
Traveling the Cosmos

A young man died in an unseemly way. As a result, he is trapped in the rift, which connects different realms. He is compensated with eight wishes and can travel to different worlds. He has always dreamed of doing this, and now he can. Let us see where his journey will take him through the multiverse. He is a selfish person that was a loner for most of his life.---I do not own any character except the main character. Don't expect this to be a great story. First time I have written a story.--- Also do not own cover-

aramirez0008 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

CH.1 Help!!!

Above the universe in the void where you are able to see the stars and the light that radiates from it. Able to see the cosmos floating and moving through space. Stars exploding and form, moving from their original place due to the energy of the explosion.

In the Rift

A soul that stranded

MC: "???Where am I? Why can't I move?! HHHEEELLLLLPP!!!!! Somebody Help! AHHHHH!"

After 30 Minutes

"Let's calm down and think about my situation."

"The last thing that I remembered was that I left my house around 7:00PM, then I walked to the park that was a half-mile away from my house. I then sat at a bench at the park and started to use my phone to read manga and a new chapter of the light novel I was reading."

"I used my phone for around 20 minutes when I heard a boom, then I am here in this place that I will call the void."

"My 1st guess is that I died from that boom I heard, and this is the afterlife.

"2nd guess is that I am out of the cycle of reincarnation."

"3rd is that I am not going to Heaven or Hell for some reason."

"4th and the one I hope for is that I was killed by a GOD, and he might be able to reincarnate me in a world of my choosing for his mistake or something."

"If it is the last guess, I hope he/she will come any minute now so I can go to a world that I choose."

2 hours later


"Where the hell is he/she it has been like 2 hours shit."

"I might need to rethink my theories of where I am now."

"1st is that God forgot about me."

"2nd is that I am just here for some reason after I died."

"Damn, so what now"

"If this was an anime, manga, light novel, or Fan-Fic that I have read on my phone."

"Then, after I died, I got sent here by God, but GOD did not summon me here?!"

"If that is the case, then I am super … FUCKED!"

"Like FUCKED up really bad since I might not get a second chance to live !"

"Damn, I might just cry! OHH, no, here it comes."

aaaaaawwwww aaaaaaawwwwwwww(crying sounds)

5 minutes later

"Damn, I feel better!"

"In the fan-fics, somebody finds the person in the void eventually, so all I can do is hope they find me."

"Usually, there is something of energy in the surroundings, let's see if there is some here."

10 minutes later

"I am not able to move for some reason, so let's say the reason that I am not able to move is because the energy around me is so dense that it does not allow me to move as a soul."

"All I can do is try to move and hope the reason that I am not able to move is because the energy is too dense around me."

1 day later

"Damn, I am only able to move my fingers now."

"I am eventually going to go crazy if I don't think about something."

"The only thing I can do is think about the manga I have read, so I don't go crazy and try to have full control of my body."

"Damn those characters in those fan-fics can do so can I."

"I won't go crazy, and I will have full control of my body."