
Chapter 8 Railway Station (2/2)

Okay, I'll take it and thank my cousin. After I get settled at the place, I'll go to the villagers' houses to exchange some vegetables or something and send them to you."

"Okay, but you don't have to be brave if you can't change it, you hear me. Also, if you encounter an unreasonable person, I'm not afraid. I'll give him a beating or go to your brother Zhuang or your uncle Zhuang."

"Okay, I know, cousin."

At this time, Lu's father and Lu's mother also came back after shopping. They said hello and put the purchased things on the table.

"My dear daughter, I bought these for you to eat on the road, these are for you to use as snacks, and these cigarettes are for you as gifts. It will be easier to find someone to do things this way."

"Okay, thank you dad and thank you mom. By the way, here's my brother!"

"Your brother said something happened this morning, why haven't you come back yet?" I heard him as soon as he finished speaking.

"I'm back, parents, and little sister. Look, this is the hand cream I bought for you. There's nothing else in stock in the state-owned stores. When it's in stock, big brother will buy it and mail it to you."

"No need, brother, and I won't waste money. I'll tell you when it's gone, okay?"


After checking that the time was almost up, he picked up his luggage and got in the car, heading to the train station. People at home kept reminding him on the way, but Lu Ruiye didn't feel bothered at all.

But I feel warm in my heart. Before I came here, I didn't have any family to care about me. Now I have a family and I feel very good.

After saying that, they arrived at the train station. Lu Ruiye got off the car and saw that the station was crowded with people. The same family members of the educated youth who had gone to the countryside were all around them giving instructions.

When Lu Ruiye got out of the car, everyone looked at her. Cars are rare these days, so two cars came at once and everyone was curious.

Some of the eyes in the crowd were envious, some were jealous, and some had ulterior motives, but the moment they saw the guard, all thoughts stopped.