
Traveling the Cosmos

A young man died in an unseemly way. As a result, he is trapped in the rift, which connects different realms. He is compensated with eight wishes and can travel to different worlds. He has always dreamed of doing this, and now he can. Let us see where his journey will take him through the multiverse. He is a selfish person that was a loner for most of his life.---I do not own any character except the main character. Don't expect this to be a great story. First time I have written a story.--- Also do not own cover-

aramirez0008 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Ch.4 Arrived!!!

Anthony:{Greed can I change my name.}

Greed:{Yes, you can host change your name but why would you want to change it.}

Anthony:{I want to change it because this journey will be about the new and improved me. You can change my name to Sora and call me Sora since I want to soar in the sky and be free. That is my wish}

Greed:{Affirmative Sora}

Sora:{Let's go to the cave where I can take shelter.}

1 hour later

Sora: "DAMN!!! I HAVE FINALLY ARRIVED AT THE CAVE!!!" I yelled as I got inside the cave.

Greed:{Congratulations you arrived at the cave.} He said with sarcasm in his voice.

Sora:{Greed, do you have a personality? I can feel the sarcasm when you talk?}

Greed:{Sora, what makes you think I have a personality is because I made you walk the extra mile. Since there was a cave closer to where we started. If that is so, then you are entirely correct. You thought I didn't have a personality. I got your greed, sarcasm and some of your playful nature which wasn't a lot trust me on that.} He said with a smug tone.

Sora:{BASTARD} He roared to Greed in his mind as veins popped on his forehead.

Greed:{I am a bastard, and since I am a bastard, you are also a bastard since I am made up of your personality stupid.} He said, like talking toward an idiot.

Sora:{Damn!!! Piece of… deep breath me, deep bre…} He gets interrupted by Greed

Greed:{You know I can hear you idiot.} Sora then ignores him with veins popping on his forehead.

10 minutes later

Sora:{Is there anything inside the cave}



Sora: "I have to look for material for a fire" {Greed where can I get dry firewood to start a fire .}

Greed:{I don't know, maybe from sticks on the ground, or if you are smarter. You can use the store function.}

Sora:{Oh, my bad, I forgot.} I blushed a bit. {show me the store function so I can buy what I need right now.}

Greed:{ I can, but can you afford the stuff. If you forgot you are broke!}

Sora:{ Don't I get a starter pack, and I got that package from God don't I???}

Greed:{Yeah good job wants me to open both the packages up}



-Ding Hidden quest unlock- Asking for a starter pack-

-Reward: Starter Pack… Open

10,000 Desire points

5 premium Gacha tickets

Hood of Children

-Package from God… Open-

1 Legendary Gacha ticket

100,000 Desire ticket

Elemental Manual

Uchiha Bloodline

Total Sword Art Manual

Sora: "Damn, I got some great things from opening the packages!" {Greed shows the descriptions for each item I got.}

Greed: {Hai Hai, your highness} he says toward Sora, as Sora gets annoyed again.


1 Legendary ticket -Gets a skill from world level at least

5 premium ticket- most likely to get sovereign skill

0 Rare-most likely to get hero skill

0 Common- most likely to get mortal skill

-Elemental manual (Divine Rank)

Able to change your energy nature to any element

-Jacket of God (God Rank)

Originates from the ??????? Realm. It was made by a God that was ignored by women so that God made this so he would get attention from women. He was able to get attention, but due to him misusing this item, it got taken away from that loser.

-Appearance- A black jacket with cat ears on the hood


Able to regenerate missing limbs

Intimate Aura: Make female more friendly to you

200% increase of stamina regeneration

100% increase in energy regeneration

Able to levitate and indestructible

-Side effects

Body changes to an 8-year-old

60% of Stats are locked


Pillow- The most comfortable pillow to have ever existed

Blanket- The blanket can change its temperature to fit your needs, so it is super comfortable.

-Elemental manual (Divine rank)

Able to change your energy into any type of element. For example fire,earth,water,space,wind. (Still doesn't know how to use the energy though.)

-Total Sword Art Manual (Divine rank)

A sword manual that teaches you the basics of every type of sword.


Novice- Only able to do the basic swordsmanship techniques. In other words, you suck.

Intermediate-Able to use swordsmanship with precision

Advance- Completely able to use sword techniques with a intent behind every movement

Mastery- mastered the sword and techniques they use can pressure the opponents to think that they are going to get cut

Transcendence- One with the sword. Everything is a sword for you, and you are no longer restricted to use only a sword.

-Uchiha Bloodline

The Uchiha are descendants of Indra Otsutsuki, the elder son of Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Through Indra, the Uchiha inherited Hagoromo's "eyes," granting them powerful spiritual energy and chakra. As part of the so-called "Curse of Hatred" first displayed by Indra, Uchiha is subject to powerful emotions. In essence, these emotions typically start as love for a friend or family member that then becomes overpowering hatred when the object of their desire is lost.

- Note from God,

I upgraded the bloodline so it can become more compatible with your future Bloodlines. Also, as a challenge, I didn't remove the negatives of the bloodline. As a result, you will also become more emotional. When you use the Mangekyo Sharingan techniques, you will become blind bit by bit with pain in your eyes. If you want to remove the negative side effects, you must have the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. You like challenges, so here is a challenge.

Good luck, From



How do you like the system? I gave it its own personality, no need to thank me.

Sora: "WHAT, DAMN!!! (He yells) Well, whatever, no use complaining now (sigh). Anyway, it just makes my life more interesting."{Greed gives me Jacket of God.}

Greed:{Yeah yeah} he says without a care in the world as he takes out the item and puts it on Sora as he turns smaller.

Sora: "Yeah, this is a nice jacket. Pillow and blanket form.} Sora commands the hood to change into a massive pillow and blanket that levitates 2 feet above the ground with a blanket folded on top of the pillow.

{Greed I am going to sleep will wake me up in the morning, or if something is going inside the cave}he says to greed as he moves the pillow and blanket to the back of the cave and falls asleep.

Greed:{Yeah} he says

I used inspiration from the author LittleApple for 'Hood of Children'. If anybody has a better description for the sword manual comment it so I can change it.

aramirez0008creators' thoughts