greed retorts

Ryu:{Fuck man! You should have said something if I was a Boar territory! They are possessive of their territory, and tell me, how the fuck am I supposed to escape from this boar!} He roars toward Greed in his mind.

Greed:{ WELL LISTEN WELL! This is probably the most important thing I am ever going to tell you. Are you ready to know what I am going to say.} he says with enthusiasm

Ryu:{Hurry up and tell me, please. It's like 9 meters away from me, and it is catching up!} yells toward Greed as he looks at the boar

Greed:{What I am going to say is! IT IS… NOT MY PROBLEM!!! Figure it out yourself, it is training for you. Good luck.}

Ryu:{YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! If you were going to tell me that, just say it faster instead slowly and getting my hopes up.} He retorts toward Greed

Greed:{Well, you know what you shouldn't have annoyed me right. Time to pay for annoying me.} He says happily towards Ryu

Ryu:{Just because I annoyed you. You endangered my life.} I said annoyed

Greed:{ NO, I never endangered your life, I just ignored you. You just happened to go into the boar's territory. So if it is anybody's fault, it is your.}

Ryu: "DAMN IT!!!" He yells toward the sky while running as a boar that weighs 180 pounds and is 7 meters away from him. { Now what? Think me, Think! I got it, and I'll just become Tarzan.} he starts to talk toward himself

While the boar is 6 meters away from him, he starts to climb the closest tree from him. As he approaches a tree, the boar is 5 meters away and rapidly approaching. He begins to climb a tree, as the boar is 4 meters away. Ryu grabbing tree branches to pull himself up away from the boar. 4 feet from the ground, the boar 1.5 meters away, jumps towards my feet that are dangling at full speed. As I saw him jump, I lifted my feet and got lucky that he missed it by a few inches. The boar ram into the tree, knocking himself out.

Ryu:{Damn that was close.} he says as he gets off the tree. {Buy me a katana. Just buy it. From now own don't ask for confirmation}


Ding! 100 Desire points subtracted

The katana appeared before him.

Ryu:{Sorry Mr.Boar, but I need you to die so I can eat something later.} He says as he steals his heart and cuts off the head of the boar and puts the body in his inventory.

Ryu:{Fuck, that was disgusting. I don't feel good.} He vomits by a tree

5 minutes later

Ryu:{That was rough}

Greed: {Don't worry about it. It is the cycle of nature, the strong, prey on the weak. If that boar caught up to you. You would have been killed by the boar. Don't worry about it, you will get used to it soon.} He says as he tries to make Ryu feel better.

Ryu: {Thank you. Well let's go}

1 Hour later

Ryu arrives at the waterfall, where fishes are swimming downstream.

Ryu:{Is there a cave somewhere close by?}

Greed:{Yeah behind the waterfall and there are no living beings inside it.}

Ryu:{Buy me a manual on How to Dissect Animals and How to Live in The Wild.} he says as he goes into the cave.


Ding! How to Dissect Animals manual, How to Live in The Wild manual

Do you wish to integrate with it? (Y/N)

Ryu:{Yes} he agrees as he arrives in the cave

Greed:{OK, oh, I forgot to warn you that it will hurt a bit. HAHAHA.} begins to laugh sadistically

Ryu:{Piece of sh… AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!} He starts to curse Greed, to only get interpreted by a piercing pain in his brain.

5 minutes later

Ryu: "Damn, that hurt, screw you, Greed! Well, on the positive side, I least know what to do from now on." He says as he walks outside the cave and takes out the boar he killed to dissects it for lunch. "Now, to start a fire to cook it and eat it for lunch."

2 hours later after dissecting the boar and cooking it for lunch

Ryu: "Finally finished with lunch. Well, time to start the Saitama workout. Then integrate the sword manual after the workout." He talks to himself to psyche himself up as he starts to work out in the snow.

By the time Ryu finished his workout. He was laying in the snow huffing and puffing, so he could get air inside his lungs. During the workout, he vomited 3 times due to the intensity of it. He put on his Jacket of Dragon king to recover faster.

5 minutes, after he was done with the workout

Ryu: {Integrate the sword manual.}


When Ryu started to integrate with the manual, he gritted his teeth and rolled around on the ground clutching his head since he was prepared this time. But even though he was ready, he still rolled around due to the pain being higher than integrating the other manuals.

10 minutes later

Ryu:{Phew I am finally done integrating with it. Well time to practice.} He grabbed his katana and started to swing his sword.

2 hours later

Ryu:{I am finally done with sword training} He then begins to eat dinner and go inside the cave to sleep to prepare for the next day.

I probably won't last that log in the mountain. Perhaps just for a chapter or at max 4 chapters.

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